I am knee deep in creating pieces for the upcoming International Quilt Market in Minnesota. You know all the pieces we created for the Paris show? Well, those were out of the last collection, Olivia's Holiday, so here we go again creating all new samples, quilts and fun stuff around the new fabric collection, Opal Owl! But get this, I didn't get the fabrics until Friday of last week... the show is May 21st.... the booth gets filled with finished pieces out of the new collection. Imagine 60 different fabrics within the collection ( 6 cottons in 5 different colorways, flannels and a project panel - more on the panel later)... and we want to show it off.
So, then I start creating - well it's no surprise I love to sew for children... so I have a whole selection of goodies for kids.... then I have bags, adult pieces and of course quilts.... So because the fabrics were delayed in production, many of my seamstresses pulled out, or went on scheduled trips or something or other... so we have a skeleton crew including myself. I am very hands on in the development of the shows. Again, we start with the whole list of items... but of course, when I get my hands on the fabrics... well a whole new world opens up... it's amazing to me that as I design, paint, create the collection, select each and every color.... review each approval stage of the development of the fabric you'd think I'd be close enough to it that I can say, yip... this is what we are making for the show. Well, only half true! I get it, and my whole world explodes....
The list gets ticked off but I start throwing new items into the mix.... have a good giggle, change all the paint colors for the booth... change the logo color, request new shelving... a new pattern spinner for the sewing patterns.... and revise all the decor from earthy bird cages and tree branches. Instead, for Opal Owl... it seems that the story for the show is now this sparkling but magical rock and roll glam for kids..... here's a few items... my new toddler jacket is now the Rock n' rolla jacket, fedoras for small people, cool bags for kids, magical wands, rhinestone chic, a superb silver owl money-bank, berets and goodies galore to inspire the retail buyers.... in fabulous rich color of Opal Owl! The tricky part is to be loud without losing the sophistication.... a fine line let me tell you.
Let's see if I pull it off... I promise pictures and more pictures... you tell me!
See Opal Owl on the site here!