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The Vintage Valley

The Vintage Valley

The personal blog of a vintage & goodwill shopper

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Daylesford Lavender....

During our time in Melbourne we decided to take a drive to Daylesford which is around an hour and a half out of the city centre, i love a good drive so i was pretty excited to get out of the hustle and bustle for a day.

We slowly meandered up winding roads and as you looked upwards the branches almost seemed as if they were hugging you and merrily bouncing the sun upon your face, it sent welcome bursts of warmth and cool as they would dissapear again and hide behind shaded branches, the houses and farms whizzed by and my love and i chatted about our plans for the year ahead.

We were on a small mission though to find the Mill Markets and spend a lazy afternoon rummaging and after a few hours we did find an amazing 1950's Gayware kitchen cannister set in grey and pink (Image available on my Instagram account if your interested) we had been on a hunt for one for a long..long..time so it was nice to find it!

On the way home we stopped at a Lavender field that sits next to the Sault Restaurant, i had aways wanted to frolick in a lavender field (i mean who wouldnt want to) and i set about doing just that, my love was kind enought to snap some photos for me too (such a lucky woman) he managed to capture my exact feeling..just pure bliss!!! Aside from the occasional (almost) bee attack and dodging spiderwebs it was just as magical as i had imagined!

I am sad to say this is the last set of photos from our trip, instead of sunny lavender fields and Melbourne backstreets Perth is making a return to the blog. I hope you all enjoyed seeing a little of our adventures though!

Happy Friday...i am so looking forward to this long weekend, going to make the most of it thats for sure!!!

(Wearing: Vintage 1950's yellow day dress) 

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015


On Sunday my love and i hosted a "drop in" Engagement day, as we have a small apartment we thought loved ones and friends could show up in dribs and drabs throughout the day to celebrate with us, of course we ended up with a full apartment right on 12pm drinking pimms and champagne with everyone in our teeny apartment, it was incredible...and turned into a pretty awesome party!

We were fairly simple with decorations and just hung staggered jars with flowers from the back fence and made a "Hooray For Love" banner to string up in the backyard, Louis Prima was playing in the background while we all ate so...much...cheese!!!

My amazing friend Dabsy took some beautiful photos that i will always look back on and love! It was such a special day, and i still feel like i am recovering haha!

(Wearing: Vintage 1950's dress from Bluebird Vintage)


Thursday, January 15, 2015


After wearing vintage clothing for the majority of my life i would have to say that it is the detailing that makes me ooh and ahh over a piece, the cut of a dress is still extremely important but if i find a hidden pocket, scalloped edges, back bow, sequins or even rope detailing like this dress...ohhh my i am all over that!

My love is somehow so in tune with knowing i really really am lusting over a certain dress, (with no mention from me) i had ventured into Bluebird Vintage a few times and thought about bringing this green beauty home but decided against it due to being around the silly season! But on Christmas morning i unwrapped a present from my love and there she was!!! Its a dream to wear, fits perfectly and is the most amazing "throw on and go" vintage dress i own. I was pretty much sold at big buttons and rope detailing...yes...just yes!!!

We stopped by this amazing flowering path on our way to an antique shop in Geelong i still remember the sweet aroma and cool breeze...ohh Geelong..i miss you!

I am so looking forward to this weekend, lindy hop tonight and a small engagement party on Sunday to celebrate with family and friends, bring on the champagne and cake!!

(Wearing: 1950's vintage dress, 1950's sunglasses, vintage gifted purse, Target flats & gifted brooch)

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The City of Deco Streets...

Well you asked for it and here it is! A small wrap up of our trip to Melbourne and Geelong over Christmas and New Year in photos, there were so many i wanted to show you but here are just a few of my favourites. It will go down as the best holiday of my life to date, returning home engaged to the love of my life and with so many memories of family and adventures that will make me smile for years to come.

My love and i stopped at every op shop and antiques possible, drank copius amounts of coffee, had an "around the world" christmas cook off (hence our outfits), marvelled at stain glass ceilings, wandered amongst a field of lavender, ate delicious food, drank champagne with family and rang in the New Year to the sounds of fireworks...complete bliss!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Melbourne Love...

On New Years Eve my love and i got dolled up and headed out to buy wine and food for our chilled evening ahead, we walked along the sun speckled sidewalks towards the bustling main street where people were already celebrating in restaurants and bars, and the air felt so warm and full of chatter and the coming years resolutions!!

We stopped to take a few photos just before the sun decided it was done for the day and looking back i couldnt have picked a more beautiful dress to bring in the New Year! I found it whilst scouring the racks at Retro Star in Melbourne, we literally walked in and lost at least two hours trying on pieces and having in-depth descussions on what to cull from the "definitely getting" pile. This beauty was coming home with me no matter what, a cute flower print with a pink bow too delicious to even explain..you truly feel special wearing this one!

I still have so many photos to share from our trip to Melbourne and Geelong, i will post them soon (sparingly i promise) cant wait to share stories about our adventures!

Photographs: By my love

(Wearing: Vintage 1950's Retro Star Dress, Vintage Bag, Vintage Sunglasses & Vintage brooch gifted from my love)

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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Birthday Bliss....

So where do i even begin to tell you all about my birthday(week)! I dont even have enough photos to do it all justice, but i will attempt to describe it to you all anyhow!

Last weekend my love surprised me with an afternoon of coffee tasting, eating, antique browsing, port drinking & SUPA GOLF!!!!!! (i write this in capitals to inform you of its amazingness) we spent the next few hours whacking large golf balls around a course shaded by the most amazing trees, i have never laughed so much before and i am so glad i have found a man who always finds the fun surprises, we then ventured out for a few drinks with friends to celebrate my impending 28th year!

My actual birthday was a whole day of surprises(and happy tears)and more surprises! I really was spoiled..flowers, vintage dresses, books, special notes and cake...all of the cake!!! But my favourite gift was from my love (one of many amazing ones), the brooch pictured above of the two lovebirds in marcasite! So incredibly beautiful and i will always cherish it!

I cant wait to start a whole new chapter in the New Year, turning 28 means i have lots of things to plan and achieve and i am excited to share it all with you along the way!

I hope your all getting ready for the Christmas crazy, we are jet-setting over to Melbourne next week so i will be spamming your Instagram feed with photos from the trip im sure. Xx

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Homeward Bound...

There is no better way to cleanse the soul than a trip home to see family, yesterday the boy and i took the two hour drive up to Quairading and passed through York on the way to peek at the collectables and architecture, its almost a tradition now to make the stop off before the next hour or so drive. Oh gosh..i cant even begin to tell you how hot it was, in the photo of me i swear to you my makeup was running down my face..it was a true sign that Summer is well on its way in Australia so i am going to have to get my wardrobe ready to go!

I also filmed a hair tutorial over the weekend (as promised) so that will be up very soon! Eeep exciting!!! Life really is pretty amazing at the moment, i have exciting ventures on the way and lots of projects to get stuck into...plus i have the sweetest man who surprises me with "just because flowers" which look like they appeared straight from my dreams...the way to my heart is definitely through flowers...and food (of course).

Happy Monday!!

(Wearing: Vintage fruit sundress, 1950's sunglasses & vintage purse)

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Weekend Bliss....

So this weekend was filled with all of the amazing things, coffee, dancing, lazy morning sleep-ins and hanging out in 60's caravans at the vintage fair with my favourite guy!

Although there wasnt a huge selection of vintage clothing at the fair we mainly just drooled over cars and drank cider in the sun which is pretty alright with me! I thought i would break out an amazing pineapple print vintage skirt i bought a few weeks ago, it's in near perfect condition and fits like a glove..cant wait to add more kitsch fruit pieces to my collection!

I have a few projects planned for this week and i might even get around to fixing at least one dress in my to-do pile!

Hope your start to the week has been swell! Xx

(Wearing: Vintage White Tie Top, Vintage Pineapple Skirt, Op Shopped belt & Bluebird Vintage Sunglasses)

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Products of Choice...

I have had a few lovely readers ask me what products i use on a daily basis both on my face and hair, i have a very select range as i try not to overload my body too much and i always try and pick brands that are either organic or shy away from chemical content. This of course is just a personal preferance but i figured i would share my picks with you!

Face Products 
I wash my face with a soap free product, but sometimes i even just use bi-carb soda and a little water, it makes an amazing face scrub and lifts the day off your face easily. I then swap between the two products below on my face after i have washed it so one day oil, next day moisturiser.

It smells divine and absorbs amazingly i also use it as a hand moisturiser too. Plus they only use essential oils and 100% natural botanical extracts which means its Paraben free!

I cant express my love for this product enough, all i can say is get it and put it on your face, you will love me for it!! I had such a fear of slathering oil on my face before bed thinking my pillowcase would absorb it all, but take the plunge i urge you! It absorbs quite quickly and has an easy applicator it clears your blemishes, fixes dry patches and balances your oily sections too. It quite literally is a fix-it oil for your face and you will never look back!

Hair Products 
 As i am lucky enough to be surrounded by hair products every day it took awhile but o eventually found a cleansing set that i really do love and feel good about putting in my hair, i stress to you all its not just about the delicious smell your shampoo provides the nutrients and repair agents are so important too especially if you are using heating tools and putting your hair through rough elements on a daily basis!

Its quite a concentrated shampoo so you only use a small amount (which means it last longer hooray!) but it really clenses the gold tones out of your hair and cleanses it thoroughly too!

I dont go too crazy on the conditioner, i just use it on the ends of my hair and sparingly through the roots, i find if my hair is too soft after washing my sets wont work as well and its difficult to style for a few days, this conditioner is great for that as it does wonders with a small amount.

Once in a blue moon i treat my hair to a masque, it helps my poor disheveled ends with some nutrients and i usually leave it in for a good half an hour. You can almost hear my hair singing in glee, this one smells incredible too!

This is the only hairspray i use, its a strong hold and dosent get all up in my throat and chest when im spraying, its a tried and tested brand that has lasted the years. I have attempted to use others but i always come back to this one! Its also great for keeping those pin curls in place.

After my pin curl sets i will always spend time brushing out the curls, in the final stages of the brush out i apply an amount of pomade to my hands and work it through the sections, it tames the fly aways and frizz that always comes with a set and always gives it a beautiful shine. There are many pomades out there but i do like this brand in particular as it holds well.

The setting agent that i love the most..da da dahhh!!! I love it...it won't turn my hair crispy, it holds without being too obnoxious and it smells pretty too. When applying it to my set i spray from roots to ends and roll the pin curl. It also lasts quite well, i go through a bottle once every three months which is pretty good considering!
I always love reading what everyone else uses, so if you have any recommendations feel free to pop them in the comments! Xx

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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summoning Spring...

To say i am looking forward to Spring is an understatement, i am slowly pulling out my bright outfits and watching the buds blossom slowly! In Perth we always have relatively warm weather even during Winter so it is nice to get some wear out of my vintage coats for just a smidge longer before the swealtering Summer begins!

I have had such a jam packed week, lots of Lindy Hop and preparing for my hair workshop next weekend...in between all of that on Sunday i was up early to watch "Singin in the Rain" at the Cygnet theatre with my lovely friends, it was such a cute experience, as you walk into the deco theatre a lively old man is playing the piano whilst everyone shoves popcorn into their mouths and people find their seats the pre-show starts and Tom and Jerry grace the screen, i feel like the movie experience has changed so much its a simple thing really but to be able to clap with awe to a Gene Kelly tap solo with a room full of people is pretty wonderful!!

(Wearing: Vintage orange skirt, op shopped spotted top, 1940's blue dress & vintage bag)

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Friday, June 20, 2014


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This time of year is definitely soul cleansing for me, a simple walk around a dewdrop covered suburb with the sunlight dancing through the auburn leaves just forces me to take a deep breath and be thankful for everything i have around me. It also makes me want to jump in puddles, pull out my vintage blouses and dust off the gloves too! Absolute bliss.

I have been in full swing prepping for my workshop this Sunday, if you have haven't had the chance to book yourself in i still have a few spots with your name written all over it. Follow THIS link to book! We will be mastering the art of pin curling, french rolls and even delving into 40's style Queue curls too!

I have a full night of lindy hop planned as well as copius amounts of hot chocolate and a charleston dance peformance tomorrow! Its going to be a big weekend!


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