More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Showing posts with label Birth Samplers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth Samplers. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Belated April TUSAL

Oh boy, I've let the ball drop again!  I owe you a TUSAL report for April 29th.

So here's my jar... see all that gold?  That's from TW's Birth Announcement!

Speaking of, here's my progress pre-weekend!  Its moving along now, but I've got so much backstitching I'm going to have to get caught up on!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

IHSW and Ornament SAL All Wrapped Into One!

This past weekend was the IHSW (International Hermit and Stitch Weekend), I didn't hermit this past Saturday but I did get together with my friends Rebecca and Mylene we did some finishing AND stitching!  Julie, the lucky girl is off to a retreat in Myrtle Beach next month and she wanted to take with her for an exchange a biscornu and a flat fold.  She wanted my help to guide her through the finishing process.  To take advantage of a little finishing time, because as some people would put it, I lack "finisitive", I took one piece with me to Julie's to finish into a flat fold.

We had a VERY productive day!  Julie's flat fold and biscornu turned out beautifully and I finished up this little cutie, Lizzie*Kate's 2010 Snowman which has been sitting in my "finished bin" since 2012 (I'm afraid to admit, but I have much older pieces in there).  I'm just so how pleased with how he turned out!

French Country Teddy Bear
JBW Designs c2011
Stitched on 28ct Bluebell Joblean
Stitched with Caron Waterlillies Dark Shadows

After our little finishing frenzy, our stitching came out.  I started this little guy on Saturday and finished him up on Sunday.  Once I put name, date and weight on him, he'll become a baby sampler for a friend.  This JBW makes for a great and quick baby piece.

Flowers and Vines Dove - Christmas Doves I
JBW Designs c2012
Stitched on 28ct Black Lugana
Stitched with DMC B5200

Sunday night I finished up yet another JBW, this time another of my Doves that I've been working on all year.  That was 5 down, and 1 to go. 

French Country Dove - Christmas Doves II
JBW Designs c2012
Stitched on 28ct Black Lugana
Stitched with DMC B5200

Last night, I finished up the very last Dove!  As lovely as the Doves are I'm happy to see them done!  This set will become ornaments, Christmas gifts this year.  Sorry these doves just don't photograph well in artifical light.

So there we go, IHSW and Ornament SAL all in one post!