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Natasha from TirAmisu design is here to share
another tutorial how I created this page using
my collection LIKE A SNOWFLAKE

The main picture
is from @Pinterest
1. I slightly adjusted the red color of the tram in the picture to match the palette of the
collection using Hue/Saturation tool (CTRL+U).
Then I placed the piture over background art paper #6. Set the blend mode to Darken.
And I removed everything I considered necessary around the edges 
using soft brush Eraser Tool.
2. Then I changed the opacity to 70% to make some blended effect. 

3. I added the picture one more time using Out Of Bonds frame #2.
4. After I started to play with art transfers. I moved them, duplicated some of them and
rotated 90 degrees until I liked the result.
I tried to arrange transfers so that they would highlight
the main picture and lead all the attention to it. I used transfer #2, #3b, #4.
5. Then added art brushes #9, #11. I selected the colors using the Eyedropper tool
choosing the most dark colors from the main picture, this always gives a very good
result, highlighting the picture and making it the main focus of the page.
6. I completed the layout by adding a ready for use overlay#5 and Word art #2.
For the color of the word art, I selected the color from the main picture using Eyedropper tool,
but I made it a little darker and less saturated.

7. And at the end, I’ll show you a little secret, I often use it to make the layout more complete and to highlight the photos.
After you have merged your layers, carefully use Burn Tool (soft brush, opasity 50%, middletones)
 along the edges of the page to make some vingetting effect.
But very careful, just a little bit!
That's all!
I hope you like this tutorial and noticed that you don't have
to put in too much effort to get an artsy layout.
I try to create all my designs, adding as many ready-made solutions as possible
so that creativity and scrapping brings only pleasure,
inspiration and positive emotions.
I will be happy to see your pages in the PBP gallery.​


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  Hello, Natasha from TirAmisu design is here. Today I want to show how you can create beautiful artistic page in few quick steps  using my new   ART Box No.9 I choose the picture from @Pinterest,  because I like the festive atmosphere of the picture. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a mention of the author. 1. I placed the picture on the paper #7 and removed everything I considered necessary  using an Eraser Tool with a standard soft round brush.   2 . I duplicated the picture and set the Blend Mode to Screen and  slightly adjusted colors of the the picture to match the palette of the collection using   Hue/Saturation tool (CTRL+U). 3. After I started to play with art transfers. I moved them,  duplicated some of them and rotated 90 degrees until I liked the result. I tried to place the transfers so that they would draw all the attention to the main picture and made it shine. I mostly placed dark colors  underneath the picture and used transfers #1a, #1b, and #2. 4. I added some

FREEBIE, $2 Commercial Use treats,iDSD sale 40%

Here's the preview of the free template, that I prepared for you. WARNING:  DOWNLOAD LINK IS INSPIRED For the preview layout I used my FROSTY BREATH collection And don't forget to check my ART PAGE TUTORIAL- HOW TO CREATE THE"OUTPUT OF THE FRAME" EFFECT LAYOUT. Thank you, Tiramisu design


Hi,  today I want to show how you can create beautiful artistic page in seven quick steps using our collections. You will see, that it is very easy, because we have a lot of ready for use well coordinated and harmoniously combined elements.  For this page I used me newest collection "LETTER FROM PARADISE" STEP 1 I choosed art paper and opened it in Photoshop SC5 (you can use any programm, that you like)  STEP 2 I added the orchid flower to the paper STEP 3 I added a shadow to my flower (you can see all settings on the picture) STEP 4 Now I'm going to show you little lifehack how to create a beautiful and complicated "Out Of Bounds" effect using 2 layers of one element. I opened a frame. And made a copie of it. I put one  OVER  the layer with flower and one  UNDER . I choosed a layer with the frame  OVER  the flower. After I erased  the frame (where it was needed to my opinion ). And you can see how beautifu