Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Last Minute Gift Ideas!

Its that time of the year where your freaking out because you realized you forgot to get a sibling or a best friend a present! Well, I have some ideas to help you all out!

For the Best Friend:
Bath and Body ScentBug with Two Fragrance Oils, Refill Packs, Fuzzy Socks, and Body Lotion

For the Caring Sister:

Sephora Brand Scent Sampler: Now this is a really cool gift, the recipent gets 10 samples of Sephora's number one selling scents. Then there is a gift voucher inside that allows them to pick out one favorite of those 10 and get a full sized bottle.

For a Loving Mother:

Lady Gaga's New Cd (The Fame Monster) and Burt's Bees Polka Dot Mani Pedi Gift Set &

For the Brother:

Axe Body Kit and $15 itunes giftcard

For The Boyfriend:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 or Assasins Creed 2

Who's Got Holiday Spirit?

Hey guys, I know I've been majorly slacking. Its that time of the year where I don't post that often. Its always when all the Holiday madness starts I just don't have time to blog! I feel really bad because I know I have readers! Its just I think about blogging and then something else occupies my mind! Also, it doesn't help the fact that my laptop needs maintenance! Anyway, I'm going to attempt to start blogging again when I can. I want it to feel more like a leisure activity than a chore. So, I hope everyone is excited for Christmas! I just wanted to share a few ways I show Holiday Spirit!

  • When getting your nails done or doing your own nails, instead of a classic white french tip get a silver french tip. It works for any of the Holidays! Plus, it fits right in with the Winter atmosphere.
  • In the morning when your doing your make-up, try to use warmer colors that fit the Holiday spirit. This can really brighten your face when the Weathers cold outside.
  • When I make coffee, hot coco, or tea I like to take a Peppermint Candy Cane and using it as a stirring stick instead of a spoon, it gives it a great flavor!
  • Try a daring red lipstick instead of your classic gloss. Just make sure when doing a bright lip that you don't wear a dramatic eye at the same time. This can be way to over powering.

I know this is a useless blog post, but I thought it would be fun! Now, I want all of YOU guys to tell me, how do you show Holiday spirit?

Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Resolutions.

So this year I'm actually making New Year's Resolutions. I'm going to try to keep them too! Here are mine:

  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise at lease every other day
  • Be more eco-friendly.
  • Buy more products that don't test on animals
I'll probably think of more later but I can't right now! Tell me what your resolutions are! Here's a good link for some you can make that you can keep! Click here.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 8, 2008

When the weather outside is frightful...

Go inside and snuggle up with a cup of tea! One thing about Winter that I love is the cozy warm feeling you get when your inside wrapped around a blanket. One of my favorite drinks I love to have during winter is either peppermint tea or hot chocolate. Now usually when I drink a hot drink its before I go to bed. So I like to stay away from chocolate because sometimes it will keep me up. So I drink Celestial Seasonings Peppermint Herbal Tea. I just brew it about a half an hour before I go to bed and drink it while reading a book. Its very relaxing after a stressful day of school. Then as soon as I'm done I fall right asleep. Celestial Seasonings Tea is fantastic because they have over 20 different types of tea. You can get hot tea or iced tea and they all taste so delicious. In the summer I like to make the iced tea and sit out by my pool and tan or read a book. This is something I enjoy to do when I have nothing going on.
Have a pepperminty day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas is coming and your....low on cash ?

What are you going to do?! Your low on cash and you have to buy a ton of Christmas gifts! Well don't worry, your not the only one. The economy is getting worse by the second and Christmas can be a little bit on the expensive side. Well I have a solution for you! I have a lot of friends that I give gifts to around Christmas and it becomes costly. I don't wanna be rude and get them something cheap if they get me something really nice. So I make homemade gifts, and I save probably about $30-$60. I love to bake so I incorporated my baking skills into my creativity skills and I bake sweets from scratch. Such as, brownies, cookies, cupcakes, and sometimes even chocolate covered pretzels. Last year I made chocolate covered pretzels and my friends absolutely loved it. I even had one of my friends this year tell me that they were excited about what I'm making for Christmas this year! I was so happy. This year I'm going to make Andes Mint Chocolate Brownies. So this time I cheated a little and bought a huge pack of the baking mix. The reason I did this is because I'm making brownies for out of state family and friends. On black Friday I went to Target and I found a Ghiradelli Brownie Baking Mix and you can make four batches of a dozen, and it only costs $8! I was so amazed, then I bought the Andes mints on the side to add and I bought cute Christmas bags to put them in. Hopefully that will help you save some money. Feel free to comment or email me any questions you have. Happy Holidays! Click here for recipes.

Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring ting tingling too Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride
together with you.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Winter Wonderland

I love absolutely love winter. Here in Arizona we are dying for Winter to get away from the dreaded heat. When it gets cold I like to cuddle up around my fireplace with a cup of nice tea or hot coco and read my favorite book series. It calms me (: Sadly, with all this cold weather it can really affect your hair and make-up. So that's why today's post is going to be winter tips!

Even though the sun isn't shiny as brightly, you should still always wear a moisturizer with at least SPF 15 in it. You can still get sunburned or even skin cancer in the winter. I recommend Clean and Clear Soft Day Moisturizer.

In the winter your skin can get very dry. The best way to moisturize is right after you get out of the shower. When you apply the lotion its okay to be a little bit wet. Its better that way because the lotion will lock in the moisture.

In the winter we tend to take more hot baths and showers. This is proved not to be good for your skin. You can take baths in showers in warm but not burning hot water. The reason why is the heat draws out moisture from your skin, causing it to get itchy and dry.

Also don't use harsh soaps on your skin in the winter, this will also cause your skin to do the same. Opt for soothing skin care with ingredients such as chamomile and eucalyptus. Try
Bath and Body's Max Relax Lotion Duo.

One of the main problems in Winter is chapped lips. Lips tend to get cracked and split open most in Winter. The best way to prevent this is to get a lip balm that has an SPF 15 in it and apply as need throughout day. Then at night use Vaseline on your lips to get a nights worth of healing. Try Burt's Bee's Medicated Lip Balm.

Hair also gets dry in the winter. Its best not to over-use blow dryers, straighteners, curling irons, etc. If you must use them try cutting down how many times a week you use them like twice a week. Another way to protect your hair is using a heat protector for your hair. Try Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Protecting Spray.

Use a deep conditioner in the shower once a week to repair your hair after a long week. This will prevent any further Winter damage.

Once the weather drops below 60 degrees start using a humidifier in your room at night when you sleep. This will help sooth and prevent dry skin.

Don't overheat your home, this can be just as damaging as cold air is to your skin. Also avoid using an electric blanket. This also can harm your skin.

Constantly moisturize hands after you wash them. This will prevent dry crackled skin in between your knuckles. Try using a hand lotion with cuticle cream in it, this will keep your nails strong during the cold weather.

Colder weather gives you the opportunity to wear a bit more make-up than usually. Try to play with the darker colors. Such as plum, burgundy, a dark blues, and many more!

For a cute holiday look try to wear a golden colored eye shadow and add either a red or green glitter eye liner. This will go perfect with any type of clothing and is perfect for holiday parties!

When wearing nail polish in the Winter try to always add a clear base coat first before the color you choose, because the darker colors can stain your nails yellow!
These were just a few tips and products I use during the winter. I hope I help you with any problems you have. Feel free to leave comments or questions and I'll reply! Thank you for visiting my blog and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Dry, Itchy Winter Skin!

This winter I've had the worst itchy skin!
I looked up some stuff online about it and I found some tips I thought that could help you!
The first tip was soaking.
When you have itchy skin soak in a warm bath with bath milk.
The next tip was to Moisterize skin. So every time you take a shower or bath right when you get out you should put lotion on your skin to prevent dryness.
Another tip is to use a humidifier. Doctors have said that alot of the dryness of skin in the winter is because of the furnace heat. So break out the humidifiers and let
them run through the night.

Well I hope these tips helped you like they helped me!

xoxo, Tori

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

How to Help Winter Hair.

Do you ever get dry damaged hair from the Winter?
Well I have ways to help you because it happens to me to.

First off is during the winter it is best not to use a lot of heat such as curling irons, 3 barrels, straighteners, blow dryers, etc.
If you absolutely must use heat then I suggest you use heat products to protect your hair.
You can use these through the whole season and not just during winter. Plus its better for your hair and it even makes your hair shi
nier and prevents split ends.
A suggestion I have for a product is:
TRESemmé thermal care creations heat tamer spray.
I use this on my hair after I get out of the shower. I just spray a little in my hair and brush it through.
Now when dealing with the winter breakage you should use a hydrating Shampoo and conditioner.
Such as Hello Hydration from Herbal Essence.
Another you can use which has great smell is
Bath and Body's Signature Collection Hair care.
You can pick any scent you want as long as its Moisturizing.

Well I hope this helped you and please rate my blog so I can see how much this helped people.
Thank you and Happy New Years!

xoxo, Tori

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