Showing posts with label snow rules. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow rules. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Zodiac SAL - Pisces

It's time again to catch up on my SALs. First off, we have the Zodiac SAL hosted by the exuberant Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. Check out all the information on this month's sign, Pisces, at her page

I dated a Pisces for a while and the description on Jo's blog doesn't really fit that person at all. I married a Sagittarius and that one does align really closely with DH's personality. I'm a pretty solid Virgo beyond the extreme cleanliness, although maybe someone that knows me well is a better person to ask about that.

I stitched on a lot of things last month, so let's see what I can shoe horn into fitting with Pisces, a Water sign represented by 2 fish. 

Snow Rules - because what does snow turn into when it melts? 
 Fishing - naturally
 Ocean Curiosity - I'm detecting a theme...
 Yesterday stitched on Eye of Newt - newts live near and around water
Fabric from Chromatic Alchemy called Poseidon ;)

And the new shawl has these ripples which look a fair bit like waves, don't you think? 
skagen shawl pattern by Berroco, yarn is Araucania Huasco I think

Apparently there were quite a few to show off this month. I hope you've all had a good month and please check out the other participants listed on Jo's blog. 

Happy Stitching! 


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Olympic Stitching and February WIPocalypse ** lot of photos!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Olympics! I had hoped to get a mini-post up some time during the Olympics, but that didn't quite happen. Maybe next Olympics. ;D

From the various Olympic stitching SALs out there, I decided to attempt to stitch one project a day from my WIP pile. Because I don't necessarily get stitching time every day, I tried to stitch on at least as many projects as days of the Olympics. Here's what I managed:

Kiss for a Snowman - last touched January 13, 2018
and now:
Dimensions Kiss for a Snowman kit with kitted fabric and threads

 Ocean Curiosity - last touched February 13, 2016:
and now:
stitched on unknown 18 ct purpley mottle fabric 2 over 2 with WDW Michael's Navy

Do Not Meddle - last touched August 21, 2017
and now:
last of the current stunt stitching with DMC 1 over 1 on 28 ct white fabric 

I Love You More - last touched January 12, 2016
and now:
Jodyri Designs with WDW Purple Majesty so far, 2 over 2 on Eye of Newt by Chromatic Alchemy

Xmas Dragon - last touched October 10, 2017
and now:
14 ct gold thread Aida with Caron Waterlilies Holiday

Joy Snowglobe - last touched January 30, 2016
and now:
Dimensions kit with kit plastic canvas and thread 

Fishing project - last touched November 30, 2017
and now:
on 28 ct Tempest by Chromatic Alchemy with called for DMC 2 over 2

 See Ya Later Alligator - last touched April 15, 2016
and now: (with a cameo by Max!)
Jodyri design with charted colours for the motifs and random threads for lettering, 2 over 2 on 28ct Nuriel's Forest by Chromatic Alchemy
Maple Leaf - last touched January 27, 2016
and now:
AAN design on 14 ct brown mottle fabric from Silkweavers? 2 over 1 with WDW Fire

Monochrome Link - last touched January 4, 2016
and now:
 Sprite Stitch pattern with called for DMC 2 over 1 on 16ct black Aida

Snow Rules - last touched February 23, 2016
and now:
 Lizzie Kate design, so crazy she's retiring! 
I'm not in love with this yellow and might trade it out for WDW Purple majesty from I Love You More, the other threads are Dinky Dyes silks from an Oops bag and I'm stitching 2 over 1 on brown 14 ct aida

Tribal Dragon - last touched August 30, 2017

 and now:
White Willow Stitching design on 25 ct pewter Lugana with Caron Waterlilies/Soie Cristale 1 over 1

and last but not least, Ballerina Dreams is here so far:
Dimensions kit with called for threads 2 over 1 on 18 ct Petra by Chromatic Alchemy

Knitting Projects

I started one project for the Ravellenics, a challenge to start and finish one project during the Olympics. This is a free pattern from Berroco, and I didn't get the sleeves on, but I almost have a vest done. :) I also managed to completely forget about the button hole rows and will attach hook and loops or something instead. 

Sawtelle WIP with Plymouth yarn

Shawl for Grandma - I decided on a new start while we were waiting to see Black Panther and I'm glad I brought something to do. It's an interesting one, despite the fingering yarn, and I managed 2 full pattern repetitions before the movie started. The shawl I'm making is called Skagen, a $ pattern from Berroco. 

I really enjoyed getting out some of these older projects, most from my epic January/February challenge of 2016 and there's a lot to go on most of them. 

The WIPocalypse question is what gadget can't you live without? For me it's Qsnaps. I will occasionally stitch in hand, but I love the tension you get with Qsnaps. 

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

IHSW - February Conclusion

Did everyone have a good weekend hermitting? I always work the 3rd weekend of the month, so I never have as much time as I'd like. However, since the Olympics are on, I've been staying up much too late to watch things, like last night to see the final of the Ice Dancing competition. So excited for the result!! In case you haven't seen it, I won't give it away, but wow, it was a very tough competition and all 3 medalist pairs did so well. 

But this is my IHSW post, even though it involves Olympic stitching, so let's get on with the stitching. I've decided to attempt a few tasks this Olympics. One is to try and knit a sweater for DD and this is here so far:

I forget the name of the yarn, but it has her 2 current favourite colours, purple and white. It was just purple for a while, and for a long time when she was little, we were sure it was yellow, but she's decided it's purple and white currently.

This is one full ball so far. I think I have to knit maybe one more ball before the shaping begins, but we'll see how it goes. I like how it's almost self-striping, it's making a neat pattern. 

For stitching I'm still working away on Ballerina Dreams and am here now:

I don't have too much progress since I'm also trying to stitch on one project that I haven't touched in a while for each day of the Olympics. I don't necessarily stitch every day, but I'm trying to pull out one project for each day of the Olympics, therefore stitch on 16 different projects between February 9 and February 26th. 

This weekend I managed to pull out several projects and moved them along. Since I haven't touched them in a while, I'll try and add before photos too:

Snow Rules - last touched February 23, 2016
February 17, 2018
AAN Maple Leaf - last touched February 1, 2016
February 17, 2018
See Ya Later Alligator - last touched April 15, 2016
February 17, 2018 with an admirer
Monochrome Link - last touched January 5, 2016
February 17, 2018

So lots of random stitching on different projects and I'll try and get another post up soon since I've missed Gifted Gorgeousness again! 

Happy Stitching and hope you're all enjoying the Olympics too. :)


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...