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Showing posts with label Hinzeit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hinzeit. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bittersweet Victory

Tonight's weigh in at Weight Watchers went well, I lost 2lbs this week! This meant that I could finally hand in the Doctor's note I got at the end of May but then my weight fluctuated so I couldn't hand it in. With tonight's loss I'm one pound below the number on my note, finally I could hand it in and go on maintenance.
Since March I've been playing with the same couple of pounds, never getting any lower, I've been 8lbs within my goal weight all this time. It was time to face the facts, that my body didn't want to get within the recommended weight range I was assigned by Weight Watchers.

So about 16 months later I'm 63lbs lighter (I was aiming for 70lbs but my body just won't go there), I'm in a size 8 whereas I was never this small as a teen, I'm healthy, and active. There is just so much more I can do now, my foot is pain free, I can walk for hours, I can run 10K, I have so much energy at Taekwon-Do. I couldn't ask for more.

Now I should recap this weekend on the road (again)! Friday after work I picked up Christin at the bus stop and hit the road. We arrived at her parents outside of Kingston in time for a healthy dinner. The evening was spent stitching where I finished this little gem (and watching movies since it was raining).

Red Threads Letter "V"
c2002 Rosewood Manor
Stitched on : 28ct Opalescent Lugana
Stitched with : Carries Creations Midnight

Saturday we made up for the walk we missed out on Friday night... well Christin and her Mom walked, I ran Curl Road. This road starts with a downhill, levels out for a short while then has a steep hill at the other end. So if do this road there and back, you end up going up TWO hills.

When we went out back to check out Mom's new garden we met this little fellow... Reggie 2 or is it Reggie 3 (garter snake)??? They thought they had one snake (aka : Reggie) it turns out they have at least 3.

We then ran into town quickly where I picked up two new tops (yay!) and we had ice cream for lunch (oh we're bad!!!). In the afternoon I had to take a nap! I was pooped, all this road tripping is catching up with me! The evening was wrapped up with another healthy dinner, a nice long walk, a visit with the neighbour, a piece of cake and Peanut M&M's (my weakness).

Sunday was our true stitchy day! Christin and I had to pack the car back up (after I went for a morning walk) and head to Beth's house... this month's hostess. I have to say that Beth is the BEST COOK EVER! You never leave her house unsatisfied and hungry! Lunch was fantastic, and dinner was divine! There was of course treats in between! Oh and someone who I shan't name (REBBECCA) brought the evil, evil Peanut M&M's. So when you get to the pictures you'll see the usual suspects, and we were pleasantly surprised by Adriana being in attendance! It is always a pleasure to see my favourite almost 93 year old stitcher!

Beatrice (Adriana's Daughter)
Rebbecca the evil Peanut M&M enabler!

I would share stocking progress with you but when I ran out of a shade of red I realized I made a STUPID MISTAKE! It wasn't a counting error... it was not reading the key, it should of been a blend instead of one colour. Needless to say my stitching time was spent frogging! See... I am human (most days a stitching super hero, but the odd day, I'm like the rest of you)!
I finally finished the finishing on Flip Flops... its ready to get packed in my suitcase! Yup, tomorrow night after having dinner with Kathy (mmmm fajitas!), I'm packing my BIG suitcase. Why the BIG suitcase, so I can take it half empty in case I come across any great clothing or stitching bargains. Thursday after work I'm driving down to Syracuse, N.Y. and Friday morning I'm off to Jacksonville, FLA. to go hug my best friend. I will have my laptop with me so I will be in touch.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Fun Happy Dance

Its been a busy couple of days for me with friends, comings and goings, and appointments. I've managed to grab what stitching time I could between my appointments, Takewon-Do and visiting with friends! Besides Monday's dinner with Kathy, Christin stayed for a sleep over Friday night after grocery shopping and dinner. We both spent the evening and part of this morning stitching. This afternoon we drove out to the other side of the city to meet a bunch of Christin's co-workers (and some of my past co-workers) for some pool followed by pizza. I had a great time, the group was an eclectic mix and everyone got along beautifully. Oh boy, that pizza was fantastic! I had been looking forward to that for ages! This week I had appointments with the massage therapist and the chiropractor... the back should be good for another month! I also made it into TKD three times this week! I've not trained this much in ages, especially during sparring week, because I always get my butt handed to me on a platter! LOL.

Tonight when I got home I was able to wrap up the project I had started last weekend. It is cute, colourful, and fun to stitch. This will be finished into a pillow for a friend of mine who loves to wear flip flops and I'm sure needs a bit of a care package!

Jelly Mini Block Flip Flops
c Hinzeit
Stitched on : 28ct Opalescent Lugana
Stitched with : DMC, GAST & WDW

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, I won't be doing a lot of stitching. I'm going to pick my Mum up and we're going to go see Star Trek and go out for lunch! I can't wait to see the new movie, its gotten nothing but good reviews. Maybe if I have some stitching time I'll start another ornament for this month.