Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Zodiac SAL - Pisces

It's time again to catch up on my SALs. First off, we have the Zodiac SAL hosted by the exuberant Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching. Check out all the information on this month's sign, Pisces, at her page

I dated a Pisces for a while and the description on Jo's blog doesn't really fit that person at all. I married a Sagittarius and that one does align really closely with DH's personality. I'm a pretty solid Virgo beyond the extreme cleanliness, although maybe someone that knows me well is a better person to ask about that.

I stitched on a lot of things last month, so let's see what I can shoe horn into fitting with Pisces, a Water sign represented by 2 fish. 

Snow Rules - because what does snow turn into when it melts? 
 Fishing - naturally
 Ocean Curiosity - I'm detecting a theme...
 Yesterday stitched on Eye of Newt - newts live near and around water
Fabric from Chromatic Alchemy called Poseidon ;)

And the new shawl has these ripples which look a fair bit like waves, don't you think? 
skagen shawl pattern by Berroco, yarn is Araucania Huasco I think

Apparently there were quite a few to show off this month. I hope you've all had a good month and please check out the other participants listed on Jo's blog. 

Happy Stitching! 



  1. Congrats on the pretty finish Tiffany. Nice progress on the others.


  2. My sister is a Pisces...explains a lot doesn't it, especially since I'm full-blooded Libra. I LOVE the new fabric! I can never get in on one of those fabric of the month clubs. I must be doing something wrong!

  3. Thanks for taking part in the Zodiac SAL this month. You really did manage to fit a lot into the theme too.
    I'm a Virgo, all the best people are LOL. Or Libra. I like Librans, I married one!

  4. Love the new blue fabric! Lovely projects! :) I am amazed at how we all stitchers( though I am not in the SAL but might have done the same thing) manage to fit one project into multiple themes/zodiacs :D

  5. Great shoehorning! I always enjoy seeing what you've come up with.

  6. I'm a Pisces, Jo's description is pretty close to me! Great stitching here. The Eye of Newt WIP's fabric is a riot!

  7. Pretty stitching and great shoehorning, Tiffany.

  8. Such a lot of things you fitted into this month, all good

  9. I'm a Piesces, and like pretty much every zodiac description, about half applies and half doesn't! Nice progress...and truly outstanding use of the shoehorn! =)

  10. Very nice stitching!

    My best friend is a pisces - I think she fits pretty well.

  11. Lovely pieces that all fit perfectly the theme of water.

  12. What a blue (for snow rules) is that a variated thread? Lot of pisces in the family, enough to fill an aquarium. xxx

    1. Thank you! It's a Dinky Dyes oops thread, so it's a one-off thread that may have some problems with it. It's so gorgeous, I love that one. Great Pisces joke!

  13. What a blue (for snow rules) is that a variated thread? Lot of pisces in the family, enough to fill an aquarium. xxx

  14. Great shoe horns. My hubby is a Pisces and it fits very well for him.

  15. Great shoehorning! Your stitching really fit in quite well this month.


Thanks for any comments!

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