One of the biggest mysteries to me right now is how Kelly*nne C*nway and her husband are still married. I know what its like to live with someone with differing political opinions, but their situation takes place on an entirely different playing field. Can you imagine being a fly on that wall at dinner time? And If ever my boss called my spouse, the father of my children, a loser? publicly? ... it’s the day I quit my job. I used to think she was pretty dumb to be willing to stand in front of the cameras and spin the lies, twist the words, contort herself to please the man she once called a whiner and unpresidential as she supported T.Cruz. But it's evident now she's ambitious, cunning like her boss, enjoys the theatrics and her place in the WH.
As time rolls on, Tr*mp's mental state becomes more unhinged. He must be exhausted by the end of each day - throwing all those punches continuously. I can't feel sorry for a man who lies and cheats and insults and disrespects as if it's his own form of religion. His divide and conquer mentality within our own country is a horrible threat to our democracy, it destabilizes us all. His allegiance to ruthless superpowers who have been trying to destroy America for ages is so alarming. What's truly scary for me is... his supporters don't see it , or if they see it, they don't care. I don't understand how it can be lost on anyone... the very simplest and biggest truth ... and don't take my word for it - look to the world's history for the answer...
Never until now would I have believed that a man who wasn't even admired in his home state because he was a cheat, a con, a user, certainly not a philanthropist, a thrice married multiple spouse cheating draft dodging tax evader who called his own daughter a nice piece of ass and was caught saying he just grabs women by the pussy because he can, ... would garner such a following by people who would normally be appalled at the behavior. His total disregard for truth on the little things, let alone the big things, the environment, animal welfare, our public lands should alarm anyone. We only have one earth and we're trashing it - His rollbacks in these vital arenas are all about greed, how is this appealing at all? There's nothing normal about this cult following, and it's destroying the fabric of our country with each vile, juvenile, false tweet he puts out. It's disgusting. I am so sad, mad, concerned.. for our Country.
When this shitstorm has blown through and we pick up the pieces of our democracy, sew up the rips in the fabric of our communities, our government, our friendships, even, I hope we finally find a way to embrace each other for our differences, work together to heal the divides, respect each other's voices and hear the concerns, be open to the options so that we can work together to fix what's so very broken.
Am I naive? Maybe so. But on this, the first day of Spring 2019 .... I'll hold on to hope and continue to do what I can where I am to help mend the fabric, make it stronger than it apparently was. We each have that power in the little ways we are able - ... drops in the ocean with the hope that America will continue to swim, striving for peace and prosperity and diversity and good will - and continue to be a beacon of hope for all.
In the spirit of such... I'll share with you the first tiny little sprout coming out of the seeds I've sown and placed on the window seat in the family room of This Old House... a little bumble bee cherry tomato is the first to break through - not the mighty beefsteak. Go figure.