Also, yesterday was my day to post a project to the blog! Come by and check it out... here's a peek!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
My Stamp Box
We're having a blog hop!!! Dec 7th! Come check it out!!

Also, yesterday was my day to post a project to the blog! Come by and check it out... here's a peek!!
Also, yesterday was my day to post a project to the blog! Come by and check it out... here's a peek!!
Blog Hop,
My Stamp Box,
Sneak peek
Friday, November 20, 2009
Let's Capture These Sketches # 18
This weeks sketch was created by Susan Coish!! I had so much fun, I actually created 2 LO's!! LOL! In all honesty, i was having an off night, so i wasn't truely pleased with either one, so i jsut kkept createing! LOL!
Anwho... The sketch is posted on the sketch blog and here is my take on it... my favorite one anyway!!

I also was playing with my My Stamp Box stamps, and created this funky spotted border using the colon sign!!! ::::::::::::: So fun and funky!!! These stamps are just TOO versatile!! :)
These hands... are TOO funny! They are foam... I got them in a kit a couple of years ago and said "WTH will I EVER do with these???" Then, i was cleaning out my scrappy closet and came across them the day after I started this LO! How perfectly they fit!! Who would have ever know! Lesson... Never say never!! LOL!
Sorry for the wonky picture... it's raining out and i was anxious to post for the sketch blog. Will retake once it STOPS RAINING!! :)
I used lots of goodies from the Nov Sussies kit in this page too!! Those kits are just too fun!!
Where's the 2nd LO you ask? Waiting for a NON rainy day! And I used mist and stickles so it's a bit rumpled... SO annoying!
But until next time... Happy Scrapping!
Anwho... The sketch is posted on the sketch blog and here is my take on it... my favorite one anyway!!
I also was playing with my My Stamp Box stamps, and created this funky spotted border using the colon sign!!! ::::::::::::: So fun and funky!!! These stamps are just TOO versatile!! :)
These hands... are TOO funny! They are foam... I got them in a kit a couple of years ago and said "WTH will I EVER do with these???" Then, i was cleaning out my scrappy closet and came across them the day after I started this LO! How perfectly they fit!! Who would have ever know! Lesson... Never say never!! LOL!
Sorry for the wonky picture... it's raining out and i was anxious to post for the sketch blog. Will retake once it STOPS RAINING!! :)
I used lots of goodies from the Nov Sussies kit in this page too!! Those kits are just too fun!!
Where's the 2nd LO you ask? Waiting for a NON rainy day! And I used mist and stickles so it's a bit rumpled... SO annoying!
But until next time... Happy Scrapping!
My Stamp Box,
Scrapbook Sussies
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Let's Capture These Sketches
This week we got to play with a fabulous sketch by Ann Freeman! SO unique, and SO inspiring!
Here is the LO I came up with! I used the Nov kit from Scrapbook Sussies. Yes, I'm finished with the DT there, but had purchased this kit... SO much fun to play with!! I used the Adornit Papers, and bo bunny brads and bling! Lots of fancy cutting! It was worth the effort! :)

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Scrapping!!
supplies: Patterned Papers: Adorn It, Brads: Bo Bunny, Rub on Pink Paislee, Alpha's October Afternoon, Adhesive: Tombow Mono Liquid glue
Here is the LO I came up with! I used the Nov kit from Scrapbook Sussies. Yes, I'm finished with the DT there, but had purchased this kit... SO much fun to play with!! I used the Adornit Papers, and bo bunny brads and bling! Lots of fancy cutting! It was worth the effort! :)
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Scrapping!!
supplies: Patterned Papers: Adorn It, Brads: Bo Bunny, Rub on Pink Paislee, Alpha's October Afternoon, Adhesive: Tombow Mono Liquid glue
Over the Top Award!
My great scrappy buddy, the talented Calia was so kind as to award me this blog award!!

So what I have to do is respond to the following phrases with just ONE word!! Should be interesting to say the least! LOL! Let's see if my baby brain will work tonight!! :)
Where's your cell phone: Van
Your hair: messy
Your mother: PEI
Your father: aging
Favorite Food: lots!! :)
Dream last night: interesting
Favorite drink: Icecapachino
What room are you: hallway
Hobby: Scrapbooking
Fear: fire
Where were you last night: asleep
Something that you aren't: confident
Muffins: blueberry
Wish list item: punches
Where did you grow up: PEI
What are you wearing: comfies
Your pets: dog
Friends: online
Something you're not wearing: pjs
Favorite store: LCOM!
Favorite color: Red
Last time you laughed: tonight
Your best friend: hubby
Place you go to over and over: bed
Person who emails you regularly: Tracey
Favorite place to eat: Montana's
That was fun!! NowI have to pass it on to some of my blogger friends!!
Lets say those people will be...... Some of my newest additions to the LCTS team! SO much talent there!!
Now girls, you have to do the same thing I did! Copy this into a new blog post and answer each phrase with one word! Then tag some of YOUR scrappy friends!!
Thanks for stopping by! Visit the blogs of these gals for some great inspiration!!
So what I have to do is respond to the following phrases with just ONE word!! Should be interesting to say the least! LOL! Let's see if my baby brain will work tonight!! :)
Where's your cell phone: Van
Your hair: messy
Your mother: PEI
Your father: aging
Favorite Food: lots!! :)
Dream last night: interesting
Favorite drink: Icecapachino
What room are you: hallway
Hobby: Scrapbooking
Fear: fire
Where were you last night: asleep
Something that you aren't: confident
Muffins: blueberry
Wish list item: punches
Where did you grow up: PEI
What are you wearing: comfies
Your pets: dog
Friends: online
Something you're not wearing: pjs
Favorite store: LCOM!
Favorite color: Red
Last time you laughed: tonight
Your best friend: hubby
Place you go to over and over: bed
Person who emails you regularly: Tracey
Favorite place to eat: Montana's
That was fun!! NowI have to pass it on to some of my blogger friends!!
Lets say those people will be...... Some of my newest additions to the LCTS team! SO much talent there!!
Now girls, you have to do the same thing I did! Copy this into a new blog post and answer each phrase with one word! Then tag some of YOUR scrappy friends!!
Thanks for stopping by! Visit the blogs of these gals for some great inspiration!!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I have a couple of WINNERS! I appologize for the delay in doing the Halloween giveaway! Man, time gets away from me and goes by SO FAST!!!
Anywho... The winners are....
Halloween Giveaway.....
And the blog hop winner is......
Congrats girls! Thanks for playing along and visitiing my blog!!!! Please email my your mailing address to
I'll be in touch!!
Thanks for dropping by!! Happy Scrapping!!
Anywho... The winners are....
Halloween Giveaway.....
And the blog hop winner is......
Congrats girls! Thanks for playing along and visitiing my blog!!!! Please email my your mailing address to
I'll be in touch!!
Thanks for dropping by!! Happy Scrapping!!
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Capture These Sketches Blog Hop!!
Hi and Welcome! We appologize for the delay in getting this started!! We had a bit of a change in our team members... but we are all good to go now!! Ready to get going?
Hi and welcome to the CAPTURE THESE SKETCHES blog hop!!! Didn't know it was going on? No problem! Please feel free to join in anyway! To start, please go to the sketch blog. Visit each of the blogs in the order given! Leave a comment on each blog and return to the sketch blog. Leave a comment there telling us you have completed the blog hop and your name will be put into a draw for some fun goodies by the blog sponsor Let's Capture Our Memories! Along the way you may also have chances to win prizes from the individual blog owners, so make sure to read each blog post!!
Here is the blog hop order!!
Sketch Blog
Tina's Blog YOU ARE HERE
Guylaine's Blog <<<--------------GO HERE NEXT!! (May not appear on all lists)
Calia's Blog
Lynne's Blog
Darlene's Blog
Tara's Blog
Ann's Blog
Allison's Blog
Susan's Blog
Back to the Sketch Blog
Now, a bit about me...
* I am a 33 Yr old SAHM to 4 beautiful children
* I am unexpectedly expecting #5 in May!
* I love a Tim Hortons Iced Cap with Cream!
* I have been published in several magazines, including Scrapbook Trends, Scrapbook and cards Today, Scrapbooking Memories, Summerset Memories and Canadian Scrapbooker.
* I have a style that is constantly changing.
* I have 1 girl and 3 boys... yet at least twice as many girly LO's!
* People ask me how I find time to scrap... I don't FIND time, I make time! The housework will just have to wait! It WILL be there when I finish this page... LOL!
*I have been on several DT's in the last 6 years. I have recently reached one of my biggest goals of making a manufacturere Design Team! i now Design for My Stamp Box!
* I love to take naps and have one almost every afternoon!
* I would love to take a trip with DH but we have no idea where to go! Our big 10 year Anniversary is coming up, but I'm afraid that the only place we'll be going is to the Delivery Room! to welcome baby #5!!
Here is the Sketch I created for the blog hop!

And finally, my LO!!

Want an extra change to win some goodies? I will be doing a draw for a RAK for everyone who has commented and is a follower of my blog! So if you aren't following, now is the time!! :) I'll do a draw and announce at the end of the blog hop!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Happy Scrapping!!
Thanks for playing along, and now you can hop on over to Guylaine's Blog .
Hi and welcome to the CAPTURE THESE SKETCHES blog hop!!! Didn't know it was going on? No problem! Please feel free to join in anyway! To start, please go to the sketch blog. Visit each of the blogs in the order given! Leave a comment on each blog and return to the sketch blog. Leave a comment there telling us you have completed the blog hop and your name will be put into a draw for some fun goodies by the blog sponsor Let's Capture Our Memories! Along the way you may also have chances to win prizes from the individual blog owners, so make sure to read each blog post!!
Here is the blog hop order!!
Sketch Blog
Tina's Blog YOU ARE HERE
Guylaine's Blog <<<--------------GO HERE NEXT!! (May not appear on all lists)
Calia's Blog
Lynne's Blog
Darlene's Blog
Tara's Blog
Ann's Blog
Allison's Blog
Susan's Blog
Back to the Sketch Blog
Now, a bit about me...
* I am unexpectedly expecting #5 in May!
* I love a Tim Hortons Iced Cap with Cream!
* I have been published in several magazines, including Scrapbook Trends, Scrapbook and cards Today, Scrapbooking Memories, Summerset Memories and Canadian Scrapbooker.
* I have a style that is constantly changing.
* I have 1 girl and 3 boys... yet at least twice as many girly LO's!
* People ask me how I find time to scrap... I don't FIND time, I make time! The housework will just have to wait! It WILL be there when I finish this page... LOL!
*I have been on several DT's in the last 6 years. I have recently reached one of my biggest goals of making a manufacturere Design Team! i now Design for My Stamp Box!
* I love to take naps and have one almost every afternoon!
* I would love to take a trip with DH but we have no idea where to go! Our big 10 year Anniversary is coming up, but I'm afraid that the only place we'll be going is to the Delivery Room! to welcome baby #5!!
Here is the Sketch I created for the blog hop!
And finally, my LO!!
Want an extra change to win some goodies? I will be doing a draw for a RAK for everyone who has commented and is a follower of my blog! So if you aren't following, now is the time!! :) I'll do a draw and announce at the end of the blog hop!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Happy Scrapping!!
Thanks for playing along, and now you can hop on over to Guylaine's Blog .
Monday, November 02, 2009
Oops, I did it again!!
This song has been going thru my head and it's SO going to be the title of an up and coming LO!!
Well...Yep... I did it again...
The cat is starting to get out of the bag...
But before it does... let me just say a couple of things...
DH and I are NOT like a couple of breeding rabits!!!
We DO use birth coltrol!!
It does NOT work for us!!!
We WILL be going to more extreme measures!!!
Yes, You guessed right... I am expecting baby #5......
Yes, I already have 4...
Yes, they are ages 6, 4, 2 and one tomorrow...
Yes I'm insane.....
No, I'm not sure how I'm going to manage... I just know I will... somehow!
I keep thinking... "God promises he will not give us more than we can handle..."
Um HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he's made a bo bo this time!!!!!!!!
So, any donations of sanity, patience and extra hands will gladly be accepted...
Until that time... bare with me while the reality of this sinks in... it's just a little overwhelming... can't imagine WHY?!?!
#5 will be arriving somtime mid/late May... I'm just PRAYING it's not twins!! :)
Well...Yep... I did it again...
The cat is starting to get out of the bag...
But before it does... let me just say a couple of things...
DH and I are NOT like a couple of breeding rabits!!!
We DO use birth coltrol!!
It does NOT work for us!!!
We WILL be going to more extreme measures!!!
Yes, You guessed right... I am expecting baby #5......
Yes, I already have 4...
Yes, they are ages 6, 4, 2 and one tomorrow...
Yes I'm insane.....
No, I'm not sure how I'm going to manage... I just know I will... somehow!
I keep thinking... "God promises he will not give us more than we can handle..."
Um HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think he's made a bo bo this time!!!!!!!!
So, any donations of sanity, patience and extra hands will gladly be accepted...
Until that time... bare with me while the reality of this sinks in... it's just a little overwhelming... can't imagine WHY?!?!
#5 will be arriving somtime mid/late May... I'm just PRAYING it's not twins!! :)
My Stamp Box Giveaway!
A little birdie told me that My Stamp Box has a brand new set of stamps and they want to give one away... TODAY!!!! Drop by our blog for your chance to win!!! You have until Nov 14th to get entered!!
Don't they look like FUN??? They are called PASS PORT TO ADVENTURE and you can buy them here...
I'll be back later today to do the draw for the Halloween giveaway! It's still not too late to sign up!!
I'll be back later today to do the draw for the Halloween giveaway! It's still not too late to sign up!!
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