Showing posts with label buster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label buster. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Timmy update!

After 2 weeks of waiting I finally got Fifi's ashes back. I put a sculpture of a little black poodle on top of the box and for some odd reason find it comforting having her back. I will always miss her and a chunk of my heart died with her that night but life goes on and it's a brand new year. 

So of course with it being a brand new year...I got sick. 3 days in bed but I had my "boys" to keep me company.
Timmy is feeling much better all the healing thoughts must have worked. Thank you. 

So while I was sick he decided to show me just how well he is. 
yum..oatmeal cookies!!
Yup, his appetite is back. He helped himself to a cookie that was in the package. 

I don't care
When I scolded him he just gave me attitude. So I went to the kitchen to get another cookie and when I came back he was polishing off my toast.

I suppose I should be angry but I am just happy to have him feeling better. He really does not care because he knows I am standing there taking his pic but it never stops him!

I LOVE my new sweater!
Off to the kitchen I go but this time I take him with me, so he just finds crumbs on the floor to snack on. I finally found a nice sweater to wear in the house. A lot of his are getting ratty from him scratching at them. I'm not sure about the white cuffs but it fits him nice and tight. He likes this one! Of course he still needs his long johns and coats when he goes outside but it is good for his skin to breathe once in a while. I think his little slipper feet need a trim. He has to go back to the vet to get his "delicate area" swabbed (as the vet tech put it) once his drugs are done.

I am a good boy.

I'm bored.
 So while Timmy is scooting about my other 2 boys are resting on the floor. 
Pippin the BC is getting really fat from being a house dog.
 Buster Peebody is doing great, he really is a photogenic little guy!

It was so cold here that I finally had to move the guinea pigs back in the house from the bunny shed. The bunnies are fine but the little GP's can catch a chill really easy and the heat lamp just wasn't enough.
So now I'll get to have some new models to take pics of! 
Have a great week!!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last post for the year

 It has been a tough December. Thanks to everyone for their support. Losing Fifi right before Christmas was hard. I still can't get use to my shadow not being at my side or her yappy greetings whenever I came home. The house is so quiet, even Mr B says he misses her. But there were other worries to occupy my mind..mainly Buster Peebody. He has never been without Fifi and she was his best friend. They played, slept together and she was the brave one. He kept looking for her for a while and was very sad.

poor sad Buster
 He just layed around but seems to be perking up now. I am giving him LOTS of attention and cuddles.

I know how you feel Buster
Even Pippin was low which is hard for a Border Collie.

 Timmy on the other hand didn't really notice. He is going to be very angry at me for posting these pics .

OH NO she got a new picture box!
Mr B decided a new camera for xmas might take my mind of things and gave me an awesome little nikon Coolpix 500. It can be totally auto or manual. So until I get my new SLR I can still try to learn manual settings. Not yet though. I have to get use to it first.

Hah..I'll show her!
Timmy on this particular day was being very bad. He had pooped on the floor so he got in trouble. Then I thought "oh no..what if he is like Fi and this is his last day?" So I went to make amends but he was busy drinking the tea out of my mug. He really does not care if he gets into trouble. Afterwards he rubbed his bare butt all over my pillow to get back at me. 

Hangover maybe???
 Timmy seems to be aging rapidly which worries me. His tongue has started to hang out and he never combs his hair anymore. Buster Peebody is trying to be buddies with him so Timmy uses him as a heater of sorts. Whatever works for them. 

Anyhoo last month Timmy became ill, I didn't mention it because I didn't want my blog to be so depressing. Working great for me this month. 

So he had a bunch of tests done and found a bunch of things wrong. The main reason he was ill though was due to a very nasty infection in a very delicate area. Only Timmy could get an infected wang cover. You know you love your dog when you rinse his wang off 3 times a day. So he was on meds forever and seemed better until 3 days ago. Once again the infection was back.

 So we went to the vet again to get drugs but we can't figure out the root of the infection. Also he was in a lot of pain and crying out. For the first time in 8 years he didn't finish his dinner so I knew it was serious.

We thought he had a blockage because he went into my purse and I found individual wrapped life savers on the floor. So I assumed he had swallowed them whole . So I was prepared to put him down and was trying to be brave but the vet assured me he didn't seem to have belly pain..whew..but why is he crying out..maybe when he fell UP the stairs 3 times or when Buster Peebody pushed him off the bed he hurt himself? Who knows but they think his back is going which is probably why he walks with a hump in the middle and moves kinda like a crab outside..Timmy can't even be sick like a normal dog. If I wasn't so worried I would find all of this very typical for Timmy.

So since this really is his blog, his story, I felt I should update you folks on Timmy because I have not mentioned him lately. He has to get his liver checked out but until this infection goes away we can't do much. The vet was concerned because he has lost weight but Buster Peebody and Timmy quit eating well after Fifi passed. They still won't eat their morning kibble. 

So he is on antibiotics, supplements, fancy schmancy food and I am giving him pain meds even though the vet was worried it would hurt his liver. I'd rather he be comfortable now. The vet also said he should be blind because his cataracts are so bad but he still sees things. I thought he was going crazy, standing at the wall instead of the door to come in but it's because he can't see well. I don't know which is worse. 

I'm sick
 So I'm hoping  he will be fine, here is a pic from energy except when I fed him prime rib.
 So I am going to be glad to see the end of this year.
 Lots of great things happened but this month has been awful. 
So please send Timmy some healing thoughts , he would like that.

I hope you all have a great big happy and shiny New Year !!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Road Trip- Part 1

While looking for pics on my fried camera's memory card I found some of the road trip we took.
So I thought I would share..Here we go...

Happy Timmy ready to go!!!!

So excited!

He started it.

Fifi..get in the car so we can go..

And off we go and boy are we making great time. We are on the road for at least 10 min when Timmy needs a potty break.

When you gotta gotta go!

of course then Buster Peebody had to go.
 At this point we had gone only a few miles from my house yet had left over 30 min. ago.Really...

Are we there yet?
 Finally everyone settles down and 2 1/2 hrs later we arrive.

My sis's house. She lives in Illinois but this is her Ontario Canada house. It is a beautiful place just a little overgrown at the moment.

And look who is there to greet other than Toto..our long lost pack brother!!

Happy Toto
Toto then comes racing up with his new brother Atlas!

Toto says "follow me!"
 Then they run away again...

Come on!

I'm so confused
Now Timmy is confused..too follow or not to follow..hmmmmmmmmmmmmm To be continued.....

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Mystery-Part 2

So I found this mess in the front room the other day.

Timmy and FiFi have been let off after questioning, but Buster Peebody is still a suspect.

"I did nothing wrong. I have a Lawyer"

Oh we go..Timmy you cannot be his lawyer. You were a suspect.

"My client is a lot of things, like an idiot, but not a shoe killer and if anything he needs help for hoarding. His OCD causes many problems and his hoarding does not allow him time to be destructive as the evidence will show...

Court evidence #1"
"Many hoarded toys..which were stolen from other dogs by the way....but no chewed up parts.."

Court evidence #2

"Look how he treasures his stolen toys..there is no way my client did this"

"Maggie did it!!!!" How do you know this Timmy.."well just look.."

Court Evidence #3

Well I guess this mystery has been solved. Maggie do you have anything to say for yourself'?

"Sure, why didn't you just ask me in the first place. I love chewing Mr B's shoes. This is my 4th pair!!!" Court dismissed. Timmy wins again...sigh

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Mystery - Part One

I came in the house this afternoon and found this!!!!

One of Mr B's shoes chewed up ....again....since Maggie moved in alot of shoes have been ruined. BUT who killed this one?

Well that is a big mess for such a little dog, but Buster Peebody can pull off some amazing things.

TIMMY??? No way , unless he was really hungry

"I did not do it. Mr B's feet stink way too much for me to even go near his shoes"
Well that is true so I think we can count Timmy out.

Smug Sly Smile Timmy Style...hmmmmm

Look at this messy little could I ever doubt him..

Wait a minute..I see you two. Timmy!!!

Quit telling him how to do the innocent act!!

Darn..too late..they both have their "who me " faces on

We can count out FiFi because she is incapable of doing anything bad other than barking.

So that leaves Maggie and Pippin "Dum de that a bird???"

Pippin has pooped in Mr B's shoes but not chewed them up. He'd rather suck on things...yech

This looks like the face of a guilty dog..sort of...given her past record we will just have to investigate a bit more...

stay tuned...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hansel is my ferret and is a total sweetheart.

Since he was never descented he is quite stinky but I don't care . The weather was nice today so I decided to bring him outside. As you can see he is not in the best of shape but he is going on 10 yrs old and has cancer so please overlook it :)

The cancer has caused his hair to fall out so now I have a hairless dog and a hairless ferret. Most of my animals are old now so I am constantly worried about their problems.Except for Buster Peebody, he is a young 7yrs old and the baby of my pack.

He has always loved Hansel and they use to play together but now Hansel gets tired very quickly and sleeps alot.

Hansel waking up from his nap.

Buster loves anything stinky so when he found a ferret poop in the grass he just had to roll in it. I will spare you the sight of that pic..

See what happens when you roll in dirty things??? Stinky dogs get baths..poor Buster Peebody, he does love to smell bad..oh well....