Christmas Delights
c Janice Hubble The Cat's Whiskers
December 2007 Gift of Stitching Magazine
Stitched on : 28ct Raspberry Joblean
Stitched with : DMC cotton
I'm still working away on my exchange piece. I've finished off the cross stitching on the first piece and will hopefully put it togheter tomorrwo. Then I'll start the next piece to go with it.
Well I've still got my cold, I'm either stuffy or I've got the sniffles. I'm not feeling too bad though. I wasn't surprised at tonight's weigh in, my weight stayed the same this past week. I couldn't expect any more than that with taking a week off from exercising. But as you know I've been right back at it. Tonight I spent two hours at the dojang, I did a one hour TKD class followed by a 50 minut Cardio TaeBox class. Tomorrow, its back to the gym... weather permitting we've got a snow storm coming overnight.
I guess I confused a lot of people saying yesterday's photo was a tulip. Well honestly it was! I was so taken by the face and the contours tha artist had put into the tulip, that I never took a picutre of the whole thing! Otherwise I would share that with you today.