Showing posts with label fifi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fifi. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last post for the year

 It has been a tough December. Thanks to everyone for their support. Losing Fifi right before Christmas was hard. I still can't get use to my shadow not being at my side or her yappy greetings whenever I came home. The house is so quiet, even Mr B says he misses her. But there were other worries to occupy my mind..mainly Buster Peebody. He has never been without Fifi and she was his best friend. They played, slept together and she was the brave one. He kept looking for her for a while and was very sad.

poor sad Buster
 He just layed around but seems to be perking up now. I am giving him LOTS of attention and cuddles.

I know how you feel Buster
Even Pippin was low which is hard for a Border Collie.

 Timmy on the other hand didn't really notice. He is going to be very angry at me for posting these pics .

OH NO she got a new picture box!
Mr B decided a new camera for xmas might take my mind of things and gave me an awesome little nikon Coolpix 500. It can be totally auto or manual. So until I get my new SLR I can still try to learn manual settings. Not yet though. I have to get use to it first.

Hah..I'll show her!
Timmy on this particular day was being very bad. He had pooped on the floor so he got in trouble. Then I thought "oh no..what if he is like Fi and this is his last day?" So I went to make amends but he was busy drinking the tea out of my mug. He really does not care if he gets into trouble. Afterwards he rubbed his bare butt all over my pillow to get back at me. 

Hangover maybe???
 Timmy seems to be aging rapidly which worries me. His tongue has started to hang out and he never combs his hair anymore. Buster Peebody is trying to be buddies with him so Timmy uses him as a heater of sorts. Whatever works for them. 

Anyhoo last month Timmy became ill, I didn't mention it because I didn't want my blog to be so depressing. Working great for me this month. 

So he had a bunch of tests done and found a bunch of things wrong. The main reason he was ill though was due to a very nasty infection in a very delicate area. Only Timmy could get an infected wang cover. You know you love your dog when you rinse his wang off 3 times a day. So he was on meds forever and seemed better until 3 days ago. Once again the infection was back.

 So we went to the vet again to get drugs but we can't figure out the root of the infection. Also he was in a lot of pain and crying out. For the first time in 8 years he didn't finish his dinner so I knew it was serious.

We thought he had a blockage because he went into my purse and I found individual wrapped life savers on the floor. So I assumed he had swallowed them whole . So I was prepared to put him down and was trying to be brave but the vet assured me he didn't seem to have belly pain..whew..but why is he crying out..maybe when he fell UP the stairs 3 times or when Buster Peebody pushed him off the bed he hurt himself? Who knows but they think his back is going which is probably why he walks with a hump in the middle and moves kinda like a crab outside..Timmy can't even be sick like a normal dog. If I wasn't so worried I would find all of this very typical for Timmy.

So since this really is his blog, his story, I felt I should update you folks on Timmy because I have not mentioned him lately. He has to get his liver checked out but until this infection goes away we can't do much. The vet was concerned because he has lost weight but Buster Peebody and Timmy quit eating well after Fifi passed. They still won't eat their morning kibble. 

So he is on antibiotics, supplements, fancy schmancy food and I am giving him pain meds even though the vet was worried it would hurt his liver. I'd rather he be comfortable now. The vet also said he should be blind because his cataracts are so bad but he still sees things. I thought he was going crazy, standing at the wall instead of the door to come in but it's because he can't see well. I don't know which is worse. 

I'm sick
 So I'm hoping  he will be fine, here is a pic from energy except when I fed him prime rib.
 So I am going to be glad to see the end of this year.
 Lots of great things happened but this month has been awful. 
So please send Timmy some healing thoughts , he would like that.

I hope you all have a great big happy and shiny New Year !!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Goodbye to my little girl

 8 years ago this week I adopted a little unwanted poodle I named Fifi. This morning she died in my arms.
I came home from work frustrated and when I went in my room she had peed and pooped on my bed and carpet. I was very angry and scolded then spanked her.
She had her dinner and watched TV with me then her breathing went strange. We went to bed and she could not get comfy and could not seem to catch her breath so I decided to take her in to the vet first thing this morning. I fell asleep at 2 and woke up at 4 to find her worse. We finally decided to go to the emerg. clinic but she died in my arms on the way there.
I am devastated and feel so guilty that her last day was not a happy one. Why I lost my temper today with her I will never know nor will I ever forgive myself.
Hug your pets everyone. You never know when you might lose them.
RIP my sweet little loyal friend.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Road Trip- Part 1

While looking for pics on my fried camera's memory card I found some of the road trip we took.
So I thought I would share..Here we go...

Happy Timmy ready to go!!!!

So excited!

He started it.

Fifi..get in the car so we can go..

And off we go and boy are we making great time. We are on the road for at least 10 min when Timmy needs a potty break.

When you gotta gotta go!

of course then Buster Peebody had to go.
 At this point we had gone only a few miles from my house yet had left over 30 min. ago.Really...

Are we there yet?
 Finally everyone settles down and 2 1/2 hrs later we arrive.

My sis's house. She lives in Illinois but this is her Ontario Canada house. It is a beautiful place just a little overgrown at the moment.

And look who is there to greet other than Toto..our long lost pack brother!!

Happy Toto
Toto then comes racing up with his new brother Atlas!

Toto says "follow me!"
 Then they run away again...

Come on!

I'm so confused
Now Timmy is confused..too follow or not to follow..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm To be continued.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Catch Up!!

Where has the time gone..I have some catching up to do...hmmm..where do I start.

Well I still do not have a decent camera since I fried my old one. Ebay is being rather tricky but someday I will get one..sigh

I have been very busy job hunting..but have not found the right one yet..sigh, sigh

One of my guinea pigs is not pregnant :) One of them is :( The other 3 I'm not sure..triple sigh..
I'll let you know the final count in a couple of weeks.

I do have a few pics from the old camera I have been going through so I can still do some posts!!!

Finally Little Fifi's blood work came back okay and she started her other new pills. They are huge! She seems to be doing much better on the combined ones and the cooler weather helps.

She is so hard to photograph but I like this one
I have also been VERY busy sewing. I have enough pouches, now on to wristlets!!!

Cute Kittys on Pink

Japanese Floral Wristlet

Plaid Pouch

More Kittys on pink..I love black cats!

Finally of course Rabbits.
It is the year of the rabbit you know
AND International Rabbit Day is Sept.24!!
 I think thats all for now..Timmy sends his love!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Little FiFi

The last little while I have been noticing that FiFi has been a little "off". Not her usual peppy poodle self. I thought it could just have been the heat but then the little cough started. Just once or twice during the night last week.

So I thought..oh oh..heart..then the three little weasels (as I call them) were sleeping soundly beside each other. I noticed Fifi was taking almost 3 breaths to Buster Peebodys 1. So yesterday morning she was kind of puffing I phoned the vet.

Now I don't have a vet here in town but it just so happens I found my most fav. vet ever opened shop 15 min. needless to say I was happy.
Fifi has only had a vet call once in 8yrs. She is a healthy girl...but...after an examination, and chest xrays..sure enough I was right.

Sometimes I hate being right. She has a grade 4 heart murmer, fluid builup around the heart and her heart is slightly enlarged.  So now she is on "water pills" to get rid of the fluid and 2 different heart pills to help get things working better.

The vet was surprised that I noticed the signs because they were so subtle..but we all know our dogs, don't we!!!! The good news is for an old girl her joints look great, few signs of any arthritis. BUT she needs to lose a pound, She has always been around 8-9ilbs and now she is 9.8 lbs..YIKES!! Now I'm just waiting for the blood results ,I have a feeling I know something is going to show up there. I hope I'm wrong.

Anyhoo she enjoyed the visit, poor Mr B had to foot the bill and I think I am going to need another job to keep these dogs in meds...oh well....we all get old at some point. Don't worry though, she is still her happy little self and should feel better soon.

Turn off the flash crazy are going to give me a heart attack and I am NOT fat, just fluffy!!!
So no new bill instead. Here are the sort of shots you can expect to see from my vintage digital camera.

Wait a sec...what do you mean no new camera..You mean I am going to look like this is all the pics now!!!
Yes Timmy, no new camera. Fifi is more important than taking pics of you without flash eyes. You may have noticed Timmy's new "do". He wanted a more youthful look so he cut off his long fu man chu whiskers.
Loving my new look..I look 10 yrs younger. I call it the "bieb look"
Yes Timmy for a 200yr old dog you do look younger. BTW the vet remembers you and can't wait to see you!! Isn't that nice? 

Me??? Go to a vet??? Forget the stink eye..your getting a raspberry with a flash eye!!! I intend to cost you a fortune if you make me go there.

Second job here I come...sigh

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Many Faces of Pippin and FiFi

What do you do when it is so hot that even your hairless dog is panting??? Bring out the water hose, attach sprayer and make your Border Collie very happy ( and tire him out in the process).

"Spray Me...come on...spray me...PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE"

"I said spray me...come on..don't make me give you the stink eye"

"This is serious..if you don't spray me I will pee in your shoes and on that hairless thing you call a dog. I will now give you my most intense stare and will you to spray me"

" that a ball!!!"

This heat wave is making even my sweetest dog miserable. Hey FiFi..are you hot?

"Hey Jennifer, are you stupid???Don't you spray me with that thing"

"If I ignore her maybe she will go away"

"nope..she is still here..I will give her my new look that Timmy taught me...The stink eye"

"Be gone evil woman and take that blasted hose with you. I stink eye you!!"

OK then...she must be hot...

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well I'm back ..believe it or not I have been sick for a full month. A combo of migraines and a mono like virus but I am finally feeling a little better.

We had a very sad thing happen here. Mr B.'s dog Daisy had to be put to sleep. She has been in pain for a long time and she finally told him it was time. He has been so sad, she has been his best friend for 12 yrs.

She was the sweetest dog ever and will be greatly missed.I had kept gently mentioning that he should think about getting another dog, but while Daisy was still alive he did not want to even consider it and said "never again". Well after a while of missing her terribly he decided he needed a distraction to help him here she is..introducing Maggie!

It's nice to see Mr B. smiling again. She is a reg. Golden Retriever from imported stock. I researched her lines before we got her because we wanted to make sure we were getting the healthiest puppy we could. Her pappy is from Finland and has 10 generations clear of hip, elbow eye problems. On her mom's side she comes from a breeder with 35yrs of experience who actually uses her dogs to hunt..not just look pretty. Her lines are imported from Australia.She has a loving outgoing personality and everybody is her best friend at first sight....except my dogs of course.

Timmy and Buster Peebody can't figure out why they have to wear belly bands when she is the one piddling everywhere. Timmy's skin is a little pink because his bad agent let him out in the sun without sunscreen. The boys tend to mark when a new dog comes to the pack so they are wearing them as a precaution. If any of you have a nervous pee dog like Buster Peebody or a marker these are great belly bands. Very comfortable and soft. Wash and wear great. I got them off Etsy from and HIGHLY recommend them.

Me piddle??? NEVER!!!

So Timmy..what do you think of your new pack mate?

"She is Crazy..I do not like her at all..always running around and bumping into me. There should be a law made about bad puppies" I should mention to all you Timmy fans that he is quite deaf and his sight is failing so she scares him appearing out of nowhere. Don't worry though, I'll take good care of him.

Me Crazy?? Look at this face..NEVER!!!

Well we can get another opinion..Buster Peebody what do you think of Maggie?

I think his expression says it all.

Here I am looking and feeling ghastly watching Maggie try to look innocent. Now that Mr B. is around I can actually be in a few pics..looking at myself I wonder if that is a good thing!

Here is Fifi and I. She is the only one that likes Maggie. When Maggie first came here and was crying, Fifi was very upset and kept going to her to try to comfort her. This is the only pic I have of Fifi and I. She is a sweet little thing.

I love Fifi too...I love everybody!

Blast you stuffed toy..I will beat you with my stick to protect everybody!

Night everybody.......