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Сообщения за август, 2012

{ new pro photographers goodies, 20%off coupon code }

       NEWSAUG20 (valid till 02.09.2012 )          Photos for previews are courtesy of Patrycja Baczkowska-Photography www.patrycjabaczkowska.com  and Iwona Baldyga Photography http://www.iwonabaldyga.pl Best wishes Tiramisu design 

{ " Deal Of The Day " customer appreciation week at the @PBP, every day one of my product 50% off }

  TODAY   "Happy Boysday"kit 50% off   Whish you all the best Tiramisu design 

{ new "Pink Latte" collection only just $1 USD (20-23 August) }

                Layouts by Stellamarie, Irenchen and Dida Best wishes Tiramisu design 

{LAST DAY OF SALE!! Only 12 hours left! freebie }

  And a traditional monthly  exclusive freebie for my Facebook friends Christmas holidays are always a hot times for photographers, so you need to prepare everything in advance. I hope this marketing banner will help you to introduce your Christmas propositions for your clients.     gorgeous photos courtesy of Iwona Baldyga Photography Wish you all the best Tiramisu design 

{ CU sale 45% off }

All my CU products are 45% off for 3 days.    Wish you all the best Tiramisu design 

{ LAST DAY!!v40% all my Etsy store and all photobook templates at @PBP, freebie}

  And a traditional monthly  exclusive freebie for my Facebook friends Christmas holidays are always a hot times for photographers, so you need to prepare everything in advance. I hope this marketing banner will help you to introduce your Christmas propositions for your clients.     gorgeous photos courtesy of Iwona Baldyga Photography Wish you all the best Tiramisu design 

{ store wild 40% sale at @Pickleberrypop }

{ new from my Etsy store, freebie }

         Wish you all the best! Tiramisu design