Then on Wednesday I got to spend the afternoon and evening with my best friend Claire (and her hubby Patrick who I adore as well)! She and I have been the best of friends since grade 10 and no matter where life has taken us (her) we've always somehow managed to keep in touch. I think I'll be looking at a flight down to Jacksonville Florida this summer to spend a good couple of days with her!
When Christin and I met up on Tuesday it wasn't only to spend time with Kathy but we finally exchanged Christmas gifts. I was finally able to give her the gorgeous flower frog I've been holding onto for months to her (for her scissors of course)! Of course did I think to get a picture of it? Nope! Christin got me these cool racks (2 of them) for my ever growing ribbon collection! Now I have room for more! I've put them together but I'm now waiting for Todd to put them up on the wall for me... but I may have to take things into my own hands and attempt to mount them on the wall myself!
I have been stitching this week, more than I have in a very long time which has been nice. I'm actually seeing progress on The Accolade! Working on a 10x10 block every day before I pick up my main project has really been working for me.
Fingers crossed, I may get the Air Spirit finished on Art Deco Spirits, before the year is out!!! We'll see as there are just hours left to the year.
Late Wednesday night I was stitching and I had Cuddles at my feet, and Hunter on the back of my chair! Super cute!!!