Showing posts with label Mary Wigham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mary Wigham. Show all posts

Sunday, January 31, 2010

An Itsy Bit of Etsy

Now that I'm "caught up" on my weaving posts, I'll return to the stitching front.

Last week I noticed that Beth Twist of Heartstring Samplery had posted a new design to her Etsy shop. I fell in love with the border patterns and the sentiment. Such a perfect design for this time of the year! I love the touch of red in the hearts.
I also noticed that Kathy Barrick had also added a number of "old" patterns to her Etsy shop that I needed to add to my collection.

I ordered patterns on the same day, and they all arrived on the same day just a few days later. Fast service! I certainly have new motivation to keep stitching!

As for the little bit of stitching I've done of late, I have just one little motif, in progress, to show from the Mary Wigham sampler. It's been awhile since I've worked on white linen, so I've had to take my time on this one and rip out a few atitches along the way. That's ok. I enjoy the process as much as anything, so the slow go is fine by me.

Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be and enjoying the day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mary and Me

I've tossed the floss for Mary Wigham and have decided to join the SAL.

This project will be a "first" for me, as I've never selected my own colors before. I was surprised by how easy it was (I'll say that now before the stitching begins!) to stand in front of all the DMC offerings and select the soft colors I was going for with this sampler. I selected the colors and then quickly settled on a 32 ct. antique white linen by Permin. Now to get started!

I'm still working on Jenny Bean's church, but there's not been enough progress since last time to share another photo.

Instead, I'll leave you with a photo from yesterday that captured the essence of the summer day along a garden wall. Have an enjoyable week!