Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cross stitch. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

2017 WIPs

I came into 2017 with 12 WIPs. I was thrilled as I started 2016 with 17 WIPs. I will list them for you now in no particular order over the next few blog posts. 

1. Mini Alice and Snow White by Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED)
I am delighted to announce I finished this on January 9th. It will be framed and given to my daughter who loves everything fairytales especially the TV show Once Upon A Time. 
It is stitched on 25 ct evenweave using two over one tent stitch. 

2. Four Seasons by HAED
This is my HAED focus for 2017. I am currently madly stitching the second page of this for a FB challenge. This is stitched on 28 ct evenweave one over one. 


3. The Enchanted Mermaid by Mirabilia

I made this a focus from mid-2016 and have now stitched a half. It is much bigger than I imagined and takes lots of patience but I am loving how it looks! This is stitched on 28ct hand-dyed fabric by Chromatic Alchemy using two over two Threads. 



I will be back soon to post more WIPs. 
Jan xxx

Sunday, March 6, 2016

New HAED Start...

I was forced (terrible isn't it) to start this new piece because of a challenge I accepted from a Heaven and earth Designs Facebook group. The challenge was to stitch ten 10 x 10 blocks in full crosses of a HAED project meeting at the corners.  My other HAEDs are tent stitched and didn't qualify so I needed a different project.  Meet Four Seasons, artwork by Jacek Yerka. This piece appeals as I adore seasonal pieces and gardens/gardening. 

This is stitched on beautiful 28ct Brittany evenweave found by my friend, Sarah (aka Tipsy Stitcher on YouTube). I love this count. I am stitching one over one full crosses.

Happy stitching...


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

I have a king!

I am embarrassed to say it has taken me a year to finish William the Conqueror. At this rate I won't finish this piece for another 41years! I started this king in the 2015 Crazy Challenge last January. here he is in all his armoury. He is a strong and handsome fellow. No wonder he was victorious at the Battle of Hastings. He is stitched on white 14ct aida using the kit threads. 


I have set stitching goals this year - something I didn't do last year. My plan with this project is to stitch one figure per month. That should be achievable. I also plan to read about the history associated with the royalty as I stitch them. The interesting fact about this William is that he spoke French and not English which influenced our language greatly. 

Until next time happy stitching,
Jan x 


Saturday, January 2, 2016

Working on a HAED WIP

It is so devine to have the time to do daytime stitching during the January summer holidays. I love this more than anything in January. No school drop offs, no after school activities and for another 10 days, no work. Yay!

Today I stitched on a Heaven and Earth Design WIP called Mini Alice and Snow White. I started this Dec 1st 2014. I am up to page 10 of the large format pattern. It is tent stitched two over one. I am loving this. The parking method and PDF pattern keep me so organised.


Happy stitching...
Jan xox

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Small Finish...

Hello. Sorry I have been absent. I have been working extra hours so it has been hard to find the time to post with a lively and busy family. 

I am currently on holidays at the "Top End" of Australia which is the opposite end of the country to where I live. That basically means three things- more time, warm weather and crocodiles(!). I'm sitting in bed with my coffee staring at the vibrant port of Darwin with the air con on. I have been swimming almost daily which I haven't done in decades. I feel alive! 


My needles have still been running hot over the last few months despite my blog slackness. I will update you over the next few days. Here is my first finish. This is Little House Needleworks "Hope". I have converted the wording to say my name as I will make it into a Christmas tree ornament. I plan to have a personalised ornament for all my crew by this festive season. 

This is stitched two over two 32ct raw linen. I used my own picks for threads using Weeks Dyeworks cottons, DMC, Whisper in white (for sheep) and Rainbow Treasure braid (for snowflake and snow). 


 I'm looking forward to seeing this into an ornie similar to the photo. I will be back again soon with my progress in Mill Hill bead kits. I decided to throw in small projects into my suitcase for this holiday which have been easy to stitch on the long outback road trips, 

Jan xxx

Thursday, April 2, 2015

HAED update...Treasure Hunt Bookshelf

Happy April readers,

I was drawn to start a smaller version of Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) Treasure Hunt Bookshelf back in January. I am trying to stitch on it at least once per week as it is calling "stitch me, stitch me".

The Treasure Hunt Bookshelf artwork by the artist Aimee Stewart is one vibrant piece.  I am stitching a portion of the original artwork - Fox to Dragon.  It is the large format pattern. There are 24 pages.

I was delighted to finished the second column of page 1.  It is stitched using DMC threads on 25t Magic Guide Evenweave two over one. I am staggering my edges to avoid stitching lines in my work. What you see is the top left corner of a book (Quest of the Red Fox) in front of the midnight sky. I am parking my threads.

Hopefully my Easter break will be filled with many stitches.  Enjoy your Easter break if you celebrate it...
                                                                Jan x

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Prairie Schooler Alphabet Update...

Happy Stitchy Thursday everyone,

I am sharing the progress on my Prairie Schooler Alphabet cross stitch. I am almost half way there.  There are 27 blocks in total and I have completed approximately 13. This has become a focus piece for me. I am trying to stitch on it every day for 1-2 hours.

I completed L is for Leaves about 3 weeks ago. As you may remember, I have already stitched this letter individually finishing it in January 2014.  The link to it is here. This block looks completely different stitched on the natural linen background.

K is for Kitten and L is for Leaves

Since finishing the letter "L", I have half finished M is for Mermaid and started N is for Nest.  I haven't stitched the mermaid yet as I want to make some modifications to her face/body which I need thinking time for.  So I started "N" and will come back to the mermaid soon.  N is for Nest is so sweet with the 4x little chicks in the nest.

M is for Mermaid and N is for Nest

So here is a photo of the whole project:

The Prairie Schooler Alphabet stitched 2 over 2 DMC threads on 36 count linen

It's the sixth anniversary of my blog on March 9th 2009!!! Here is my very first blog post if you are interested. I was very into quilting at the time so the blog was focussed around that for the first year or so.  I fell in the beautiful cross stitch blog community and I haven't looked back. Sure there might be mountains of quilting UFOs in my cupboard but I am so happy with my cross stitching.  I am so proud my blog is still going after 6 years. There have been ebbs and flows in the number of posts from time to time but I always come back to it. My blog is my diary of my crafting life with a little of everyday life thrown in.

My youngest has turned five! Boy did those years fly since he thrust himself into our lives at 29 weeks. He is a precious boy who has brought joy, fun and laughter into our lives.

Tom is 5! His big sister made him a Minecraft cake.

Until next time...
                        Jan x

Thursday, February 26, 2015

My Top 5 HAED Tips...

Hi everyone,

I have been AWOL.  I had the beastly Summer Influenza (if there is such a thing) and it took three weeks of my life away.  I am so pleased to be back, stitching as madly as ever and back to blogging and floss tubing (another term for making cross stitch videos on YouTube).

2015 has seen me delight in stitching on Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED).  I have two on the go.

First up is the HAED Mini Alice and Snow White, artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith.  This is stitched on 25 ct Magic Guide Evenweave, two over one tent stitch. The pattern is the large format pages and have nearly finished the second page of 16 pages. I am so happy with how it is stitching up.  I have stitched the top of Alice in Wonderland's head and the hair of Snow White is starting to appear. It is a joy to stitch on. I started it on December 1st 2014.

HAED Mini Alice and Snow White
The second HAED I have started is QS (Quick Stitch) Treasure Hunt Fox to Dragon Shelf, artwork by Aimee Stewart. This design is part of the fabulous Treasure Hunt Bookshelf by the same artist and it is glorious. It is also stitched 25t Magic Guide Evenweave, two over one tent stitch. The pattern is the large format pages and I am stitching the first 10 by 10 column of stitches of the first page.

HAED QS Treasure Hunt Fox to Dragon
My Top 5 tips for stitching a HAED:
After failing miserably stitching a HAED several years ago I have worked out a way that works for me when stitching on them:

1. Pre-gridded Fabric
The pre-gridded 25t Magic Guide Evenweave purchase at has been a lifesaver. It is a nice quality and not too stiff to hold. The gridding has helped me from some major mistakes and saved me hours from gridding it myself. I use a purple marker pen (ink disappears in a few hours) to mark the 10 by 10 grid (as the even weave is divided into 20 by 20 blocks).

2. Reading the pattern from an iPad 
My mini iPad has been so valuable.  I don't have bits of paper floating around me.  I bought the HAED pattern as a PDF and use PDF Expert Application to read my pattern from. I can enlarge the 10 by 10 squares which makes it so easy to see what stitch I am up to.

3. Parking Threads
Carolyn Mazzeo's video on parking is brilliant so check her channel out on YouTube.  I stitch on my HAEDs in 10 by 10 blocks working down a page.  I leave my threads (parking) in the next 10 by 10 block below if that colour is used in the next block. Parking allows me to continue using the same thread without stopping and ending threads so it is time-saver.

4.  Highlighting my Pattern
So I don't get confused I mark my stitching offs on my PDF pattern in the PDF Expert App with my finger with a pink dot.  That way I can keep track of my progress. I mark my parked threads on the pattern on the iPad using a yellow dot.  It is a good idea to mark the parked threads as it makes it so much easier to know what colour it is without doing lots of counting or colour matching to find out. With these types of patterns there are often graduated colours used so keeping track of which colour is which is easier if the pattern is marked.

5.  Starting a Thread- Front Loop Method
The reason I am using two threads to stitch my HAED with is for a selfish reason; previous tutorial on a loop method but it the thread is put through the loop on the front of the work not the back. The advantage of this is that one doesn't have to turn the work over or view the back of the work.  It is a very quick way of starting a thread.
I only want to start a thread using the front loop method.  This is similar to my

They are labour of love but I am so pleased I gave HAEDs a second chance.

Happy stitching and thanks for visiting...
                                                           Jan x

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 1 DUCJC2015

Happy New Year stitchers,

I am part of a special group stitching in memory of Debbie stitching the Ultimate Crazy January Challenge 2015 (DUCJC2015).   This challenge involves stitching on different items on every day throughout January and even February if you dare.  I have committed to January and will stitch on a combination of new starts and works in progress (WIPs).

It was easy to choose my first new start!  I was also committed on January 1st to take part in a Mirabilia stitch along (SAL) event hosted through a Facebook group and a YouTube/Instagram group. The Mirabilia design I chose was a mermaid called The Enchanted. She is one of the most beaded Mirabilias which should make her very pretty.

I am stitching her two over over on a 28ct hand-dyed fabric by Chromatic Alchemy which is such a pretty combination of sea blues and grays that I was fortunate enough to win on the CA Facebook page.  I love the start I made.

Joyful stitching...
                       Jan x

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 musings...

2014 has been a big stitching year for me.  OMG moments have been the constant this year as I learn yet something else about stitching. Who knew there were so many tips, tricks and techniques out there to form those perfect little cross stitches?

What are my Top Five Cross Stitch Highlights for 2014?

5. Cross stitch Facebook groups have only become part of my life in the last 6 months. Not only am I enabled to improve my stash but my stitching knowledge and new friends has made this a daily part of my life.

4.  Railroading when I stitch to make them neater (thanks MrsMilkbyBarKid from #FlossTube). It involves splitting the thread with my needle when I make the cross so the threads lay flat and side-to-side.

3.  Front Loop Method for starting a thread (thanks Carolyn Mazzeo from #FlossTube) has transformed my starts. I now longer have to turn my stitching over when I start a thread.

2.  Giving Heaven and Earth Designs (HAED) a second chance has really paid off. I had a major fail with a HAED 2 years ago. I have started a new HAED recently and with tips from again MrsMilkyBarKid (you know who you are) it is a success.

Drum roll...for my top moment please...

1. My cross stitch friends- you!!! I have a soft spot for my Blog and for reading your blogs too and will never stop enjoying the beautiful, friendly community of blogging. A big thank you to you.  Losing SoCal-Deb a few months ago only highlighted the strength of our beautiful community.

I have also really enjoyed the cross stitch YouTube community (affectionately known as #FlossTube) has been the bigbuzz of 2014. I reckon it is a community that is growing in a huge manner on a daily basis YouTube. There is a library's worth of information on there. Watching contributors takes you into their homes and gives a personal viewpoint on stitching progress. The interaction is different to blogging and it cannot replace it. There is a place for all types of social media. I will never stop blogging permanently (sure there have been a few dry patches over the years) as I value the blogging community so much.

So what do I have planned on the stitching front in '15?

2015 New Starts:
1. Mirabilia SAL  The Enchanted Mermaid January 1st start
2. Chatelaine pattern - Mini Castle
3. Chatelaine design - 2011 Autumn Freebie Fly Agaric
4. Purple Stitching - Classic Book Spines
5. Bothy Threads - Kings and Queens
6. HAED - Treasure Hunt Bookshelf Fox to Dragon 

2015 Works in Progress - I plan to finish during 2015
1. Prairie Schooler -Alphabet
I am currently stitching K is for Kitty.  11 down, 16 to go!

2. HAED - Mini Alice and Snow White
I have almost stitched a full page in a month so lets hope I can keep up this progress.
3. Heritage Sampler Company - I Love London
4.  Annet Eriksson's Passion for Stitching Chateau 

2015 Works in Progress - not necessarily finish in 2015
1. Bucilla - A Touch of Gold


2. Carriage House Samplings - Shores of Hawk Run Hollow
3. Designers Forum Needlepoint Rug
4. Country House Needleworks- Santa's House
5. Dimensions- Promises Kept

Other 2015 plans:

 I am also doing Debbie's Ultimate Crazy January Challenge in 2015 (DUCJC2015) which will feature many of the above.

So what do you think of my list? Am I dreaming? 
Happy Stitchy New Year to you all...

                                                       Jan x

Friday, December 26, 2014

HAED Start...

Hello lovely readers,

If you celebrate Christmas, I hope it was fabulous. My Christmas was busy (my knees feel the pain today from standing in the kitchen for hours) but it was enjoyable.   Now to the fun part of the year - Summer school holidays.  Mind you, I am still working but at least not doing all of the usual stuff related to being a mum (which mostly involves taxiing children to and fro).

I started my a Heaven and Earth Design (HAED) on December 1st as part of a stitch along (SAL) with a Facebook group.  There were no other SAL rules apart from starting December 1st.  I chose a mini HAED called 'Mini Alice and Snow White'. It is tent stitched (only half crosses) on 25ct Magic Evenweave using 2 strands of DMC floss over 1.

I am thoroughly loving stitching this! How refreshing to stitch on something different.  I have stitched about 1600 stitches.  I am using a parking method I learnt from a YouTube channel by the delightful "Carolyn Mazzeo".  Check out her parking video if you want to find out who she parks.

Great excitement yesterday as my gorgeous hubby surprised me with a mini-iPad. I am going to use it as my pattern guide.  I mostly use PDF patterns but instead of printing them I can read, enlarge and  highlight on my iPad using an app.  It is working so well and I have only been using it for an hour today.

I have posted a video on my YouTube channel showing how I started the HAED on December 1st. If you are interested in Heaven and Earth Designs you might like to see my fun.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have fun in stitches...
                                                                               Jan x

Monday, November 3, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop and Finish!

Hi everyone,

The lovely Sarah in Stitches nominated me to write do the Around the World blog hop.  I met Sarah online about 2 years ago. She is the first person I have ever known who lives in Dubai.  I love that our cultures, landscapes and weather can be so different but we can still connect through our hobby - cross stitch. We are not so different after all. 

I live in Hobart Tasmania, a small island off the mainland of Australia. It has a harbour and is overlooked by a beautiful mountain covered in snow (even though we are only a month off Summer)! 

The view from my home of the River Derwent with the Tasman Bridge.

What am I working on?
If you have been following my blog and YouTube channel  (Thread Garden") for a while, I know you are going to all immediately say the Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle. It seems to be my signature piece. I cannot say I am working on it anymore, as I proudly put the final back stitch in it yesterday. I have to now wash it and then sew on  three gold stars before getting it framed.

Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle stitched on 16ct light blue Aida
So now I am going to madly work on other WIPs before the HAED SAL (Heaven and Earth Designs Stitch Along) and Mirabilia SAL starts in December and January respectively. The  projects that will receive focus are a fairy WIP called Touch of Gold by Bucilla - see below. 

Bucilla "A Touch of Gold" stitched on 28ct "mushroom" even weave

My new signature piece for my blog and channel will be the Prairie Schooler alphabet.

Prairie Schooler alphabet stitched on natural linen 36ct using DMC threads

How does my stitching differ from others?
There are so many different designers and styles of cross stitch out there that my work differs because of the designs I choose. I think I have eclectic tastes loving samplers to fantasy designs, fairies to traditional. I also love typographical designs.  I sometimes change a few colours when I stitch a design or don't follow the instructions 100% so that makes my work unique. Also I might finish them in a different way than the designer might have suggested.  

Why do I create what I do?
Like other women in my family we cannot keep still. I always like to be busy and keeping my hands busy allows my mind to escape and relax. I would find life very boring without cross stitch.. 

How does my stitching  process work?
I stitch for about 2 - 2 1/2 hours per evening. As I am a mum of three children I can only occasionally stitch time during the day (mostly weekends or school holidays). I am a member of two delightful stitching groups so have local stitching friends which is an asset. When I am not working I am often thinking of cross stitching, looking at it online or daydreaming about it. 

Unfortunately I could not find any recipients to pass the banner onto so to speak. If you haven't done this tag consider yourself nominated. If you do it, tell me and I will come over and check it out. 

Happy stitching...
                     Jan x 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A Finish and A Castle Update...

Hi everyone,

I have a finish!  I enjoyed sewing charms and beads onto my hubby's completed Shepherd's Bush Christmas stocking last night. This is the 2007 "Brett" stocking.  It is my fifth SB stocking I have stitched and one of my favourites.  My hubby is delighted.  He enjoys the religious story of Christmas, so stitching a King rather than a Santa was perfect for him.  The robe is stitched in the most gorgeous rich Weeks Dye Work threads.  The stocking is stitched on 11ct natural linen over 2 threads.

I will now take the stocking into my local needlework shop who will sew it into a stocking. I sewed two of them into stockings myself previously, but wasn't 100% happy with the second one I did. I am now happy to offload that part of the project.   When the stocking is complete I will post a photo of it with the others.

It is time for a Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle update also. I am so close to finishing it that it isn't funny. Probably only 3-4hours of backstitching left.  I have been surprised at how much I have enjoyed the backstitching.

There are so many funny characters in this design which keeps me entertained as I stitch.  Like the man reading the news on the toilet, the poor old fellow in the catapult and the bird almost struck by a wayward arrow.

Happy stitching all...
                        Jan x

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The First Row is Complete!

Hi everyone,

 The last few weeks has seen my family and I travelling through New Zealand. What fun it was to ski, jet boat and adventure in that awesome land. Snowy mountain peaks seemed to be everywhere on the south island. I adored trekking around the township of Hobbiton, featured in the movie The Hobbit. I want to go back to that place where cottage and veggie gardens and quaint antique garden furniture adorn the little hobbit holes! I have put together a little photo collage of Hobbiton for you. 

Today I have uploaded a little video featuring me on a flying fox at Lake Tekapo in NZ. The video also shows my latest cross stitch haul. I hope you enjoy it!

 I was very happy to put the last stitch in I is Indian today. This is block number 9 of the Prairie Schooler Alphabet. This means that I have finished the first row! I started this project late January 2014. I am hoping to finish it by the end of next year. It is stitched on 36 count raw Belfast linen 2 over 2 using mostly the recommended DMC threads.

The next block, J is for Jack O'Lantern is perfect timing for Halloween! Happy stitching all..

 ...Jan x

Monday, September 8, 2014

Castle Progress. Almost there!

Progress over the last week:  the before photo is on the left and after photo is on the right

Great news. I have finally joined Instagram. My account name is: threadgarden  I have been posting lots of videos over at "FlossTube" (aka YouTube) also.  My channel is called: "Thread Garden".

How's your stitching week been?  

                                                  Jan x

Hello readers,

My anticipation is high this week as I come towards the end of cross stitching the Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle.  Only a small section of the final page remains. I will of course have to tackle the back stitching then but that shouldn't take too long.

To remind you, it is stitched on light blue 16ct Aida.  Last week saw me add fish to the moat, water (in a pretty variegated thread) and seaweed.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Time for a WIP update!

Hello readers,

Since my last post, I received Happy Mail from Jo at Serendipitous Stitching.  I won the Easter Blog Hop.  Jo sent me a gorgeous handmade Goody Bag filled with delicious Jodyri hand dyed Thread and a chocolate. Thanks Jo for bringing a smile to my face! I don't have any Easter themed stitching so she enhanced my stash with a delightful Easter pattern also (not in photo).

The Bothy Threads Cut Thru' Castle is stitching up fabulously. I only have a page and a little left then will finish it with the backstitching. I am trying to focus on this so I can finish it very soon.  I am currently stitching the cellar and the cell.  The prisoner is about to make a jail-break so that will be a fun part of the pattern to stitch! Such a story is told in this design.

The Prairie Schooler Alphabet is going well also! This is an inspiring stitch done on natural 36 ct linen. In the photo I have almost finished G is for Garden (which is now finished).  Next up is H is for Honey. Also pictured below are some finished blocks, E is for Embroidery and D is for Drum.

Gosh cross stitch is exciting! So many patterns to enhance my stash and to start. I couldn't help buying three patterns in the latest Heaven and Earth Designs sale naughty me.  Did anyone else succumb? I have to stop myself.  Right, stitch those WIPs then move onto the next pattern.  I am being v e r y  s t r o n g.

Happy stitching until next time...
                                             Jan x