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Showing posts with label Bent Creek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bent Creek. Show all posts

Monday, March 09, 2015

A Long Awaited Stitchy Post - WIP Wednesday A Day Early

Have you missed my WIP Wednesday posts?  Have you missed my stitching... have you missed me?

The week leading up to this year's DR Experience trip was beyond hectic!  I was trying to get so much done before I left.  Not just my home life, but my work life, and of course the kids! I should of gotten stitching pictures up last week, but well there's recovering from said trip.

 I don't get a lot of stitching done during my DR Trips, but I did have a new start that I worked on during my flights.  I did more stitching during my return flight than I did on the way down.  That might of had something to do with the fact that I had to be up before 3am to be at the airport for 4am!  My new travel project (not to be confused with purse project) is Ink Circles, Cirque Des Carreaux.  Like the previous two in the series I've stitched this one is also on 32ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean, the floss is ThreadWorx "foxy".  This project will be getting A LOT of needle time this Saturday, while I fly down to Yuma, Arizona for my March Break trip to visit Kathy!  I've got about 12 hours of travel time between flights and layovers, lots of stitching time!  We've got a trip to The Attic planned, I can't wait!

Green + White
by Bent Creek
Stitched on: 32ct white lugana
Stitched with WDW & Crescent Colours

Before I left I had a little happy dance!  Its another seasonal small, this time for St. Patrick's Day.  Of course there's no time to actually get it finished finished to be on display in time for this years St. Paddy's Day.

Heart Of Flake
Freebie by Madame la Fée
Stitched on 32ct Raging Storm Belfast Linen
Stitched with ThreadWorx 1124

After my return I had another happy dance, this piece is my February ornament which I started shortly before leaving for the DR.  I want to try to get back to stitching at least one ornament a month.  Besides this sudden need I have this year to stitch seasonal smalls.  I quite like this little heart I stitched up.

Before I picked The Accolade back up upon my return, I put a few stitches into Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  As usual his pieces are so enjoyable to stitch!  The only reason I decided to pick this up is because I couldn't get fabric sorted for my March ornament so I kinda gave up for a bit.  I wasn't feeling an ornament at the time anyhow.  I finally got my ornament sorted today, you'll see it in a near future post.

I'm sure you're dying to see how The Accolade is coming along, slowly but surely.  I've found myself more distracted than focused in the last week and a half.  I hope when all of my travel is done, I'll be able to buckle down and happy dance this BAP!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday my wonderful readers!

 I am counting the days to my 2015 Dominican Experience trip, this year will be my 6th.  I think this long, cold, dreary and all around crappy winter has gotten me down and I can't wait to get some real sunshine!  The beach is probably not the most appropriate picture the trip is so much... but its white sands, palm treas and azure ocean that keeps me going!  I leave a week Saturday!  Cirque Des Coeurs is READY to go!

Tic-Tac-Love - Freebie
Simply Chic Needlearts
stitched on: Porcelain Linen from Silkweaver
stitched with: DMC & GAST

I'm still whipping up the seasonal smalls!  This past weekend saw the finish of Tic-Tac-Love, it took me a bit to decide what colour beads I wanted to use to mark "tic-tac-toe"!  There was a choice between clear with an ab finish, pearl, or this dark rose that I picked in the end.  I didn't have any of the Crescent Colours the chart called for so I used Ecru, and from my GAST collection Coral Bells, Tea Rose and Evergreen.  I'm so happy with how these colours came together on the fabric!

My next seasonal small start is Green + White by Bent Creek... and this one I have all of the necessary floss in my stash!

Finally... Page 10 is finished on The Accolade!!!  As you can see I've moved into page 11, the 2nd to last page!  I didn't think I'd ever see the day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Long Awaited Happy Dance

This is a long awaited Happy Dance!  Every New Year's Day a group of my "local" (Eastern Ontario) stitching friends and I start a new project and its always a stitch-a-long.  Sometimes its a paticular chart, sometimes a specific designer, and every now and then a theme.  We have a get together every Labour Day long weekend at Kathy's and this is where we discuss/decide/dictate what the SAL piece is going to be on New Year's Day.

 Stitching Row
c2010 Bent Creek
Stitched on: 28ct Moon Princess Jubilee
Stitched with: GAST, Carrie's Creations, WDW, and Kreinik

On January 1, 2014 many of the members of the "Travelling Stitcherhood" as we have dubbed ourselves started Bent Creek's Stitching Row.  I of course then got wrapped up in other projects and ignored it until this past weekend where I managed to finish it very quickly!

I just love this piece and I had so much fun picking custom colours for this one as Bent Creek's version was just so ... ahem... my apologies... dull!

I of course needed to bling it up and the swirls were perfect for that!  I also love the touch of Krenik I used to sew on the button for the letter "O".

There's so many great little stitching details on this piece, from skeins of floss, needle and thread, and a lovely pair of scissors with a cute strawberry fob.  I also stitched the letter "D" in a different colour from the most of the letters for my first name "Danielle"

If you're thinking about stitching this piece, pull out the chart, don't be afraid to play with your stash of threads and be creative!  Though everyone accuses me of being a fast stitcher it is a great quick stitch!  When framed this is going to look great on my wall of stitching related pieces!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wipocalypse 2014

Besides getting caught up on my PhotoHunts you really haven't heard from me at all this month!  January is almost over and its been an exhausting month physically and psychologically!  I've alternated between not being able to sleep/sleep through the night the first few weeks of the month to now barely being able to stay awake!  Friday night I laid down for a bit at about 5PM I didn't get up until 7:30AM!

I have been stitching when I've had the energy to, but lets get caught up on all of the blogging activities I decided to take part in this year!  The first thing I've missed is the first Wipocalypse of the year!  This month it took place on January 16th!

With this first Wipocalypse we are to introduce ourselves, our projects and our goals for the year.

The Stitcher:
Most recent picture of myself

I'm know by my friends and the stitching community as Dani, I'm in my late 30's.  I am a Library Technician in a High School which I've been working at for 12 years now.  I live with my partner Todd and our two cats Hunter and Zeus, no kids.

My first finish - started in grade 8 (1988ish) finished 1997

My Mum first taught me how to cross stitch when I was around 12-13 years old when "Santa" left a little cross stitch kit in my stocking.  That first project, was a disaster!  I started another project as a teen in middle school but I never finished it until I was an adult, when I was unemployed for a few months in 1997.  Since that time, I've never stopped.  I've been stitching for 17 years now... wow!

I started blogging in September of 2003, that's 11 years now.  I like to think that I'm one of the early Stitching Bloggers.  I'm hoping to keep blogging for many years as long as the ability exists and the audience is still there.

Through stitching and blogging many wonderful people have come into my life.  I am very grateful for what stitching and the online communities have brought into my life.

The Projects:

 The Accolade (NOT a HEAD)
Started in 2006 most of the work has been done in 2012/13
Almost done pages 1-7 of 12
Stitched one over one on 25ct lugana

 Arabian Woman - Lanarte Kit
Started November 2013

 Prarie Schooler - Christmas Favorites
Started January 2014

 Camelot Mini Samper - Teresa Wentzler
Started January 2014

 Mini River Cottage - Michael Powell Kit
Started January 2014

 The Big Red - The Sivler Lining
Started January 2012 - barely touched since
One over one on 25ct Lugana

 The Fortunate Traveller - Teresa Wentzler
Started May 1 2014
Combination of over two and over one on 28ct

 Stitching Row - Bent Creek
Started January 2014

Three Little Miads - Heritage Stitchcraft
Started January 2014
Goals for 2014:
  • Finish all of my January Crazy Challenge Starts
  • Finish The Accolade
  • Finish borders and story on Fortunate Traveller
  • Make progress on Big Red
  • Stitch and finish a minimum of 12 ornaments

And there you have it... the first WIPocalypse of 2014

Sunday, January 05, 2014

January Crazy Challenge Day 4

Not as productive day on Day 4 of the challenge.  I took advantage of the warming temperatures (from almost -40c with the windchill up to -5c) and got out for a few hours, did a little shopping... got some groceries in the house since I'm back to work on Monday.  Then a nap was in order, it appears that bout of insomnia has caught up with me.

So today's new start, another Bent Creek design, small and I should of been able to finish it up in a day but I honestly didn't start it until the dinner hour, then there was that two hour nap...  Anyhow, here's Tall Snowman today's start.

I did also manage to do the finishing on one more ornament.  I couldn't tell you what this design is or where I got it.  It has been sitting in my finishing bin for quite awhile!  But I do love how it turned out.

Saturday, January 04, 2014

January Crazy Challenge Day 3

I must say I've had very good third day of the January Crazy Challenge.  Actually I had a very productive day!

 Cardinal Tweet
c2013 Just Nan

I had a bad case of insomnia so I had my first finish of 2014, not only a finish but a finished finish! If I had realized I had so little left to do, I would of finished this cutie sooner!

Wear a Smile
Stitched on 28ct African Daisy Joblean
Stitched with: Carrie's Creation Wildberry Breeze and Sassy & GAST Mediterranean Sea

Today's start also turned into my second finish of 2014!  Though I actually stitched this on the recommended fabric, I totally changed the floss 100% and added some beads from my Mum's stash that I inherited.  The colours in this picture are not quite true due to the light I took it under.

Somehow today my finishative mojo kicked in and I did the finishing on quite a few ornamehts I had waiting to be ornamentified.

Bent Creek's Glad Tidings

Daffycat's Reindeer

Rudolph Cross Stitcher Magazine Feebie

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ready... Set....

Not quite GO just yet!

For many years now I've had the tradition of starting a new project on New Year's Day. Slowly over the years my stitching friends have joined me and it's become an group event and we either agree on a project that we're all going to start or a theme.

This year's chart that we agreed upon was one that I picked up when I visited Stitcher's Garden back at the end of July. I had flown to Charleston SC out of Syracuse, NY and on my return is landed early enough that I had time to FINALLY stop at the LNS in Syracuse!

The stop was made extra special when Melinda and Erin (fellow bloggers) took time out of their busy day to meet me there! I can assure you I think I heard my Visa whimper a little! It's a great shop and I'm looking forward to going back at some point.

Anyhow, I digress.... The chart we agreed upon is Bent Creek's Stitching Row! For some reason this was a new to us chart though we discovered the design is about 2-3 years old. It so flew under my radar or I would of bought it ages ago!

Now I have to say in usual Bent Creek style the colours are.... Unremarkable. So I spend a good hour in my craft room (yes be jealous I have a whole room for my stash!), pulling out my 28ct fabrics I've got so much the drawer is about to spew all over the floor. Once I narrowed down the fabrics to 3 I played with fibres and narrowed it down to a piece of old Sugar Maple Fabrics I got years ago. The colour is called Moon Princess, love the mottling on this piece. Now the purples I've selected are for the letters, silver for the swirls, of course as I start stitching I may need to revise my choices as I go.

Of course now that this is all kitted up... I REALLY want to start it, but I'll restrain myself, New Year's is almost here!

Hunter was just looking so adorable today.....

- thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Late Ornament SAL Post

I'm a couple of days late with my Ornament SAL update post!  I should of posted on Wednesday... but I didn't.  I don't have a lot of ornaments to report this month, but something is better than nothing right?

First up is Glad Tidings by Bent Creek, Sally was kind enough to pass the chart onto me, it was a lovely stitch!

Finally of course there is my adorable Just Nan Barnabee in Bloom!

Some of you were a little confused by my last PhotoHunt entry and the meaning of the word "Quaggy".  I didn't look it up, but I since have due to the confusion.  Quaggy means marshy/swamp, the waterlily in my photo was in a swampy area.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

May WIPocalypse

Its that time in the moon-cycle again, time for the WIPocalypse.  I've not done one since the beginning of April so I have no true comparisons for you from the last one.  I've pretty much just been working on Kathy's ABC Christmas Sampler and I stitched one ornament.

So no surprises in when I'm going to show you here!

 My May ornament, Glad Tidings by Bent Creek

Kathy's ABC Christmas Sampler up to the letter S completed.

After I finished the letter "S" for Santa I have taken a break for a few days, and I'm working on a small!  If I don't waste a lot of time today, I should have a wee, adorable happy dance to share with you!

Monday, May 13, 2013

May Ornament

This weekend between going out to the movies twice, spending time on Saturday with my Mum and Sunday with the in-laws I did manage some stitching time.  I had hoped to finish this up on Sunday, but there wasn't enough time.  So I wrapped up my ornament tonight!

Glad Tidings
c2003 Bent Creek
Stitched on: 40ct Raw Linen
Stitched with: DMC

I just love how this piece turned out!  Its small enough on 40ct to make me happy, I find I don't like large ornaments anymore.  I love things small and delicate.  I did have any of the WDW or GAST necessary to stitch this piece so I used the suggested DMCs instead.  In all honesty I didn't loose anything by stitching this up in standard colours.

Sally gifted this chart to me, and asked if I could please pass it on when I was done with it.  So here it is!  If you'd like to stitch up this lovely piece, and agree to pass it on you have one week (until May 20th) to leave a comment to express your interest.

When starting this piece I made use of the birthday gift I received from Bonnie.  This year my birthday seems to keep going, as I've received a couple of belated gifts (supply/mail delays).  Bonnie got me this great stitch starter/ruler that comes in a cute kitty case!  I knew the ornament was going to be 3x3 so I used it to figure out top center where I wanted to start!  I did also have another new start on May 1st and this came in oh so handy!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wedding Row All Framed Up

I haven't done any framing in ages!  Wedding Row proved to be a breeze to frame!  The frame went together beautifully without giving me any headaches, and the stretching went so smoothly.  No tweaking and playing with it for hours on end to get things straight and even.

Wedding Row by Bent Creek

Frame detail

I'll be giving it to the bride and groom tonight.

CD, all the purple netting done now onto the blue netting

Here's were CD stands.  I was hoping for a nice long stitching marathon last night, well I was wrong I was in bed by 8pm (which is very unlike me!).  Oh well, all of my chores and stuff are done I've got until mid afternoon to stitch before I have to get ready to go.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Adventures of the Travelling Stitcherhood

I had a wonderful stitchy weekend!  Back during our last two Timberhouse Retreats Sheila started talking about having us all out to Georgian Bay (an amazing part of Ontario!) for a stitching weekend, this weekend it became a reality.

Matilda and our hostess Sheila meet for the first time

Christin and I drove down to Brighton and hooked up with part of the weekend's group.  We got into the car with Beatrice and Kathy from there we met up with Barb, Judie, and Angie and started our secondary highway tour to the Georgian Bay area.  For the first time (like ever) I wasn't a driver!  It was a gorgeous, leisurely drive with a nice lunch break!  At our lunch stop at JUST Eddie's we officially named our group the Travelling Stitcherhood and that we had to have t-shirts made up.  As the weekend went on we decided our group needed a motto : Stitch.Eat.Sleep.  From the motto it moved onto a mission statement : Resistance is Futile.  Then by the end of the weekend we all had nick names!  I am now officially the Dragon Lady!

The Travelling Stitcherhood
Back L to R Trista, Bonnie, Christin, Angie, Rebbecca
Middle L to R Barb, Ann, Sylvia, Judie, Clare
Front L to R Me, Kathy, Beatrice, Sheila

The House

The Cottage

Wonderful ponds just off of the house deck

Luckily the frogs stayed in the pond... all weekend!

In the end once everyone arrived we were 14 stitchers in total!  In attendance were : me, Christin, Kathy, Beatrice, Barb, Angie, Judie, Ann, Sheila, Clare, Sylvia, Rebbecca, Bonnie, and Trista.  Sheila has an amazing home and cottage on her property on the shores of Lake Huron (one of the Great Lakes).  There was plenty of room for everyone and we all had beds too!  Some stayed in the house and some stayed in the cottage.  Not only was her home beautiful, the grounds were lovely, and the view amazing!  It was hard to keep focused on all the stitching we needed to do when nature was dazzling us each time we looked up.

The Amazing View of Georgian Bay

Judie and Beatrice settling in to stitch on the deck

Plenty of seats outside

Christin and Beatrice stitching in Sheila's huge sun room

Matilda made the trip as well, she's hoping the weather will clear for us

The weather didn't exactly co-operate for being outdoors and enjoying mother nature, but on the other hand we were there to stitch!  We certainly accomplished that!

Angie working hard

Over the weekend I managed to finish up Jason's Wedding sampler in under two weeks!

Wedding Row
c2006 Bent Creek
Stitched on : 28ct Wichelt Dried Time Joblean
Stitched with : DMC

Then Celestial Dragon Came out to play

During the drive home CD was a little too complicated so Art Deco Spirits got some love.

Matilda supervised, making sure we all were focused on our stitching

Checking out the cool stuff online with Kathy

Sheila's dog Molly cuddling up with Trista for a snooze

We were all sad to leave, but Sheila's husband treated me to a ride on his Spider (3 wheeled motorcycle, two wheels in front one in rear) which really brightened my day and made leaving all that more harder!

I can't wait to go and visit Sheila and Jim again!

Oh boy it was hard to come back to the real world when there's heaven on Earth!