February 12, 2016

More forest

Another page of my HAED The Forest Door finished. Now I am going to fill the gap on the left side. It is quite addictive, this project.

Tibor is doing fine. He is very very happy without his stitches and red shirt!

This afternoon DD and I have been to the Handwerkbeurs in Zwolle. We had a very nice time there, and got loads of ideas and inspiration. DD bought some buttons for the eyes of her crocheted cat and I bought a piece of raw 36 count linen for my Joyful World. This is a lovely free monthly pattern on The Snowflower Diaries blog.

January 26, 2016

Tibor and the Forest Door

Our little (4.9 kg now!) boy is recovering from surgery. He is neutered last Friday. And while he was anesthetized the vet also fixed his umbilical hernia. To prevent touching the stitches he has to wear this cute little shirt. But he really hates the thing!! We can't use a collar for Tibor, because he manages to escape out of it like a little Houdini. Still six days to go; on Monday he'll have the stitches removed.

I did redo all the pinkish stitches. And I am very glad I did. On the photograph the difference is unnoticeable, but it really is visible. Thank you very much for your support.

January 19, 2016

Forest Door frustration

Some days ago I discovered I've mixed up two symbols and used a more pinkish colour in the part below the moon. And also in the tree on the right side. It is hardly visible on the photo, but I know. And because of that it doesn't feel good. So I replaced most of the stitches during the last couple of days. Still have to rip out and replace the wrong stitches in the lighter part below the moon.
And in between I am finishing this part of the big stone.

January 2, 2016

First 2016 post

A very Happy New Year to all of you.

During the last days of 2015 I finished the top side of Chatelaine's Nymphs' Garden. One of my goals for 2016 is to finish the whole piece.

And row 8 of the 1865 Passion Sampler.

Not at all impressed by the noise of the fireworks!

December 10, 2015

The Glade Nymphs

The Glade nymphs are the ones on the left side of Chateaine's Nymphs' Garden, but they look better this way without the other parts of the mandala on the photograph.

December 5, 2015

Nymphs' Garden again

I have finished the stitching of the outer border, not the beading yet.
Still a lot of clouds to add and three nymphs, back stitching, beads and crystals.

Thank you very much for all your kind comments.

November 27, 2015

1865 Passion Sampler row 7

Yesterday I have added row 7 to my 1865 Passion Sampler. No cat on the photo this time.
Now I've almost caught up with this one I'll switch to another project for some time. My next goal is to finish the complete outer border of Chatelaine's Nymphs' Garden, the one with the leafs and small waterlilies.

November 22, 2015

The Garden Club

And I also subscribed to the new series of Blackbird Designs, the Garden Club. This is part #1 'Basket of Cherries'. Part #2 'Apple Orchard' is waiting to be stitched. I am going to join all the pieces at the end as is suggested by the ladies of BBD. I've seen a preview of part #3 and this is going to be another lovely and typically BBD series!

November 16, 2015

1865 Passion Sampler row 6

Another row added to my 1865 Passion Sampler.
And of course a cat on the photo!

October 26, 2015

Dancing trees and Well Nymphs

I have reached my goal for last week's vacation and stitched the last of the dancing trees and the big leafs with the eyelets! And during the weekend I also finished the Well Nymphs, including the beads. They look a bit like Medusa with their beaded hair...

Warm welcome to the new followers. Thank you for your interest in my stitching and other items. And thank you all for you lovely comments!

October 16, 2015

Nymph Garden: dancing trees

Some days ago I got the Chatelaine 'Nymph Garden' out of it's hibernation. I am adding more of the dancing trees. And also planned to stitch the last section of the big leafs during the next week. In the part of the Netherlands where I live it is autumn vacation. So no working, but additional stitching time.

October 10, 2015

It has been a long time....

...Since I wrote a new blog post...

During this time I finished the Long Dog Sampler 'The Love of Two Hearts', a remembrance piece to my parents. I finished it on October 6th, which is their wedding day! I realized this a day later. A strange coincidence.

And I finished row 5 of the 1865 Passion Sampler. This time Pilou is inspecting it.

I caught Tibor and Cato sleeping on my bed. Tibor is growing fast and we expect he is going to be a really big boy. Yesterday I found one of his kitten molars on the floor.

On September 23th DD has got her certificate for the Master's examination in Pedagogical Science. You can imagine I am a very proud mother. Now she is hoping she'll get a job somewhere.

September 3, 2015

Love of Two Hearts and more

It has been quite a while since I have updated my blog. Thank you very much for all your good wishes for my birthday.
I have stitched the top part of The Love of Two Hearts and also finished some more blocks of the 1865 Passion Sampler.

The cats are taking a nap on one of the beds. Tibor is growing fast and also very adventurous.
The goldfish have survived, but to protect them we have to cover the bowl with a wooden tray. Instead of the fish bowl Tibor started playing with the water bowls. He shoves them through the rooms, spoiling water everywhere. So we are substituting them for heavier ones...

For those who are wondering what has happened to my Chatelaine's and HAED's: they are still in hibernation. But I have the feeling they will awake soon.

August 10, 2015

Passion Sampler and a new project

Since my previous post I've added some more blocks to the 1865 Passion Sampler. These are block 13 and block 15.

For my birthday, yesterday, Anne Marieke gave me this lovely addition to my reproduction fabrics for the Passion Sampler! Next block I am going to use the blue striped fabric. She is making the Passion Sampler also, so we are doing a SAL together.

DD gave me a beautiful HAED chart, 'Shrooms', for many hours of stitching pleasure.
And I got flowers and a lot of birthday cards and mails from family and friends.

This is the new stitching project. The Long Dog Sampler 'The Love of Two hearts'. I am stitching it as a remembrance to my parents. There is a lot of symbolism in it which refers to their lives and the Frisian village they lived together. The swan is in the flag and there is also a weather-swan on the tower.
All the cats are doing fine and play happily together. Except for the persian cat which thinks he is too old to play. Tibor is growing very fast and has lost his kitten looks already.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments.

July 18, 2015

Cats, no stitching

After some weeks Tibor is feeling very at home with his new family. And he discovers new things to play with every day, like two goldfish in a bowl. This discovery resulted in three wet feet, a wet Casper and water all over the shelf, the wall paper and the floor.

And then our little rascal falls asleep in the paws of his auntie Cato. After a thorough cleaning session with almost no possibilities to escape.

Not much stitching or quilting to show. I only added a few stitches to the HAED Dragonfly. And the Passion Sampler also has made very little progress.