hi there everyone...i know in some part of the world... summer season has ended.. but here in Abu dhabi the capital city of United Arab Emirates (UAE) its always sunny day!! hahahhahha... oh well i just miss my country.. i miss the foods, the beautiful beaches & i miss my family & friends... anyways as for my NOTD i made a tropical design...
for my base i sponged "ENCHANT YELLOW" (its a nail polish made in china) as my base then i sponged a bit of my own franken baby blue nail polish ( as a represent of blue sky) then i put a fashion victim nail polish to add a little shimer... konad M29, M35 for my nail art stamping & konad special polish green, red, pastel pink, gabrini "brown" for stamping...
have a great sunny wednesday...
12 years ago
Labels: amisy D03, blue, konad, KOTD, m29, m35, nail art, NOTD, sponge, yellow