Yes, you read it right! This is my Stitch Of The Union Address... what I didn't get done in 2012, how it progressed and what I'm thinking for this year!!
In 2012....
I finished 40 projects! Two of the 40 were large finishes, being Enchantment of Winter and Seasonal Mandalas, the other 38 were a combination of ornaments, small pieces, and exchanges.
2012 January 1st SAL
I participated in my annual January 1st SAL which has become a tradition with my stitching friends and myself. Some years its just a few of us, and some years everyone gets on the boat! Last year it was Ink Circles Seasonal Mandalas, this year its Alessandra Adelaide Designs Leaf.
2013 January 1st SAL
Last year I, for the first time I participated in the January Crazy Challenge, that's 15 new projects in 15 days. The true challenge is to finish all 15 projects by the end of the year. I ALMOST managed that! I started 14 projects that I KNEW I would finish, but one I wouldn't. That was The Big Red by The Silver Lining. I just wanted to get this piece started so that I would get to work on it "soon". I'm attempting the Crazy Challenge again this year. Unfortunately this year I'm not as organized as last year. Last year I picked, planned, and purchased supplies for all 15 projects. This year I'm going to work from my stash, and what I feel like/have time to start. Also all 15 are going to be smaller projects.
The Crazy Challenge that got away in 2012, the one I didn't finish
I have several projects that I did not manage to finish during 2012... In no paicular order, here they are where they stood at the beginning of 2012 and again at the end.
Kahty's ABC Christmas Sampler when I first got it
As of the end of December 2012
The Accolade as of February 2012
The Accolade as of the end of December 2012
Cirque des Circles when I started it fall 2012
Latest progress on Cirque des Circles
The Big Red, not touched since January of 2012
Finally here's Crazy Challenge Day 1 - AAN's Leaf, I took a bit of a creative jump with the fabric. My hopes is that my leaf look like its lying on the top of a leaf strewn lawn! What do you think of my fabric choice?
AAN's Leaf - January 1st SAL and Crazy Start #1