Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other. Show all posts

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Quick Update!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you guys an update on where I've been the last month! I've just been so busy I haven't had any time! I just finished taking my ACT and SAT tests for school a few weeks ago. Then I've been having dance rehearsals like crazy for the past two weeks! Then all of this week I had 3 dance concerts. Lastly, I just finished my first Triathlon today which was really exciting for me (: I finished first in my age group! I probably won't be posting for a bit until like the beginning of June because I will be studying for my finals at school all of this week and then next week I'll be taking them! The week after that I will FINALLY be coming to an end to my Junior year in High School! Its so crazy how fast it goes, I can't believe I'm almost a Senior! AHHHH! It scares me sometimes to think about it! Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, so expect to see more regular blog posting in June! Hope you all have a fantastic rest of the Month!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Today is the 40th Anniversary that were are celebrating Earth Day! For those of you that don't know, Earth Day is a day where people from all over the world try to conserve the Earth as much as they can. People who are really environmentally aware like to keep going all throughout the year! I'm one of those people, I love our Earth and I want to keep it going as long as we can! I even devoted a blog to it! (Check that out here (:). For today on my Beauty Blog I wanted to make an updated list of all the great brands that are either Vegan or Eco-Friendly! Hope you all have an amazing Earth Day! Remember, use candles tonight instead of electricity! It'll make Earth Day even more fun than it already is! 
Eco-Friendly Brands:

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random, I know!

I just wanted to post this picture of my doggy! (: I thought he looked super cute and cozy! It was kinda sad though he was scared ): His name is Sammy by the way and he's a Yorkie Terrior.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette Dupes.

Now as you may have know by now, Urban Decay's Alice in Wonderland Palette is sold out! Before you start searching for one on ebay, read this post! I was looking at a tester of the palette at Sephora. As I was looking at the shadows I was swatching them on the back of my hand. I was deciding whether or not I really wanted one or not (before they were sold out). Then, I realized that the shadows I swatched looked a lot like ones I already had. It ended up they were all shadows that were already out as singles or in palettes but just renamed. I played around more with the single eye shadows until I got matches and I researched more about it. The names of the shadows in blue are from the Alice Palette while the other names in green are normal single shadows you could purchase from Urban Decay.
  • Underland - Flash
  • Alice - Painkiller
  • Chessur- Chopper
  • White Rabbit - Polyester Bride
  • Oraculum- Baked
  • Queen- Last Call
  • Wonderland- Maui Wowie
  • Curiouser- Grifter
  • Muchness- X
  • Mushroom - Mushroom
  • Absolem- Homegrown
  • Drink Me Eat Me- Sin
  • Midnight Tea Party- Midnight Cowboy Rides Again
  • Vorpal- S&M
  • Mad Hatter- Twice Baked  
  • Jabberwocky- Oil Slick 
P.S The only color I don't have a swatch of is S&M sorry guys!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tip of The Day!

Does your skin ever feel dry or look tired by the middle of the day? If so, this tip of the day will help you! When your skin starts to look not so great, use a facial spritz. It makes your skin feel energized and it actually helps you feel more alert and awake. I recommend The Body Shop's Vitamin Facial Spritz. It was made for skin situations like this! I have been using it for over a year and love it. It makes my skin feel smooth and refreshed without smudging your make-up! Another reason why I love it, is it has a very light scent of citrus. So not only will your skin feel good, it will smell good too! Sometimes I like to use this all over my body when I need that extra boost of moisture and fragrance over the Summer. If your not willing to go out and buy a facial spritz then you can make your own! Just buy a mini spray bottle (you can find them at Walmart or Target in the travel section). Fill it with water, then add your favorite essential oil. VoilĂ ! You have your own skin refresher!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who's Got Holiday Spirit?

Hey guys, I know I've been majorly slacking. Its that time of the year where I don't post that often. Its always when all the Holiday madness starts I just don't have time to blog! I feel really bad because I know I have readers! Its just I think about blogging and then something else occupies my mind! Also, it doesn't help the fact that my laptop needs maintenance! Anyway, I'm going to attempt to start blogging again when I can. I want it to feel more like a leisure activity than a chore. So, I hope everyone is excited for Christmas! I just wanted to share a few ways I show Holiday Spirit!

  • When getting your nails done or doing your own nails, instead of a classic white french tip get a silver french tip. It works for any of the Holidays! Plus, it fits right in with the Winter atmosphere.
  • In the morning when your doing your make-up, try to use warmer colors that fit the Holiday spirit. This can really brighten your face when the Weathers cold outside.
  • When I make coffee, hot coco, or tea I like to take a Peppermint Candy Cane and using it as a stirring stick instead of a spoon, it gives it a great flavor!
  • Try a daring red lipstick instead of your classic gloss. Just make sure when doing a bright lip that you don't wear a dramatic eye at the same time. This can be way to over powering.

I know this is a useless blog post, but I thought it would be fun! Now, I want all of YOU guys to tell me, how do you show Holiday spirit?

Friday, July 31, 2009


Hey everyone! This post won't really have to do with beauty but it'll just be an update/vent about my life. So I was gone for a weekend to celebrate my 16th birthday! Woot! It was awesome I had so much fun I was up at the lake with the people I love to be around! I had a great time. Then I came home on Sunday, then on Monday the 27th I started school. I love my schedule and everything is great! I am a Junior in High school this year so this will probably be my toughest year. So I apologize in advanced because I might not be posting as much because I'll be having a lot of homework.
Wow, so this is kinda off subject but I have a legit stalker at my school, no joke. Its kind of starting to freak me out a bit, like to the point where I make sure I'm in a group when I walk to my next class. This kid is such a creep and doesn't take a hint! This grosses me out when I say this but, sadly I used to like him (when he was normal!) but he got all weird on me and was saying very sexual things to me that weren't normal like they were just creepy and gross!!! Finally I was just like that's it your a freak and stopped talking to him and started ignoring his text messages. Well, that plan FAILED MISERABLY because I stopped texting him but he still sent me FIVE texts a day and let me remind I did NOT I repeat did NOT reply to him at all. This went on for a month before I finally said something I just told him very politely I did not want to talk to him anymore (well not in those exact words but you get the point!) That maybe worked for a week then he started texting me again and he actually had the NERVE to ask me if my dad's business would sponsor his soccor time? In my head I was like Uhm NO! I know I sound really mean writing this but I swear I'm not mean! If you met this kid you would completely understand! Anyway, back to him actually stalking me. Last year in school I didn't seem him once during school. This year I see him everywhere! No joke, I see him every time I walk to class and he is always almost behind me. Its like he tries to find me. He pretty much knows my schedule now! I was walking to my medical career science class and he popped out of no where when I was alone and came running yelling my name to give me a hug. I didn't want to be mean so I gave him a hug back then I found my friends that were walking in front of me thank god and made a bee line toward them. I found out that he only targets me when I'm alone! Another weird thing is he walked up to my best friend at lunch when she wasn't with me and started talking to her about me, how I am, where I am, and why I haven't been responding to me. I almost walked over there to stand with her in the lunch line until I saw him over there; she said it was super creepy they way he was talking! Sorry guys I'm probably boring you with this but I needed to vent! Plus I have no idea what to do, do you guys have any advice for me and how to tell him to back off without making a scene???

Okay now on to something else haha, I haven't gotten my drivers license yet because I'm going to take a drivers ed so I'm better at driving then I'll be getting my license woo hoo! (: Oh and also today I applied at the Sprouts grocery store near me! I'm really anxious because I won't know if I'll get accepted to work there until a month or so! Haha it was so sad I went to get a application at a grocery store really close to me like so close I could walk and they totally rejected me! Haha the guy was like " I'm sorry but we aren't hiring right now, you could go apply over there at the computer (in a snotty tone he said that)! So I walk over there and the computer is completely broken! I was kinda sad ): Haha oh well the people who were working there were kind creepy anyway! I'm going to stop rambling now! Thank you for whoever actually read this whole blog! God bless you ! (:

UPDATE! I found out that my stalker is stalking other girls too! I feel like we should start a club or have a secret code word or something when they need to get away from him! Hahahaha

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Airplane Travel Essentials

Since Summer is getting closer and closer (well technically here its basically Summer because its already in the 100's) I decided to do a post about my Airplane Travel Essentials. All of the products I'm about to post will be Cruelty-Free and Safe for airplane travel! Now all of these products don't always all go on the plane. Just most of them (: Enjoy (:

Urban Decay De-Slick Mattifying Powder (review coming soon)
Blotting Sheets (Any brand works well)
Burt's Bee's Chapstick (I LOVE THIS STUFF WITH A PASSION!)
Bath and Body Hand Sanitizing Lotion in Midnight Pomegrante
The Body Shop Mango Lip Butter
Biore Face Wipes
The Balm Big Mama Blush, Powder, and Bronzer trio
Urban Decay Eyeshadow in Maui Wowie
Clinique Lash Doubling Mascara
Urban Decay 24/7 Liner in Lucky
Victoria Secret Refreshing Face Spritz
Mini Bath and Body, Body Splash

Check out these links of airplane approved beauty!

Bath and Body

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

The time has come again! Where Earth Day is here! Today I'm going to suggest beauty brands that are eco-friendly! Most of these are brands that I use!

If you see a brand you like, go ahead and click it! I did the liberty of posting all the links to them! Have a fabulous day!

Monday, April 6, 2009


For Easter my family and my friends family are getting together, so I was looking up some fun recipes to make for dinner or dessert! Then I found this really yummy one that's great for Easter! Its actually made with a few Peeps, you know, those little bunny and chick marshmallows! Yummy, so if you want to check it out click here!

Fun Facts:

  • In The 1950's it took 27 hours to make one single chick, now it takes only six minutes!
  • Each Peep has 32 calories and ZERO grams of fat!
  • There are enough Peeps made in one year that you could circle the Earth, twice!
  • Yellow is the number one color sold of the bunnies and chicks Peeps!
  • If you put a Peep in the microwave for 15-25 seconds it will expand over twice its size! Be careful though it could pop!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

In's and Out's

I've decieded to do a products in's and out's. To show which ones I'm currently loving and which ones that aren't so much my favorite. Plus whatever else is on my mind! Hahah (:


One A Day Vitamin Teens- These things give me that extra kick in the morning !

Biore Cleansing Clothes- In like two swipes all my hard to remove make-up is off!

Frizz-Ease Heat Protecting Spray- This really eliminates some of my split ends!

Re-usable Water Bottles- I've been saving so much plastic by bringing on of these babies with me to my workout classes.

Cream Eyeshadow- For some reason right now I'm digging the cream shadow, its so smooth and easy to apply, it takes me like five seconds.


Empty Hair Spray Bottles- This pretty much says it all, I hate having to go out and buy another hair spray.

Clumpy Mascara- I think everyone pretty much agrees with this one, besides when has clumpy ever been in?

Crest Toothpaste- They test on animals, as soon as I finish off my tube I'm done with them until they come to their senses.

Annoying Alarm Clocks- I wish I had an alarm clock that has a pretty sound to wake me up soothingly!

Finishing Your Shampoo Before Your Conditioner- Ugh, this bugs me so much. I always finish my shampoo like five days before my conditioner.

Even though this isn't a tag I tag Livy from the blog Fresh Ideas For You!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Survey (:

* * * * * * * * * * * FOODOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * *****

What is your salad dressing of choice??
Bleu Cheese (:

What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
Mmmm, Rainforest Cafe!

What food could you eat everyday for two weeks and not get sick of?
I think Dinosaur chicken nuggets ahaha

What are your pizza toppings of choice?
I really like Canadian Bacon

Chocolate or Vanilla?
Swirl ?

* * * * * * * * * * * TECHNOLOGY * * * * * * * * * * *****

How many televisions are in your house?
9 (I think its way to many)

Do you have a laptop?

Do you have a desktop?
Computer? Yes.

Do you have an MP3 player?
Yes, an old ipod mini (:

What is your favorite piece of technology currently?
MP3 players, but then again they always have been.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * BIOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * * * *****
Are you right - handed or left- handed?

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

What is the last heavy item you lifted?
My body weight? I was doing push-ups in my kick boxing class.

Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Not that I know of

* * * * * * * * * * * *STUFFOLOGY* * * * * * * * * *****

If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Not at all.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Uhm, I really like the names Kiele and Capri, but I don't think I would change it.

Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Yes, then I would probably end up throwing it all up ):

* * * * * * * * * * * * DUMBOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * * * * *****

How many pairs of flip flops do you have?

Last time you had a run- in with the cops?
Today ? I went to court for a club I'm in. Idk if that counts haha.

Last person you talked to?

Last person you hugged?
Hhm, not sure.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * FAVORITOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * * *****

Halloween and Christmas (Of course!)

Day of the week?

July (My birthday month ! Yay !)

* * * * * * * * * * * CURRENTOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * * * *****

Missing anyone?

Content and sorta angry at the same time?

What are you listening to?
My dad watching the movie Transformers right next to my room haha.

The computer

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RANDOMOLOGY* * * * * * * * * * * *****

First place you went this morning?
Bus Stop

What's the last movie you saw?
Uhm, that's tough, I have no idea.

Do you smile often?
All the time (: Otherwise I'd look bitchy ):

Do you always answer your phone?
Yeah, haha even the random calls.

Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
Probably my friends Bryce or Nic being obnoxious hahaha.

If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Purple! Haha hey you never said that it couldn't be any color.

What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
Uhm, I guess blue coconut if I'm getting a cream slush or lime! :D

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes (:

Have you ever had a pet fish?
Yeah! I've had gold fish, guppies, Betta, and even a water frog (if that counts ahahaha)

Favorite Christmas song(s)?
Last Christmas

What's on your wish list for your birthday?
I think a flip video camera or money.

Can you do push ups?

Can you do a chin up?
Not sure, haven't really tried.

Does the future make you nervous or excited?
A mixture of both.

Do you have any saved texts?
Not anymore.

Ever been in a car wreck?

Do you have an accent?
Not that I know of haha.

What is the last song to make you cry?
Can't remember.

Plans tonight?
There's like nothing left to do accept shower and go to bed haha.

Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yeah, now that I look back at it I wonder if I had depression.

Have you ever been given roses?
Yes (:

Current hate right now?
The fact that I didn't give this really cute guy my number.

Met someone who changed your life?
My best friend (:

How did you bring in the New Year?
With fireworks?

Name 3 people who might complete this?
No one ahahaha.

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
As long as I could come back when I want to then I would!

Do you have any tattoos/ piercings?
No tattoos yet, 4 piercings two each ear and hopefully belly button and nose soon.

Does anyone love you?
I would hope my family does hahaha

Would you be a pirate?
If I could be with my Jack Sparrow (:

What songs do you sing in the shower?
Depends on my mood haha.

Ever had someone sing to you?
No, and the only way I would want someone to sing to me is if they played the guitar and we were alone haha.

Do you like to cuddle?
Yeah (:

Have you held hands with anyone today?

Who was the last person you took a picture of?

What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?

Are most of the friends in your life new or old?

Do you like pulpy orange juice?

Have you ever ridden an elephant?
Hahah that would be amazing if I did.

Do you like to play Scrabble?

When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?

What were you doing at 12 AM last night?
I was sleeping.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour!

Reminder, Earth Hour is tonight! Click Here!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Midnight Cowboy Lipstick!

I'm so excited to here that Urban Decay just came out with a Midnight Cowboy Lipstick! I'm absolutely in love with the eyeshadow color. Now, I don't wear lipstick but I've been searching around about this shade and I've fallin' in love with it. I just want to run over to a store and buy it right away! This lipstick is a creamy, shimmer, just right color. It costs twenty two dollars and as soon as I buy it and use it for a while I'll try to do a review! This was just a random post about the lipstick because I'm so psyched for it! Click here for the website!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Blog Alert!!!

Hey everyone, I finally launched my new eco-friendly blog! I've very excited to start blogging on it! I feel like I'm helping the environment with every tip I post! Please be sure to visit it; click here! As of right now there is only like three tips on there but I will be trying to add at least once a day! So subscribe and go with me on my green journeys! (:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Bowl Sunday!

I'm terribly depressed that the Cardinals lost. I wanted to cry ): They deserved to win! They worked so hard! Its been 61 years since they have been in the Super Bowl. Anyway, I was going to tell you about my delicious dip I made today. Its a lot more festive than the other dips such as French Onion and Ranch. Its called the Eight Layer Dip. Its from my Hungry Girl Cook Book which I absolutely love! The recipe is here. It was such a hit at the Super Bowl party. So many people came back for seconds! It was almost all gone. I was very pleased to hear that so many people liked it. Plus its very simple to make that even beginners can make it! So next time you need an appetizer for a party try this eight layer dip!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Its a nice day for white wedding...

So right now I'm currently on my laptop in our motorhome. We are now heading back to AZ from California. We had two weddings to go to ! It was crazy ! First we went back and visited where I used to live (Santa Clarita, CA ) (: It made me cry. I miss it. Then we went to a wedding there. Then we drove to San Diego for another wedding. So I haven't really been on top of posting AT ALL. So now I am going to try to post at least once a week (:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Disneyworld is my love !

Hey everyone! I will be leaving for Disney World tomorrow! I won't be back until July 19! I'm sorry I couldn't get to all of the posts I said I would get too! I've just been so busy doing errands and packing. I will take many pictures and talk about my favorite rides for all the travelers!

Be Beautiful!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hey Everyone!

I know its the summer and I may not have that many readers right now, but anyone who is reading can you please comment! I need to see how many people there are so I can try something new on my blog. Also I will be leaving for the lake from June 11-18. So there won't be any posting for a while. I promise I will post a lot before I leave! Anyways the reason I want to see how many people are reading is because I am very close to my 100th post and I wanted go do something special! Like a contest, or something similar to it but I wanted to see if it was worth it. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment even if your just saying "hi"! Thank you everyone!

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