Happy New Year to all my friends and family!

I've started off the New Year the same way as many other years... here was the ort jar at the end of 2009....
I'm looking to at 2010 with lots of optimism, I think there is a good year ahead of me, but then a year can only be as good as we make it. I intend to have a great year! I've already got a few things lined up that I'm looking forward to this year. First is my trip to the Dominican Republic at the beginning of March. I won't be staying at a resort, but going with students from work, where we'll be participating in the Dominican Experience, billeted with families and seeing the 3rd world country side of the D.R. About a week after my return from the D.R. is the March Timberhouse retreat. Followed by the Billy Talent concert near the end of March and Nicleback in April. Much to look forward to already!
I've started off the New Year the same way as many other years... here was the ort jar at the end of 2009....
I'd like to do a quick review of my highlights of 2009, from this standpoint I know I had a good year.
- Right Foot is now pain free
- Saw Claire 3 times
- Saw my first Space Shuttle launch
- Stitching Get Togehters and Retreats
- Great Concerts
- Lifetime at Weight Watchers achieved
- Raised over $900 for Breast Cancer Research
- Completed Run For The Cure 5K in under 30min.
- Ran 10K
- Helicopter ride
- Received 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-Do
My last project for 2009 was not Lettres A Mon Chat as I had hoped, but an ornament instead.
c2009 Alchemy Stitchcraft
Stitched on : 32ct Natural linen
Stitched with : GAST and Mill Hill Beads
My first finish for 2010 is Lettres A Mon Chat
Lettres A Mon Chat (clickable)
c2006 Isabelle Vauthier
Stitched on : 28ct Vintage Red Linen
Stitched with : DMC & Silk n' Colors
My second (yes you read it right!) finish and first ornament for 2010 is
Celtic Ice (kit)
c2008 Ink Circles
Stitched on : 28ct Windowpane Linen
Stithced with : Carrie's Threads
You could almost count the above project as my new start for 2010, I started it this morning before Todd and I left Rebbecca's after I finished Lettres a Mon Chat. We rung in the New Year the same way for the last three years, with a visit to Rebbecca and her family's home. Its a low key New Year, with a great meal, stitching, and movies! This year we were having such an enjoyable time we stayed two days!
This year instead of starting a new big project on New Year's Day, I have decided to finish what I've got on the go in my stitching basket (but I reserve the right to change my mind and start a new project at any time). I've even taken pictures... admitting to everything that's lurking in there! I dare you to admit to your started and yet not finished projects!
Celestial Dragon by Teresa Wentzler
The Accolade by Gitta's

Something I'm going to try this year which appealed to me is to take a photo a day. Heidi mentioned this on her blog and the idea sounds cool. I don't know if I'm going to actually be able to do this but I'd like to. Above is my photo for January 1st, Rebecca's boys being silly (a little young for gang signs don't you think) for the camera. My picture for January 2nd could be any of the above stitching pictures or my ort jar!
Various class pieces from past Creativ Festivals and odd small projects
Something I'm going to try this year which appealed to me is to take a photo a day. Heidi mentioned this on her blog and the idea sounds cool. I don't know if I'm going to actually be able to do this but I'd like to. Above is my photo for January 1st, Rebecca's boys being silly (a little young for gang signs don't you think) for the camera. My picture for January 2nd could be any of the above stitching pictures or my ort jar!
In my mind I had originally planned a deeper and more eloquent New Year post, but its late and I wanted to get something up here before another day went by, so this will have to do!