October 31, 2013

A bonsai tree and a beaded corner

During the last couple of days I added some parts to Chatelaine's Moss Garden. I decided to leave all the Buddha's out and replace them by the lovely bonsai trees.

All the beads are attached to the left top corner. I still have to add the gold thread and the beads to the right top corner. And after that I will continue with the goldfish over one in the pond, the tori gate and the garden on top.

But part 6 of Chateau Hexagon has arrived yesterday, so perhaps I'll take a short sidetrack to this project.

October 23, 2013

A lot of Chateau Hexagon

Yesterday I finished part 5 of Lynette Anderson's Button BOM Chateau Hexagon. Now I'll have to wait till part 6 arrives somewhere next week.


A warm welcome to my new followers. Thank you for your interest in my blog. 
And also thanks a lot for your lovely comments.

October 10, 2013

Chateau Hexagon

Last week I got these beautiful cream background fabrics from my friend Anne Marieke. The fabrics are a belated birthday present! We planned to go shopping together, but because of a lot of things happening in both our lives we had to postpone this event many times. So Anne Marieke choose some lovely fabrics and sent them by mail. Thank you very much, Anne Marieke!
They match perfectly with Lynette Anderson's Evening Mist fabrics.

This is what I already did of part 1 of Chateau Hexagon, the latest button BOM by Lynette Anderson.

Welcome to my new followers. And thanks for all your lovely comments.

October 1, 2013

More Moss Garden

This is the first mossy well corner of Chatelaine's Moss Garden. I really like this part. Imagine how it would be to sit on the mossy stones and listen to the murmuring of the water....