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Showing posts with label Framing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Framing. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

Special Gifts for Special Friends

Last May my oldest friend Andrew and his fiancee Yan had a little girl.  In the fall I stitched up a little something for their daughter Chelsey's room.  The last time I saw them in September, when they got married nither it or their wedding sampler were complete (life you know).  Earlier this week I had a chance to meet up with Andrew for dinner when he was in town for the day.  I made sure both pieces were framed and ready to go to him.

French Country Bear - JBW Designs

Two Shall Be As One - My Big Toe Designs

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Photo Hunt & Crazy Challenge Day 6

First up, its PhotoHunt day (for real) and today's theme is "Bling".  It was a bit tricky to find the right shot, in the end this is what stood out the most.

This image isn't "bling-y" itself, but this mosaic certainly depicts bling.  This is one of the mosaics on the floor of the Cathedral at St. Anne-de-Beaupre just outside of Quebec City.  Why it was there, and exactly what it represents I'm not sure.  However, a treasure chest full of gold and money certainly is bling.

Ink Circles Seasonal Mandalas - Winter, Spring, Summer
40ct Linen


Yesterday for day six of the Crazy Challenge I started Summer on my Ink Circles Seasonal Mandalas, with the fabric already gridded and ready to go!  What a different that made, I didn't make one mistake or counting error!  I'll definitely be continuing the griding on for my last season, Autumn.

 JBW French Country Bear for Chelsey

 Me & Chelsey this September

JBW French Country Bear for Logan

Logan with "SantaBlaskie" in December

Not only did I stitch yesterday, but I did some framing.  I finally picked up a couple of ready-made frames at Michael's earlier this week.  Yesterday I took the time to stretch and pop these pieces into their new frames and they look great!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wedding Row All Framed Up

I haven't done any framing in ages!  Wedding Row proved to be a breeze to frame!  The frame went together beautifully without giving me any headaches, and the stretching went so smoothly.  No tweaking and playing with it for hours on end to get things straight and even.

Wedding Row by Bent Creek

Frame detail

I'll be giving it to the bride and groom tonight.

CD, all the purple netting done now onto the blue netting

Here's were CD stands.  I was hoping for a nice long stitching marathon last night, well I was wrong I was in bed by 8pm (which is very unlike me!).  Oh well, all of my chores and stuff are done I've got until mid afternoon to stitch before I have to get ready to go.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

July's Ornament

Ahhhh... what a wonderful day! I'd like to think that the sun and warmth came out just for me!!! Of course it would I'm on vacation! Unfortunately Hunter (brat cat) wouldn't let me sleep in this morning. It was lovely to have the house to myself, I walked up street to the General Store where I pick up my mail... enjoying the sunshine (which has been sorely lacking all summer). Fingers crossed this weather will continue while Mum and I are in the Adirondacks!

I had a good stitchy day, by lunchtime I finished up my July ornament. It was nice to have an HD so early in the day!

Spring Bouquet - Sheep
c1991 Jill Siegler
Mill Hill kit

I have spent a fair amount of the day working on my dragon as well (who will have a name tomorrow I promise!). Since I have an HD to share, I'll save a progress picture for tomorrow. I had an alarming moment this evening when I realized I've almost run out of the dark blue Kreinik braid for my dragon!!! However after a little MSN messenger session with Christin she's going to give me some of hers since she's not to that point yet with her dragon, Slow Poke. So tomorrow morning I'll meet her in town, to make the trip worthwhile I think we're going to try to see Batman in theaters.

Earlier this week I finished up a framing job for a friend of mine. She picked it up last night so I can share this with you.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

All Done!

I can tell you, I have been recuperating the last couple of days! I haven't been ill, just recovering from the crazy two months I've had!
As I mentioned before I wrapped up last weekend with three more framing jobs. Now that they've been received I feel free to share them with you.

I framed three school letters for graduates, they all look the same.

I also framed this print for a staff member.

I currently have five more framing jobs waiting to be done. One I will finish this week, two I will get done before July is out and two due in August.

I don't think I shared with you Tuesday's weigh in results did I? Well this past week I had a loss of 3lbs! Wahootie, this means I hit 25lbs lost (total of 27lbs now) I got my 25lbs ring to put on my WW key chain. This past week has been full of food and drinks, I've been making the best choices I could while not being left out. So if I don't see a loss I won't be surprised. I won't be able to weigh in on Tuesday as its Canada Day, I might go on Wednesday or I might just leave it this week. We'll see (I'll probably go on Wed.).

Wednesday night I had my last photography class, we celebrated by cutting out early and going for drinks. That's my way of celebrating! I ended up staying until 11:30pm which means I didn't get home or in bed until after midnight... oops!

Thursday was the last day at work for all the teachers. Honestly, I didn't get much done that day work-wise. There was the year end liturgy and staff meeting, then lunch where I was invited to a teacher's house for lunch (that was nice!). The secretaries and myself were off a little early to go get manicures and pedicures, to use the gift certificates we got at Christmastime. I really enjoyed that! We were all there together, there was adult beverages and plenty of fruit and cheese. After our manicures and pedicures we were off to the end of year staff party. I stayed there until 10:30pm so it was another late night!

Friday was a lovely day at work... I was left alone! Also the secretaries and I went out to a nearby restaurant for lunch which we had received a gift certificate for from one of the staff. After work I headed out to Lynn's house where we stitched the evening away and I spent the night. It was so nice to be able to finally sit down and stitch and not be thinking about all the other things that had to be done!

On Saturday afternoon after I got home... I crashed! I laid down for a nap around 4-5pm... I didn't get up until 8am today! Whew! I guess I needed that sleep?

Today has been so productive! This morning I finished stitching up my squares for round 7 of Fair and Square. Of course I can't share until they've been received! I followed that by finishing Sally's little gift... which I can't share just yet. Then off to do the groceries... my fridge was bare! Back home to work on my June ornament, take a nap and to finish said ornament... which I can share with you!
Charmed Mitten Ornament MHCM10
c1998 Mill Hill by Mary Jurgens-Jones
Stitched on perforated paper with DMC floss and Mill Hill beads

I've pulled my Double Flip-Its back out and I look forward to wrapping up that project! I only have four words to go!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick Update

Hi everyone! Busy times again, I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped this weekend, oh well I'll have to make up for that this week.

I finished one framing job (out of 5 I bought supplies for on Saturday). Another grad composite.

I've been stitching where I can find the time, here's Robyn's RR. Not much longer and it'll be in the mail!
Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm not sure how I did this past week, my eating was a little bit all over the map. I did pretty well in terms of following the healthy guidelines and eating my points, but I've had weeks where I've eaten better. I just wrapped up at 30-Day trial at Curves, and I have to say very happy with the results. Between diet and exercise, in a month I've lost about 5lbs, 1% of my body fat, and about 7 inches! I would of liked to have continued with a Curves membership but I can get a better deal on a membership at Goodlife through a corporate plan. So my next step, checking out Goodlife. I've got someone I met through work (a supply teacher) who has her personal trainer's certificate and is willing to put together a plan for me.
I'm looking forward to the end of June and its not far away! This means my life will calm down... photography class will be over, the framing demands will slow down (I hope), and I might be caught up with my deadline stitching. Oh what a dream!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Good news, after my weight staying the same last week I had a three pound loss this week! Wahootie! I've now lost 24lbs!

Now that my framing jobs (so far there's more in the next week or two) have been delivered and received I'll share them.

I did one of this black and white photo of a watercolour of a building.

I also did up three school letters just like this one.

Next on my framing agenda is yet another grad composite and 3 school letters withoutht he plaques.
I put in another hour and a bit on Robyn's RR I'll probably treat you to an updated pic on Thursday night.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Framing, Ornament, and Tour Oh My!

Well my drive into work wasn't as horrendous as I had feared it would be, but the board did call a snow day so it was nice and quiet at work!

The first thing I did when I got home tonight was finish up that framing job. Boy, this one was a lot of work! But you know what it looks great! Framed with a simple black frame, and mounted on a black suede mat. It looks sexy!

Once the framing job was finished I finally got to sit down and stitch. I finished up my second Victoria Sampler ornament. I have to say these Beyond Cross Stitch kits are great! They're pretty easy to stitch up and a cool way to learn new stitches. This kit taught me how to do a spider web rose in silk ribbon. I'm pretty pleased with myself over this one!

Christmas Rose
c2000 Thea Duek - Victoria Sampler
Stitched on 25ct White Lugana
Using : DMC floss & perle cotton, #4 kreinik, mill hill beads, silk ribbon

I also got in about an hour and a half in on Tour Des Marques! Wow two weeks in a row, almost a record for me.

Tomorrow when I get home I'll start ornamentification, then the big decision will be what to stitch on next... another ornament? Christmas Elf Fairy? Hmmmm....

Here are some photo's from the snow storm's aftermath. Pretty isn't it?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Really? Canada Post Managed What?

Last week on the 21st I sent out three parcels, two to the US and one to Australia. There was Heather's Neighbourhood RR to go out (US), my very late Blogaversary gift for Julie (US), and my Needle and Thread Ornament Exchange (AUS). Wouldn't you believe that they all arrived at their destinations within the last 24 hours? How did Canada Post manage that? Sometimes it takes forever!

So now, onto the items I can show you! First Julie's Blogaversary gift!


Internet Freebie (don't remember where I got it from)

Stitched one over one on 28ct White Jubilee

Next Alison's Ornament

Christmas Stocking
c1999 DMC
Design By Barbara Jackson
Stitched on 27ct Linen with DMC Cotton & Metallics

Back in 1999 DMC were putting out a line of annual ornament kits. Well it turned out that this idea only lasted two years. Which is such a shame. I have to say I'm impressed with myself over the finishing of this one... its a fully lined, functional stocking!

I've not really stitched much tonight. I think its half because I had stuff to do (framing jobs) and half because I couldn't settle down. I don't think I stitched more than an hour! Oh the horror of it all! I'm sure I'll make up for it over the weekend!

Here are the fruits of my labours from the last few nights. I'm sure my client will be pleased with them!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Final Weekend Progress

Boo hoo, the weened is over! I wish it was Friday night and I had the whole weekend in front of me to stitch. Deep down in my heart I am a one at a time kida girl. Yes I know that sounds just a little naughty... I mean I like to focus on one stitching project at a time. I feel like I get so much further with it when I just work on that one project. I think The Castle is a prime example of this. Barely a month ago I was just about 1/2 way done this project, now I'm into the final 1/4 and honestly its the page with the least stitching! Here's where I am at the end of this weekend.

Hannah, yes I do my own custom framing. Initially I learnt for myself (now I do framing for friends and co-workers), I was tired of paying a fortune to get the smallest piece framed! Did you know that the average framer's mark-up is 300% ?!? I have a really great supplier within a 15 minute drive, the staff there now knows me by first name, I do enjoy stopping in to pick moldings and mats. Whenever I have a question or I want to talk over how I'm going to do what I'm visualizing they're happy to help, I mean I'm no competition for them. Their main business is wholesaling but they have a busy custom framing business as well. Hannah if you're interested in seeing some of the framing I've done check out this post from earlier this year. I've framed stitching, photographs, watercolours, oil paintings, a baby's first outfit. You can get very creative with framing.
By the way I'm a huge procrastinator when it comes to framing stuff for myself.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Catchup Post No. 1

Hello Blog readers! Wow! Its been a week... sorry for the gap in blogging life has been so busy!

Where did I leave off... last Tuesday I think? I meant to share with you my new roof! The previous week while I was on holidays we had a new aluminum shingle roof put on and it looks fantastic! The bonus is... we never have to re-roof again!
Dosen't it look great?

Up tunil Friday night I hadn't stitched since last Monday! OMG what's wrong with me! I did try to stitch on Tuesday night, started Von's RR. I wasn't really feeling that great... ended up ripping out what I started! So I'll start over again today! I don't know why I do it over and over, stitching when I feel a headache/migraine coming on. I always rip out what I attempt to do.

Wednesday was SUPER busy! I spent from the moment I got home until 11:30 pm cutting and building frames... five of them! Thursday was much of the same... after all the running around I had to do and picking up Christin for Friday's road trip I finished up those framing jobs and cooked up a huge batch of chili that took me until 1am!

Here's one of the two pieces I did for my friend Marj

And the second piece for Marj.
This is one of my pieces, Sweetheart Tree's Sunflower on Gingham

A second of my pieces, Midi Mystery 1 from Chatelaine which I was going to surprise my friend Beatrice with as a gift for her! The last time I saw her she saw this piece and sighed and drooled over it. I enjoyed stitching it but never fell in love with the piece so I thought what better than to give it to someone who did!

My final framed piece, my first finish ever. I had this framed years ago and was quite appaled to discover what they had done to it! So a few years ago I stole it from my Mum and promised to return it, re-framed. I finally got around to it! Now I know its done right.
So this is where I'm going to leave you for the moment... I'll pick up next post with my Brighton Retreat report!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Its About Time... Framing!

Back in December of 2003 I finished Peacock Tapestry by Teresa Wentzler. Its one of those pieces, that's truly a labour of love because its such a pain in the ass to stitch! It has a million blends, quarter stitches, and lots of confetti! I was determined to stitch it for my new (at the time) house. So I did.

I had a good idea it would cost me two arms and a leg to have it stitched... so it sat in my bag of finished un-finished projects. And it sat, and it sat. Until this year! Christin was a real sweetie and as an early Christmas present she had PT stretched for me at our LNS. Then again, it sat and it sat. Waiting for me go get some molding and frame it.

Saturday we both had to go out to my supplier to get some stuff framed up before Christmas (actually my stuff were for people at work, not anything I had made). Christin had a couple of Christmas pressies. While I was there I finally picked out something for PT. I had decided that the piece was ornate enough that it really didn't need mats or a fancy frame. Most of the PT's that I've seen framed over the years have been "over done" with a million mats and ornate gold frames. I knew I wanted a simple line in a nice dark wood. The first corner sample I pulled off of the wall was what I came home with.

Today I put the frame together... it did give me a little grief... actually I had a bit of a hissy fit... put everything away and went and took a shower. But its done now and it looks fantastic hanging above my bed! I am so happy I went simple!

Peacock Tapestry is a perfect example of how expensive custom framing can be. A couple of years ago I took it to a framing shop and had them put together an estimate for me to get this framed... I was looking at about $450.00 to get my poor PT framed. What did this weekend's framing adventure cost me??? Well the stretching was a gift.. and even if I had paid for it, the stretching was only $60.00. The 9ft length of molding that I bought... that cost $20.25! So in total to frame my PT that cost $80.25! It leads me to ask why the markup is so high if you go to a professional custom framer?

I haven't really had time to stitch this weekend, but I will shortly...