I became obsessed with the idea of melt & pour soap last year around this time. Since then, I really havent been able to get it out of my system. I began to obsessively create all kinds of little specialty items. I sit now with a problem - I have made loads and loads of soap, my previously white kitchen counter is a spectrum of dye spills and the like. I have stopped buying clothes in favour of soaping supplies (which mind you in South Africa - is limited to a few places without the great pricing and range of Fragrances, Oxides, Mica's available in the US, Canada or Australia). My house now is filled with soap, my bank balance just above the red line from an unchecked expulsive soap-supplies habit, and my unfortunate inability/fear to expose my product has resulted in an overly perfumed house and a very clean Candice. Everything is ready for the market, the soap is vacuum packed, heat sealed and have cute little labels.....I just cant seem to work up the nerve to approach people. I started giving out free samples, people seemed to love them, a few people generously bought a few bars each. I just couldnt bring myself to call them up again and go "Hey, you need more soap?"
I really love making soap, I love coming up with new designs, I love colour, texture, scent blending and have all these great ideas for Valentines Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day. Problem is - I make them, and they just sit in a box in the cupboard.
I am creating this blog, so that I can atleast showcase my soap and my endeavours to someone other than my cats and myself.
I want to start a little soap shop, maybe online sales will be less threatening than walking up to someone and saying - "Nice weather - wanna see my soap?" I have a little room attached to my garage that kind of serves as my own localised junk/scrap yard. I plan to reorganise, revamp and rennovate it into a soapshop of sorts. And try to write better blogs, I fall short in the prose category. Will keep you posted on the details of the soap shop and the prose.....
Well so long for now