Wednesday, March 29, 2017

WIP Wednesday - A Catch-up and Some News!

I'm still working on the Theme-tas-stitch March Madness this month so I have a few more WIPs to show. 

Firstly, the shark cross stitch is complete, although the back stitch isn't quite done:
Durene Jones Under the Sea SAL
2 over 2 charted colours on 28 ct Eliat (Chromatic Alchemy)

This is a super secret Dimensions kit that I started in maybe 2008 or 2009. It will eventually be for DH and the pattern is 3 wolves howling at the moon. DH was away last Wednesday and I dug this out to work on. It looked like this last time it was out:
 and I got to here:

It's on 14 count aida from a kit, this is kind of before I realized there was better fabric out there, but I've done so much I won't be restarting. There are so many blends in this kit... But it's nice and I'd like to finish it some day, so I'll try and get it out when DH is away. :)

I dug out another WIP that hasn't been touched since last year, Tribal Dragon. It was here:

and one night got the green a little farther:

I was away at a conference all weekend and of course I went a little out of my way to the not-so-local-needlework-shop. I was telling myself I didn't need anything, which of course I don't, but hey, I can't not go! These were my goodies from Battenkill Stitchery. 

I also brought The Princess and the Dragon to get some of the filling in done. I didn't get as much done as I would have liked since they had to turn the lights down sometimes and it was too dark to stitch. I worked on the dragon part the whole weekend, and it used to be here:

and I managed this much:

Also, I have some news! Heather of It's Geek to Me and I are thinking we can do a SAL for the Letters from Nora - H. We think we can start next Wednesday, so I'm looking forward to getting back into my Letters. They're fairly quick and fun to do. 

Jo pointed out how many dragon WIPs I had and liked my idea of having a dragon month. We're leaning towards August since that would fit in the Theme-tas-stitch Animalia month. Join in if you'd like!

I'm really overdue in posting about this, but you should all check out Laura's fantastic journey through her WIPs and stash. She is also looking for someone to adopt this project, it's beautiful and about half-stitched. It's ideal if you have any weddings coming up. 

I think that was all I meant to post about? I hope you're all doing well and Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Top 5 Tuesdays: Top 5 Film-Related Charts

It's Tuesday again and time to dig through stash, WIPs or online to find this week's topic. Kate chose film-related charts, so I've been having a think on this one all day while working. I was away all weekend, including Monday, so today was a typical insanely-busy-first-day-back-to-work kind of day. 


1. Evil Dead/Evil Dead II

I stitched this one in 2013 for a friend that also enjoys the Evil Dead series. She loved it! You can find it here by PyroDogPins. 

2. Star Wars

This was a 2012 finish for my brother. I had given it to my MIL to finish, and it wasn't a great job unfortunately, so I don't know that he uses it, but it was still fun to stitch. It used to be free, but now you can find it inexpensively on Etsy

3. Colin Firth

From one of the Cross Stitch magazines, Colin Firth himself. I stitched it for my mother, a huge fan, but she couldn't tell who it was? I thought it was really good charting myself. 

4. Elevenses

I received this from a friend for Xmas, I haven't stitched it yet, but lots of others have. I'm looking forward to starting some day soon. Find it here

5. Ursula

I haven't purchased this one yet, find it here, but I have a couple friends that really enjoy her as a villain, so I might soon. 

I'll try and get a WIP post up tomorrow of everything I've been working on. I hope you've all had a good week and I'll try and catch up on posts soon!

Happy Stitching and check out Kate's blog for everyone else's posts too. 


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Theme-tas-Stitch: March Madness!

Now that it's March 21st it's time to check in with Kerry, the host of our monthly SAL, Theme-tas-Stitch. This month the goal is to stitch on as many projects as you can, and I've stitched on more individual projects this month than I have since doing the January/February challenge last year. I've posted a lot of these already, so let's do a recap:

Princess and the Dragon went from here on March 1st:
to here on March 8:

Dragon Under Glass moved along:
 Bailey Basset got a little filled in:
Moon Hare had another strand or so:
 Mini Winter Magic got some love:
 New start with Mini Autumn's Promise:
 A finish on March's calendar design
Kiss for a Snowman

I've also started April's monthly calendar and worked on the Under the Sea SAL, but I had to frog a large section of the shark last night and have apparently forgotten to take any photos lately. I'll try and add those photos soon. I think I got so obsessed involved in finishing the shark I haven't taken any other WIPs out. :)

I thought I'd stitched on a few more than this, I'll have to make up for it next week and maybe this weekend and try and get a little more done. 

Happy Stitching!


Top 5 Tuesdays: Top 5 WIPs to Finish This Year

This week's Top 5 Tuesday is an open choice. Thanks Kate for a great idea and I hope a lot of people join in this week! Make sure you check out everyone's links on the right side of Kate's blog as well. :)


I like making these lists to try and remind myself what I hope to complete this year. 

1. Letters by Nora S, H, G

As of last look:
 All cross stitch and back stitch complete with charted colours 2 over 2 on 28 ct Nuriel's Forest by Chromatic Alchemy
 Lots to do!
Even more to do! But will wait until H is complete to make sure it's centered well. 

2. AAN Spider Banner

The fabric colour is true on the top photo. I'm stitching 2 over 2 on 32 ct opalescent mystery fabric I received as a RAK. I ran out of the purple colour, WDW Cyclamen. Kathy from The Wooden Needle will be sending me some. She stocks a full line of WDW, only she had no spot for Cyclamen, so apparently it wasn't a full list. She was happy I had needed it so she can fill out her collection as well. 

3. Letters from Nora - L

I need to finish this for a friend. I have A framed, K finished, but not fully finished and this one has been waiting. So fully finishing K is a goal this year as well. 

4. Do Not Meddle

This is my last stunt stitching to finish for a friend that can't really stitch anymore. I had hoped to finish it last year, but didn't get there. I will have to restart as we discussed the fabric she sent and I started more horizontally, but she's thinking vertical might be better. This was only one night of work, so it shouldn't take long to restart. 

5. Reflections of Canada

I'm looking forward to getting back to this one and I hope to finish by July 1st, Canada's 150th birthday! 

Thanks for reading my list and cheering me on to get these finished. Happy Stitching!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Gifted Gorgeousness and the Nor'Easter of March 2017

Over yesterday and today there was a blizzard warning in our area and they weren't kidding this time! This is what we woke up to today:
 The height of the snow on top of my Beetle.. yes, a small car
 The dent left over after I backed up enough to where the driveway was plowed
 Mostly pre-snow removal. I started with the headlight, then realized it was a cool photo with the lights coming through the snow
Trying to get out the door

I think we ended up with well over 2 feet, but I didn't actually measure. And now on to stitching! The best thing to do when the blizzard is going on outside, sit inside and stitch. :)

Here's my March Gifted Gorgeousness post and be sure to check out everyone else's links at our wonderful host, Jo's blog

I managed to finish my March design by Palko-lap:
2 over 1 with Jodyri Diligence on unknown Chromatic Alchemy 14 count?

Kiss for a Snowman

I pulled this out at the hockey tournament this past weekend and got over an hour into it. You can see the before photo on Monday's post. This will eventually be for DD, maybe by Xmas?

Princess and the Dragon

This will also be for DD when I get it completed. I'm not expecting a finish this year, but maybe next? I hope to keep at this next week and at least finish off the left side where I had made a mistake. 

Autumn's Promise

A new start on a RAK! It will eventually look like this:

Mini Winter Magic

Another RAK from a few years ago and this one got a little more of the top right corner completed. 

I'm not sure what else to work on this week. I'm thinking about working on the April monthly design to make sure I mail it off before Easter to my Grandma. March isn't going to get there by St. Patrick's Day since I got a little behind. 

I hope you all had a good month of GG stitching and Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Top 5 Tuesday: Top 5 Time Related Charts

Thank you for all of your wonderful comments on my leg. :) It wasn't too bad an injury and is almost better already. Falling is pretty normal in hockey and we used to practice how to fall well and get up fast when I was younger. Here's a video that's been making the rounds of Facebook lately:

We never practiced like this, although it looks like it would have been fun as a kid! Our practice was fall down on one line and get up before you slid to the next line. It was fun too though. 

And now for Top 5 Tuesday! Make sure you check out Kate's, Keebs, Laura's and Emma's blogs for their take on this week's theme, Time Related Stitches!

I'm almost 100% sure I don't have any time-related charts, so this will be all off the top of my head and searching on :)

1. Clock Fractal (Fractal 267)

I saw this one stitched up on the Cross Stitch Forum a few years ago, it's incredible!

2. Mad Hatter

Linda is working on this fine one currently. Whenever I think of the Mad Hatter, the quote about "murdering time" comes to mind, so that's why I added this one. 

3.  Take Time (Dimensions kit)

I can't remember if I saw Katie stitching this one or if I'm getting it mixed up with a similar chart. It looks like a fairly quick stitch though and could have clock parts added maybe?

4. Halloween Time (Needlework Press)
Because it's fun!

Find this one at the Zen of Making blog. There's a Dalek one as well. 

I hope you enjoyed the list and potential stash enhancement ;)

Happy Stitching!


Monday, March 13, 2017

Update on BAP Week (Picture heavy) and Giveaway Winners!

Can anyone tell me where last week went? I swear I last posted a couple days ago, turns out it's almost a week, again! DD and DH both are very sick with significant colds that have had both of them coughing and coughing. So far I've been spared, and I hope that continues. 

The hockey tournament was a lot of fun over the weekend! It's a great bunch of players, and they're different than the teammates of the tournament the week before. It's also a little slower, although I still managed to fall 3 times, one in each game, and that's unusual for me. I'm not sure if it's how my skates were sharpened or if the ice was in poor condition. The ice should have been great because it was so cold this weekend! -20C.... yikes!

I managed to pull the calf muscle on my right leg during one fall. I kind of fell into the boards, so I was lucky that was all that happened really. Here's my recovery position:

This was during the 2nd game and I felt okay to play the 3rd game. It was good overall and we all had a lot of fun!

Let's do the giveaway first. I had 3 people ask for the LK Smile chart and the winner was Leonore! There were 2 people that requested the LK Angels chart and the winner was Mini!

Congratulations both of you and please email me your addresses. 

Now on to the updates! I didn't work on a different project every day for March Madness (part of Theme-tas-Stitch), but I did work on a lot of BAPs. The ones I haven't shown updates for are:

Moon Hare (hard to tell progress)

Mini Winter Magic (top right corner)

Autumns Promise - new start!
2 over 1 tent stitch on 28 count Polar Blast by Chromatic Alchemy

I'm hoping to not stitch in the background, sort of work out from the dragon and see what fits. 

Princess and the Dragon

I'm still working on fixing the error, so this will come back out after this SAL week. 

Since I had some time between games on Saturday, I managed to stitch on my travel project, A Kiss for a Snowman, which was here:
and is now here:

and of course I went to The Wooden Needle and had a nice browse through the store. I managed to keep myself to these:

There may be one or two more I didn't include in the photo because they'll be part of Kaye's Easter Exchange this year. 

I think DD will like the lion/mouse one and I think my Grandma might like the covered bridge since that's a very Vermont scene. The others were in the clearance bin, so they had to come home with me too. :) 

I hope you all had a good week, and I will get my Top 5 Tuesday post up late tomorrow unless the impending snow cuts the power. 

Happy Stitching!


February Update

Hello again! Here we are partway through March, so definitely time for a February update. I got a little behind in things after catching col...