Showing posts with label portable projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portable projects. Show all posts

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Opening Ceremonies

While I watched the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics Friday night, which were spectacular, I participated in my own "opening ceremonies," of sorts. I had opened the kit for my kitten ornaments awhile ago, prepared the fabric, and had started sorting the floss. So Friday night, I sorted the remainder of the floss (a task itself!) and started on my first "olympic" kitty.

I'll admit that I paid more attention to the TV than I did the cross stitching, because this little kitty already deviates from the pattern. I ripped out one section where I had miscounted, but when I noticed that I had been using the wrong color all along, I didn't have the heart to rip it out. Of course, if I can't stand the way it looks as I make more progress, I'll reconsider. Until then, this little one will have its own unique look. Now which one might he be?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Planning Ahead

I've learned two things from last week's challenge. If I don't make myself do something creative everyday, I won't. I've spent a good deal of time in the weeds - oops, I meant flower beds, this week, so the week has certainly not been a loss. But, I've not picked the cross stitch or rug hooking back up since last week either. Hmmm. Connection? I think so!

The other thing that I learned from last week's challenge is that I have too many big projects and not enough "little" ones to make me feel like I'm getting more accomplished. So, this afternoon I spent some time planning ahead for a few more portable projects.

Case in point: out came two projects I've posted about before, along with the scissors and fray check.

I cut the fabric for the six kitten ornaments as well as linen for another alphabet block, and I edged them with fray check. Once these dry, they'll be good to go.

My other crafty find for the week was three skirts from a local thrift shop. The 75% off sign at the door caught my attention, but even then I picked three winter items that weren't on sale - in June! The skirts were still very affordable, though, and the money goes to a good cause.

This was my first trip to the thrift store since I started hooking to look for wool items. Two of the skirts are 100% wool. The red plaid did not have a fabric label, but it was dry clean only, felt like wool, and should yield lots of usable material with all the pleats. I figured it was definitely worth the try. I washed and dried these as soon as I brought them in the door, so they are ready to store away for a winter evening when I'm in the mood to take them apart.

I love the colors - especially the red tartan and the plaid with the browns, rusts, and blue. I foresee some kind of rug hooking "sampler" project or notebook in my future just for the fun of keeping track of the various fabrics and how they work up. Oh, the fun!

No challenges for me this week, but I will try to be more conscious about making time for continued creative endeavors. I hope you enjoy your creative plans as well!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Portable Projects and An Excuse

There's only one problem with traveling and a portable project: finding time to open it! I'm guilty.

I was out of town for work for a week, came home, put the taxes in the mail, and immediately headed out of town for vacation. I'm always prepared for "down" time, but there never seems to be any when I travel--for whatever reason. In fact, I've had more rest since I came back to work earlier this week than when I was away on "vacation." But here's my excuse . . .

Photography. Just one other thing I like to do in my "free" time. In fact, my husband and I love to be outdoors and shoot so much, there's no cross stitch, rug hooking, or rest while on vacation. We are out the door before sunrise, on the go until well after dark, and taking advantage of every photo op at every turn. We are s-l-o-w. In fact, part of our vacation was spent in the Smoky Mountains. We spent one day on a trail brimming with wildflowers and 6 hours going the first 2.5 miles.

But here's part of the pleasure and the payoff. We ended our vacation at Cumberland Falls State Park for their Nature Photography Weekend. My husband has been attending and competing in the photo competition off and on since the 1980s. You have a little over 24 hours to shoot for the competition, and six photographs to select for six different categories. I've only competed for the last three years--first shooting slides and now shooting digital. Out of approximately 80 competitors, we both came away with two of the first place awards: my husband for wildflowers and mine for a "wet and wild" shot of a cascades that I converted to a black and white. We always enjoy the weekend, the nightly programs, and seeing the work of other photographers. We were both tickled and validated by the recognition. Now if I could only learn how to photograph my craft projects!

So . . . no project updates to share this week. Thanks, though, for your feedback on the Hannah Lancaster sampler. I will leave her as is. I have so much catching up to do with your blogs, and I hope you have had a more productive spring than I've had thus far. It's difficult tearing myself away from the outdoors. Happy spring and happy stitching!