Howdie!! Yep, happy scrappy news for me!! just found out I made the DT at
Mon Ame Memories !! I'm so excited! This totally made my day! Ya ever get in this funk where you just feel like ya don't got it? I was in one this weekend... mojo went away and I had a really hard time scrapping anything I liked. So it just takes some fabulous news like this to get the confidence going again! :) There were some AMAZING entries there, and I still can't believe I made the team... only 5 were chosen, and i'm humbled to be one of them!! Kind of intimidated too, seeing the other amazing gals on the team! :)
Dh finally got home... now only to be gone again for a church business meeting... sigh... i think I just might scrap!
Nothing too much to share, so i won't bore you with details of my day! :) Instead, how about some scrappy goodness...
Oh, first, Thankful... Thankful for laughter. My kids make me laugh SO much!! My 2 yr old seems to be the comedial in the family... right now as I type, he's in his crib singing "Deep and Wide" (a sunday school song)... it's hilarious to hear!!! His 3 yr old brother will sing a line, leave out a word and 2 yr old fills in the blank... it's usually Deep and.... WYOIDE...LOL!! DD and I are rolling laughing!!
Complaint... Insecurity... I have it, I'm ashamed to say but I do. And I have been going thru a scrappy bout of it lately... It's terrible... But I'm workin on that...
Scrappy goodness now... Some new LO's!
Now remember, I was in a scrappy funk, so I'm not completely pleased with these...
This first one was done using a freat sketch by Joanne Ryan at
Paws . I'm not happy with the 6 large brads... the rest I like, but there seems to be something missing... ideas? I'm open!! I like the butterflies... I hand stitched around the felt bflies... like the look!

Second LO, I like much better, but still feel like it could use a little bit of something... we'll see! :) I used some Basic Grey's Granola... thought they had the right outdoorsey feel to them! :) Had fun with the sewing machine here!!

Photo's: This photo I just HAVE to share!! Yesterday, I went in to get DS age 2 up fro his nap. He had been awake for a while, but was playing happily. As I opened the door, This is the sight I saw, so I quickly snuck out and got my camera! SO thrilled that i got the shot! What a little monkey! He WAS fully clothed when i laid him down, BTW! :)

Well, thanks once again for dropping by! :) Chat with ya tomorrow!!