Showing posts with label thread garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thread garden. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

2017 WIPs

I came into 2017 with 12 WIPs. I was thrilled as I started 2016 with 17 WIPs. I will list them for you now in no particular order over the next few blog posts. 

1. Mini Alice and Snow White by Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED)
I am delighted to announce I finished this on January 9th. It will be framed and given to my daughter who loves everything fairytales especially the TV show Once Upon A Time. 
It is stitched on 25 ct evenweave using two over one tent stitch. 

2. Four Seasons by HAED
This is my HAED focus for 2017. I am currently madly stitching the second page of this for a FB challenge. This is stitched on 28 ct evenweave one over one. 


3. The Enchanted Mermaid by Mirabilia

I made this a focus from mid-2016 and have now stitched a half. It is much bigger than I imagined and takes lots of patience but I am loving how it looks! This is stitched on 28ct hand-dyed fabric by Chromatic Alchemy using two over two Threads. 



I will be back soon to post more WIPs. 
Jan xxx

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Happy Saturday stitchers! My Saturday has suddenly had its plans all changed. Instead of scrapbooking with my friends I am stuck in bed with a virus and fever. Never-the-less I will enjoy the rest from everyday life and hopefully bounce back onto my feet soon. I have uploaded another stitching progress video to my YouTube channel, thread garden. It shows progress on my Bothy Threads Cut Thru' projects and the Prairer Schooler Alphabet. Enjoy! I stitched more on B is for Blackbird on the Prairie Schooler Alphabet with my friends on Thursday night. The top half of B is stitch heavy so hopefully it won't take so long to stitch the lower half.
My friend, Samra, agreed to let me post a photo of her project. She is stitching it on Antique White Zweigart 36 count linen, two over two. She is stitching 4x letters across by 7 rows. She has stitched the letter box (which is usually the last block but in this case her first), D is for Drum and E is for Embroidery. Don't you just love her blocks. Isn't her first block with the stitcher in the centre so pretty?
I hope you all get lots of stitching time in this weekend, Jan x

Monday, November 18, 2013

What's your WiP? Needlework Linky Party

Do you like to part-eY? I do. Especially if it involves cross stitch or craft!

I haven't seen many cross stitch Linky Parties on the web so I've decided to start one. I like to keep up with my follower's blogs but sometimes I miss their posts. I like to meet new bloggers too. I like the way Linky Parties connect the blog writer with the reader.

The WiP I am sharing today, is an embroidery/quilting WiP (rather than my usual cross stitch WiP). I began it in a Sue Spargo (google famous US quilter) workshop last year. Sue is an absolute inspiration and I had a ball doing the class.  Sadly, I put my woollen leaf wall hanging WiP aside and didn't touch it after the workshop ended.  I wasn't sure about where to progress with it or even if I liked it! The cost of trimmings I purchased as part of the workshop to decorate the leaves has been bugging me. I have now vowed to embroider and decorate a leaf a week.  I have even formed a FB Group  called TooManyWIPs to inspire myself (anyone welcome to join).

Monday, November 11, 2013

It's a Long Wait until Christmas...

...if you are three years old! For the rest of us Christmas comes in a flash. At every reminder that Christmas is around the corner, Tom drags me to the shed to beg me to put up our Christmas tree.  I have to distract him by telling him we will put it up after Halloween, then after his brother's birthday and then after his sister's birthday (which is only two days time).  So it looks like it the tree will go up early this year but it will sure be loved by a little man!!!

I wish my Christmas stitching was flying at the same speed as Christmas is arriving, but alas it is not.

I have finally finished the wise man on the Shepherd's Bush Christmas stocking.  I suppose the stocking is about a third done as the central character has the majority of the stitching.  I recently added the  mustard tone to the robe and sleeves and it sure brings out the richness of the other colours.  I will move onto the top of the stocking and hope that I get it done by the end of November.

Do you have a Christmas deadline for any of your stitching?
Thank you for visiting my garden...
                                                  Jan x

PS If you like the Shepherd's Bush Christmas stocking you can see similar patterns at this link

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Project Growth!

Hello happy readers and welcome to my Sunday post full of news.

I want to update you with Block 1, Shores of Hawk Run Hollow, by Carriage House Samplings.  The ocean and rocks have grown since the last blog post which you can view here.  It has been slow as I have only spent about 4 hours on it.  I guess it is not always on my radar as a project to work on. Do you have projects like that?

I have uploaded another video to My YouTube channel.  Making videos has been a fun challenge.  I have learnt an awful lot about making and cutting video clips.  Suddenly my almost teenage son, Jack is very useful with sources of information and help for tips and tricks with movie-making and YouTube, even if he still doesn't know how to stack the dishwasher or turn it on.

I like videos because the projects go from being 2D to 3D and I can add a little more information on them that I wouldn't necessarily write about.

You can check out my latest video clip on the link below.  I show my progress on four cross stitch projects:

Finally, I have decided to dedicate this blog to cross stitch only so have started another blog to document my crafty life.  

You can spy on my new blog here:

Thanks for wandering through my garden today and watching me plant my tomatoes bushes (yes, I have really planted tomatoes today)!
                                                    Jan x

Friday, September 20, 2013

Pre-Christmas Cross Stitching and Video!

Remember on my last post (here) I promised I would tell you about a new stitch I have started. Well here it is! 

My husband is the only family member without a Shepherd's Bush cross stitched Christmas stocking so I have started one. 

I have chosen a King/Wise man.  The colours are rich burgundy, greens, and golds adorned with delightful charms that include a sun, crown, whale, fish and beads.

I have just uploaded a Pre-Christmas video on YouTube you can view on the link below:
During the filming of this video Three Year Old Tom had lots of fun playing with his Shepherd's Bush Christmas stocking.
You can buy a similar pattern from this link here. I have stitched this one and love it!
Enjoy your weekend. I hope you have a happy one!
                                                                           Jan x

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle update...

This is a quick update before school pick-up.  I am completely neglecting housework to do this post! I am a member of two (one here and one here) Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Monday SALs which is a motivating way to keep with a project.

I am stitching on my second page which is above the first page I stitched. You can see the before photo here. It is the castle keep. I am loving having the exterior of the castle now in view.

Ssshhh... don't  tell anyone but I haven't started a new cross stitch which will be revealed in the next day or two. Stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping by my garden...
                                               Jan x

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Weekly Cross Stitch Round Up with Video...

Hello Happy Readers,

How's your weekend treating you? I hope it is filled with lots of happy moments and time for you.

My hubby and I have been working happily in the garden this weekend. Now that it is Spring there is lots of weeding and mulching to be done. Being in the sun again has been good for our souls.

I have been making steady progress on three projects over the last week. So here are some piccies and a video link.

Shores of Hawk Run Hollow Block 1 is slowly growing. Since my last post here, I have added more rocks.  I am about 2/3 of the way through this block. 

I have finished one page of the Bothy Threads Cut Thru' castle and started backstitching.  I have also started another page which sits above the King's Chamber and shows the wall outline of the castle.  My heart does a happy dance whenever I stitch this. The pictures are just so fab, colourful and cute.

Last but not least, I have stitched more leaves on The Prairie Schooler Alphabet, L is for Leaves.  I am in total love with the stag!

Thanks for walking through my flower garden...

                                                                          Jan x

Friday, September 6, 2013

Bothy Thread Cut Thru Monday SAL...

I have made fabulous progress over the last week with my Bothy Threads Cut Thru' castle.  A big thanks to Linda for hosting this SAL!!!

As you can see I have stitched below the King's chamber and the Dragon's Den is forming including the Green and Red Dragon himself! What a fun picture is developing.  This first page of the pattern is almost finished. Due to your advice dear readers, I will attempt to backstitch as I go, hence I will backstitch this page once I have finished the cross stitch.

If you happened to miss my YouTube video from 10 days ago about my collection of Bothy Thread kits click on the link below:
Have fabulous weekend! I am off to sunny and warm Sydney escaping the Spring cool of Tassie. Not much stitching will be had. I will have a lovely time with my husband who is attending a special awards ceremony to acknowledge the completion of specialist doctor training in obstetrics and gynaecology. Much work and sacrifice has been had to complete it over the last 7 years.
                                                                                                                                 Jan x