I am going to be getting a new little kitten next week, and so have been planning and collecting supplies for her arrival. Despite extensive searches I couldn't find a cat bed I liked. They all seem to look like giant bean bag chunky things with bad/ugly fabric. As such I decided to create my own.
I had a pile of card board outside and decided to recycle it. I wanted to use my miniature skillz to create an architecturally correct cat house which is a good hidey-hole for puss but also looks novelty.
I am particularly enamoured of the great neo-classical architecture of Palladio. Especially the Villa Chiericati.
I decided to copy it in miniature. The cat house measures 38cm square.
There is circular door in the back of the house for puss to enter.
I decided to replace the Palladian statuettes with neo-classical cats.
It looks surprisingly inconspicuous in the lounge room.
The test will be whether the little cat is actually interested in it...