Alrighty, I'm back and I'm done travelling for the foreseeable future... as far as I know! Where to start... stitching, my trip to The Attic in the Phoenix area or my new stash???
I think I'll get the stitching part out of the way first.
Before I left for my March Break trip to visit with
Kathy in Southwestern
Yule: Winter Solstice
The Primitive Hare
stitched on 40ct linen with DMC
Arizona I started and finished my March Ornament. I pulled out yet another freebie that I've had set aside to stitch. Since life was so busy it was easiest to stitch up something that wasn't too big or complicated.
During my week in Arizona I focused solely on Cirque des Carreaux by Ink Circles. I am very impressed with the progress I managed to make in a week. I've finished page one and there's not left to go on page 2.
Of course who doesn't want to see The Accolade?
Now onto the FUN, FUN, FUN stuff!!! I do have other pictures from my trip, but not to overload you right now I just want to share my trip to The Attic!
Kathy and I set out for a little road trip during the last days of my visit with her. We stole the car and drove the 3 hours up to the Phoenix area where we met up with Terri who was so kind to put us up overnight. I had first met Terri years ago during my first trip to visit Kathy in Arizona, but at that time she was living in California and I was flying in and out of San Diego. It was so nice to reconnect with Terri!
Later that afternoon she too us to her LNS, and one with quite a reputation, The Attic! No wonder, look at this shop! Its big and every nook and cranny is filled with models and charts to look through.
Terri stitching away
Not only were we able to shop to our hearts content (and boy I did some serious dammage), but it was stitch night too! I must admit I couldn't really settle down to any stitching, I was too distracted by the shopping!
Me & Chris
While I was puttering around the store I had the best surprise on Earth! I hear my name and I turn around, it was
Chris of the blog Tot Hill Farm Stitches! Oh my goodness! What are the chances we would be not only in the same State (as you know I'm up here in freezing, cold Canada), but the same City, or even that we managed to be in the same store on the same day at the same time! It was just so nice to get to meet Chris! I sure hope our paths will cross again in the future... or maybe we need to arrange that, Chris?
As you can see I did very well at The Attic... lots of charts, fistfuls of floss, and some fabric.
During my first days at Kathy's she finished up the stitching on the Chatelaine, Desert Mandala! During the rest of our stitching time she was madly beading away. As you can see that's how she wisely spent her time at The Attic (though I do know she made a few purchases). Terri and I were there to witness her full on, Happy Dance!!!! Here it is in all its glory.
Then on the drive back South, I told Kathy we needed a picture of her in the desert with the cactus and her Mandala. So here she is! We found the perfect Saguaro to accompany Kathy and her Desert Mandala.
I had an amazing week with Kathy and I got to spend some time with a lot of fantastic people! I wish every March Break could be like that!