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Showing posts with label Gitta's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gitta's. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Happy Dance Wednesday!!!!

I know its Wednesday which means its WIP Wednesday, but what's better than a HUGE Happy Dance instead?  Like a huge, epic, mega happy dance???!!!???

Last night around 10PM (and the internet was down) I put the FINAL stitches in on The Accolade!!!!!  If you look back to last week's post you'll see I kept my promise and did nothing but stitch Good Friday-Easter Monday!  My hands were actually sore by the end of Monday night.  It was hard to go to work on Tuesday morning knowing that I was a matter of hours away from finishing this long-term project!!!

The Accolade
by Timeless Designs
Stitched on: 25ct Lugana over one
Stitched with: DMC, Anchor and Kreinik #4 braid

I've gone back through my pictures and I put the first few stitches in this piece in 2006 and then I never touched it again until 2010.  In 2010 I took like 4 porgress pictures of it.  It wasn't until 2011 when I started to slowly work on this piece with more regularity.  Of course in the last 6-12 months I just started motoring along with it!

Doesn't it just look awesome?

What's next I don't know... I need to recover from my marathon sprint to the "finish line".  Also that makes an excellent additional blog post in a day or two!

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

WIPwednesday, B-Day Surprises and Arizona

Happy Wednesday stitching friends!  This week Wednesday finds me relatively cheerful as I have a 4-day weekend coming up so tomorrow is technically "Friday"

I'm trying to keep myself as engagement free this weekend as I can so I can stitch my heart out and my butt square!  I am finally seeing the home stretch on The Accolade!  I even took it into work today so I can stitch during my lunch hour!

I have finished page 11 and I'm moving nicely into page 12 on The Accolade.  I have absolutely no other stitching to show you this week... for obvious reasons!

Friday I celebrated my birthday.  This year I was spoiled by my friends and at work.  Lets just say there was almost too much cake!  I received two lovely stitchy surprises from stitching friends (as I always say the kindest, most generous people in the world).

My friend Janice happened to be popping into Stitcher's Garden on a trip back home.  I asked her to pick up two charts and a thread I couldn't get while I was at The Attic.  Janice gifted me with the March/Arpil Year In Chalk charts and a skein of GAST I was missing.  She also added a beautiful piece of 40ct linen!

Annette of the blog California Stitcher so kindly sent me this handmade birthday card, Ink Circles chart (which could only be gotten with a donation) and nice threads!  Thank you so much Annette!

Finally here's a few pictures I took while in SW Arizona a few weeks ago.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

WIP Wednesday a Day Late, The Attic and Stash!

Alrighty, I'm back and I'm done travelling for the foreseeable future... as far as I know!  Where to start... stitching, my trip to The Attic in the Phoenix area or my new stash???

I think I'll get the stitching part out of the way first.

Before I left for my March Break trip to visit with Kathy in Southwestern
 Yule: Winter Solstice
The Primitive Hare
stitched on 40ct linen with DMC 

Arizona I started and finished my March Ornament.  I pulled out yet another freebie that I've had set aside to stitch.  Since life was so busy it was easiest to stitch up something that wasn't too big or complicated.

During my week in Arizona I focused solely on Cirque des Carreaux by Ink Circles.  I am very impressed with the progress I managed to make in a week. I've finished page one and there's not left to go on page 2.

Of course who doesn't want to see The Accolade?

Now onto the FUN, FUN, FUN stuff!!!  I do have other pictures from my trip, but not to overload you right now I just want to share my trip to The Attic!

Kathy and I set out for a little road trip during the last days of my visit with her.  We stole the car and drove the 3 hours up to the Phoenix area where we met up with Terri who was so kind to put us up overnight.  I had first met Terri years ago during my first trip to visit Kathy in Arizona, but at that time she was living in California and I was flying in and out of San Diego.  It was so nice to reconnect with Terri!

Later that afternoon she too us to her LNS, and one with quite a reputation, The Attic!  No wonder, look at this shop!  Its big and every nook and cranny is filled with models and charts to look through.

Terri stitching away

Not only were we able to shop to our hearts content (and boy I did some serious dammage), but it was stitch night too!  I must admit I couldn't really settle down to any stitching, I was too distracted by the shopping!

Me & Chris

While I was puttering around the store I had the best surprise on Earth!  I hear my name and I turn around, it was Chris of the blog Tot Hill Farm Stitches!  Oh my goodness!  What are the chances we would be not only in the same State (as you know I'm up here in freezing, cold Canada), but the same City, or even that we managed to be in the same store on the same day at the same time!  It was just so nice to get to meet Chris!  I sure hope our paths will cross again in the future... or maybe we need to arrange that, Chris?

As you can see I did very well at The Attic... lots of charts, fistfuls of floss, and some fabric.

During my first days at Kathy's she finished up the stitching on the Chatelaine, Desert Mandala!  During the rest of our stitching time she was madly beading away.  As you can see that's how she wisely spent her time at The Attic (though I do know she made a few purchases).  Terri and I were there to witness her full on, Happy Dance!!!!  Here it is in all its glory.

Then on the drive back South, I told Kathy we needed a picture of her in the desert with the cactus and her Mandala.  So here she is!  We found the perfect Saguaro to accompany Kathy and her Desert Mandala.

I had an amazing week with Kathy and I got to spend some time with a lot of fantastic people!  I wish every March Break could be like that!

Monday, March 09, 2015

A Long Awaited Stitchy Post - WIP Wednesday A Day Early

Have you missed my WIP Wednesday posts?  Have you missed my stitching... have you missed me?

The week leading up to this year's DR Experience trip was beyond hectic!  I was trying to get so much done before I left.  Not just my home life, but my work life, and of course the kids! I should of gotten stitching pictures up last week, but well there's recovering from said trip.

 I don't get a lot of stitching done during my DR Trips, but I did have a new start that I worked on during my flights.  I did more stitching during my return flight than I did on the way down.  That might of had something to do with the fact that I had to be up before 3am to be at the airport for 4am!  My new travel project (not to be confused with purse project) is Ink Circles, Cirque Des Carreaux.  Like the previous two in the series I've stitched this one is also on 32ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean, the floss is ThreadWorx "foxy".  This project will be getting A LOT of needle time this Saturday, while I fly down to Yuma, Arizona for my March Break trip to visit Kathy!  I've got about 12 hours of travel time between flights and layovers, lots of stitching time!  We've got a trip to The Attic planned, I can't wait!

Green + White
by Bent Creek
Stitched on: 32ct white lugana
Stitched with WDW & Crescent Colours

Before I left I had a little happy dance!  Its another seasonal small, this time for St. Patrick's Day.  Of course there's no time to actually get it finished finished to be on display in time for this years St. Paddy's Day.

Heart Of Flake
Freebie by Madame la Fée
Stitched on 32ct Raging Storm Belfast Linen
Stitched with ThreadWorx 1124

After my return I had another happy dance, this piece is my February ornament which I started shortly before leaving for the DR.  I want to try to get back to stitching at least one ornament a month.  Besides this sudden need I have this year to stitch seasonal smalls.  I quite like this little heart I stitched up.

Before I picked The Accolade back up upon my return, I put a few stitches into Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  As usual his pieces are so enjoyable to stitch!  The only reason I decided to pick this up is because I couldn't get fabric sorted for my March ornament so I kinda gave up for a bit.  I wasn't feeling an ornament at the time anyhow.  I finally got my ornament sorted today, you'll see it in a near future post.

I'm sure you're dying to see how The Accolade is coming along, slowly but surely.  I've found myself more distracted than focused in the last week and a half.  I hope when all of my travel is done, I'll be able to buckle down and happy dance this BAP!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday my wonderful readers!

 I am counting the days to my 2015 Dominican Experience trip, this year will be my 6th.  I think this long, cold, dreary and all around crappy winter has gotten me down and I can't wait to get some real sunshine!  The beach is probably not the most appropriate picture the trip is so much... but its white sands, palm treas and azure ocean that keeps me going!  I leave a week Saturday!  Cirque Des Coeurs is READY to go!

Tic-Tac-Love - Freebie
Simply Chic Needlearts
stitched on: Porcelain Linen from Silkweaver
stitched with: DMC & GAST

I'm still whipping up the seasonal smalls!  This past weekend saw the finish of Tic-Tac-Love, it took me a bit to decide what colour beads I wanted to use to mark "tic-tac-toe"!  There was a choice between clear with an ab finish, pearl, or this dark rose that I picked in the end.  I didn't have any of the Crescent Colours the chart called for so I used Ecru, and from my GAST collection Coral Bells, Tea Rose and Evergreen.  I'm so happy with how these colours came together on the fabric!

My next seasonal small start is Green + White by Bent Creek... and this one I have all of the necessary floss in my stash!

Finally... Page 10 is finished on The Accolade!!!  As you can see I've moved into page 11, the 2nd to last page!  I didn't think I'd ever see the day.

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

WIP Wednesday - The First February Edition

Welcome to my first February Edition of WIP Wednesday!!!

Winter here continues to be pretty brutal.  If its not been colder than -20c with windchills in the -30c then its been snow, blowing snow, snow drifts and black ice.  I've had enough and I'm counting the days until I head out on this year's Dominican Experience Trip ... 16 DAYS!  Not to mention in 37 days I'll be heading Arizona!!!  Neither trip can come soon enough.

So after my Sleep Study just a few weeks ago, I was back in the hospital today.  This time for a Day Study, in a day study you're still all hooked up to wires and stuff.  In a Day Study you're told to take a 15 minute nap, if you're not asleep in 15 minutes they come in and get you out of bed, or as soon as you fall asleep they set the clock for a fresh 15 minutes before coming to wake you up.  You get to sit up, watch movies ... I stitched for about two hours before its time for another nap.  This is done four times.

I kitted up another freebie for my future seasonal basket of smalls.  I'm still working on the Valentine's Day/Hearts/Love theme.  This will be the last one before I move onto St. Patrick's Day.  I worked on this while at the hospital today.  I didn't have any of the colours the chart called for so I pulled my own.  The border wasn't supposed to be green at all, it called for Crescent Colours Bamboo which was a brown-ish colour.  I really like the green MUCH better.

The Primitive Hare
Stitched on: 28ct Tropical Pink Linen
Stitched with: Threadworx 1124

Last week I showed you my start on a freebie by Primitive Hare, I finished it on Sunday during the Superbowl.  Actually I stitched most of it during the Superbowl, not that I was really watching anyhow.  I embellished it with a pink heart button on the stitched heart.  I love how this turned out with my "outrageous" pink fabric!  I think I'm going to need to do some finishing soon!

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: 32ct Natural Linen
Stitched with: Carrie's Creations Holly Days

After I finished Valentine I pulled out another Red Threads motif to stitch up.  I got a fair amount of it done in the last quarter of the Superbowl and finished it up the other day.  I love using the little motifs (and there's a great alphabet too!) on the charts for those long, narrow strips of fabric I used to just throw away.  Its also great for using up that last bit of a skien of a specialty fiber.  I hate throwing things out, but I also hate holding onto things hoping that someday I might come up with something to do with it.

Finally, what you REALLY came here to see... The Accolade!  I'm still drowning in grey!  I'm still not done page 10, but I've got two more rows of 10 by 10 to go!  So hopefully this time next week you'll see the start of page 11!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Last WIP Wednesday for January

Can you believe we're almost through the first month of 2015?  Its gone by so fast!

Since my last stitchy post I've had a couple of small finishes and made progress on a couple of WIPs.  First, the finishes.

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: 32ct Natural Linen
Stitched with NPI silk

After I finished blogging last week it was a little late in the evening to pull out The Accolade.  So I pulled out my "purse project" and finished that!  How many of you keep something small in your purse?  I never go anywhere without some stitching, you just never know.  I've noticed the last couple of years, while waiting places I pull out my phone more than my stitching.  I'm trying to make more of an effort lately to pull out my stitching instead of my phone when I have free moments.  Of course its always a battle between my stitching and my Instagram addiction (you can find me there as tkd_chick).  These little motifs from the Red Threads chart by Rosewood Manor are perfect for "purse projects"!  I just love the combination of this red silk on natural linen.

Love Never Fails
The Primitive Hare
Stitched on mystery 28ct fabric
Stitched with Glorianna Silks

Remember last week I mentioned I had the urge to work on some seasonal smalls?  Well I gave in!  I started and finished this adorable freebie by The Primitive Hare.

Then I might of started another freebie from the same website this week as well.  This is a small start on Valentine by The Primitive Hare.  I polled my Instagram followers to see if I was crazy with my fabric and thread choice but I got so many positive comments and likes I went with it!  As I say the instant gratification you get from social media is addictive!  Also when you're looking for a quick bit of input its almost instant!

Now, the piece you've been waiting to see... The Accolade.  I'm still plugging away on page 10, I'm currently experiencing the stitching version of 50 Shades of Grey, sadly this is no where near as titillating.  Its a struggle to stay motivated when you're just stitching many shades of the same colour and no real image is emerging.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

WIP Wednesday on a Thursday

If you were looking last night or today for my WIP Wednesday post, I'm sorry it wasn't there for you.  Last night I had an appointment at the sleep clinic at the hospital.  If you've ever had one you'll know how fun it isn't to try to sleep with wires and stuff all over your head, face, and even your legs!  Then the nerve of them to wake you up and kick you out at 5:30am!!

 As you can see, it wasn't a pretty sight last night!  Once all of that stuff was off in the morning, it was a worse sight as I had this gunk all over my head that was like vaseline but thicker to attach the wires to my head!

The Accolade didn't receive as much attention as it should of this last week.  I was away at one of my little B&B Retreats this past weekend!  Since stitching over one isn't the most ideal thing to do at a stitchy weekend I left the Accolade at home!

 Stitchers Joy
Prarie Moon - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 2010
Stitched on Midas Touch Opalescent Linen from Silkweavers
Stitched with Sulky thread

Saturday morning I finished up this ornament that I shared with you last week.  It turned out great I love the combination of the gold fabric and brick red floss.

For the rest of the weekend my Alessandra Adelaide Peacock came out to play.  Christin was working on hers as well!  Mine is on the left and hers is on the right.

As you can see once I got home I made a little more progress on it, but I was a good girl and once Monday rolled around I packed it away again to work on The Accolade.

Hopefully this weekend The Accolade will get my full attention but for some reason I keep getting tempted to stitch some seasonal smalls!!!!  I haven't broken down... yet.