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Showing posts with label tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorials. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No More French Knots!

I've seen a lot of discussion lately primarily on Facebook about French Knots and how they are the Devil.  Actually just how difficult they are, that they're never consistent, flop around or pull right through your fabric.  Many, many, many years ago (like 2001 or so) I took a class from Jennifer Aikman-Smith of Dragon Dreams and she taught us how to make Colonial Knots.  Since then I've never looked back!

I know some of you out there have actually mastered the French Knot and I envy you and you're a stitching Goddess (God).  For the rest of us, this knot is just easier.  I do sometimes replace with beads cause that bit of bling is nice... but some designs just call for the rustic look of a knot.

I found out about this video (thanks Bonnie) by Jennifer teaching this technique and I wanted to share it with you.  If you have trouble with French Knots check this out.  Or ask your stitching friends, at your LNS or other stitchers.  I know someone out there will be more than happy to sit down with you and teach you.  I've done it many times over the years!  I once even sat down and taught Teresa Wentzler, the Queen of Blended Threads (and quarter stitches)!

Here's a closeup of the Colonial Knots I did on my latest Happy Dance, Summer Garden.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Ort Box Tutorial

Some time ago I shared with you pictures of ort boxes I had made to give to my stitchy friends.  Many of you asked via my comments where you could find the instructions.  They were given to me by my good stitchy friend Kathy who also talked me through making my first one.  Since I've finally got the time I thought I'd put together a step-by-step photo tutorial for you.  If a step seems unclear please don't hesitate to contact me and I'll make the adjustments to these instructions as soon as possible.

Supplies needed: Wallpaper border or wallpaper, ruler, scissors, pencil and glue stick
 Cut a piece of wallpaper border 10 inches long

 Cut your 10 inch piece 6 inches wide, you should now have a piece 10 inches by 6 inches

 With your pencil mark horizontal and vertical lines every two inches on the good side of the paper

 Wallpaper border marked with 2 inch by 2 inch squares

Fold along horizontal lines

Fold along vertical lines

Cut slits along bottom where indicated by dark black lines.  Cut slits on right hand side where indicated by dark lines.  Cut out 2 inch by 2 inch square in top right hand corner marked "cut out".  Consider where this square is cut out the "top" of the paper.

This is how your paper should appear after slits have been cut and corner has been cut out

Fold your paper diagonally corner to corner of each of the 2 inch by 2 inch boxes you drew on the paper in one direction as show (top two rows only not the bottom flaps)

Fold your paper diagonally corner to corner of each of the 2 inch by 2 inch boxes you drew on the paper in the opposite direction (top two rows only not the bottom flaps)

Your paper should look like this after you've done all of the diagonal folds each 2 inch by 2 inch box should have an "X" inside it

You're now ready to start constructing the box.  At this point top and bottom become very important.

 Fold the bottom right hand corner back

Glue it to the flap it folds behind

Just to be obvious ;-)

Your piece should look like this from behind when flap is glued down this will be the inside bottom of your box

Flip your paper back over it should now look like this

Fold the top row over so that the wrong sides are touching

The back should look like this

The flap on the far right hand side, it is the tab you will tuck in to make the box

Fold to fashion a square/box

Tuck the tab in between the two layers of paper

Tucking tab in between two layers of paper

Sometimes the tab doesn't fit in evenly/snugly this is why I don't glue it right away

If necessary trim a little off of the tab

Tab now fits in nicely

 Unfold your box and on the back side put glue in the top right hand box and the one below it, this will secure the tab and keep the box together when you re-fold your box.

Re-fold your box, inserting the tab where you put glue, put a little pressure with your fingers on the area where you slid in the tab to make it stick!

 Locate the one flap on the bottom that has the good side of the paper on both sides (the other three will be one side only, you glued this earlier on)

 Put glue on the outside of the flap you just located (that has the wallpaper pattern on both sides)

 Fold down the double sided flap you just put glue on

 Fold a flap on top of the glued, double sided flap.  Apply pressure with your fingers to make sure it gets glued down

Now put glue on top of the flap you just folded down

Fold another flap down on top of the glue

 Glue the flap you just folded down, again use your fingers to put pressure so it sticks

Fold the last flap down, and use your fingers to put pressure so it all sticks together!  Look, its a box!

 Turn your box right-side up

The diagonal lines you folded earlier will aid in collapsing the ort box.  The first time your box may need a little persuading/forcing to collapse.

 There you go, a collapsed ort box, from now on it'll be a lot easier to collapse its just the first time that's tricky!

Congratulations!  You've done it, you've made a collapsible ort box!