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Showing posts with label JCS Ornament 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JCS Ornament 2012. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ornament SAL - January Report

Silverlotous is hosting an Ornament SAL this year and if you're a regular reader you know for years now I've stitched at least one ornament a month, so this SAL is a cinch for me!  I couldn't not join in.

Instead of stitching one ornament this month... I've stitched quite a few!  All of these were part of my Crazy January Challenge.  I have a couple of more I haven't finished yet.  They'll be shown off for next month's SAL.

 Peace Pin Button by Jeannette Douglas
from the 2012 JCS Ornament Issue

 Merry Little Chirstmas Ornament by The Drawn thread

 Love Dove by JBW Designs

Flowers and Vines Dove by JBW Designs

Sunday, January 27, 2013

First WIPocalypse for 2013

Last night as I got home from stitching with Tracey and Leslie, I realized oh its a full moon!  I double checked my calendar and yes, its time for the first WIPocalypse Report of 2013.  This year there are themes involved but I'd like to stick with last year's format.  Its neat to see how much I can accomplish from one full moon to the next.

First of all I'd like to start with my non-Crazy Challenge pieces.

There is The Accolade, which I've gotten a lot done on recently, and yesterday I just finished a 4-day rotation on it.
December progress

Progress as of yesterday

Kathy's ABC Christmas Sampler
 December WIPocalypse

 January progress

In late December I started to put in a few lengths on The Big Red by The Sliver Lining, it was the one 2012 Crazy Challenge pieces I didn't finish... for obvious reasons I think!
The Big Red, barely started

Now onto my Crazy Challenge pieces for 2013

January 1st start... finished!  Maple Leaf by Alessandra Adelaide Needlework

January 2nd start... finished!  Cross Stitcher In Residence by Lizzie Kate

January 3rd start Winter Cottage by Michael Powell

January 4th start Tartan Thistle Scissorkeep

January 5th start ... finished (just finished this on Thursday) Love Dove by JBW Designs

January 6th start ... finished Flowers and Vines Dove by JBW Designs

January 7th start Dove of Birds by JWB (difficult to get a good picture)

January 8th start Merry Cats-Mas by The Chocolate Cat

January 9th start ... finished Peace Pin Button by Jeannette Douglas

January 10th start T'is Read by La-D-Da

January 11th start ... finished Merry Little Christmas Ornament by The Drawn Thread

January 12th start The Cat's Meyow by The Drawn Thread

January 13th start ... finished just today!  Heartstruck Quakers by Midnight Stitching

January 14th start Heartsturck Quakers by Midnight Stitching

January 15th start Tartan Thistle Needlecase

Wow!  I've done a lot since the last full moon!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

PhotoHunt "Celebrate" and Crazy Challenge Day 9 Start

Its Friday!  PhotoHunt Day!  This week's theme is "Celebrate"

I know this picture is a little out of season... but I didn't feel like digging through a lot of my pictures for today's post.  At the Chateau Laurier here in Ottawa they celebrate Christmas by decorating all of the public areas with Christmas trees that are sponsored by local businesses.  Each one decorated in its own unique theme.

Peace Pin Button
Just Cross Stitch 2012 Ornament Issue
Jeannette Douglas Designs
Stitched on 28ct Ametrine Cashel Linen from Silkweavers
Stitched with DMC

Day 9's start on Thursday was also a Happy Dance!  That evening I was contemplating just giving up on the Crazy Challenge, I wasn't feeling a new start.  I popped into my craft room and started poking through my pile of ornament working copies.  I came across this little beauty!  It only stitched up in under three hours!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ornament Exchanges

My fair readers will recall I've mentioned three ornament exchanges.  All three of my ornaments have arrived to their destinations!

Christmas Gift Sock Hop
Fresh Threads Studio - JCS Ornament Issue 2012

Cute beaded edge!

This first one was done with the Facebook Group Super Serial Starters and Divine Discipline Divas.  A few posts ago I shared with you what I received from this exchange, since then my ornament arrived!

Exchange from McKenna

I have also exchanged with McKenna, we agreed on a Fantasy themed ornament exchange.  Here's the wonderful parcel I received from her today.

Christmas Morning
Dragon Dreams from one of the JCS Ornament Issues (too lazy to go find out)

This cute Dragon Dreams design is what I sent her.

 HoHoHo In a Row
cLizzie Kate
Stitched on 28ct Butterfly Blue Lugana
Stitched with DMC

 I had the perfect fabric to go on the back!

My final exchange was with Shannon, her's is winging its way to me right now.  She received mine last week.  Here's what I sent her.  As soon as Shannon's arrive I'll be sure to share!