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The Vintage Valley

The Vintage Valley

The personal blog of a vintage & goodwill shopper

Monday, July 28, 2014

Stop Staring: WINNER!!

A very huge THANK YOU to all of you for entering the Stop Staring giveaway! We were very humbled by the response we had and if it was possible we would give everyone a dress (Stop Staring for everyone weeeee) but alas there is to be only one winner and as i mentioned it was drawn completely at random and 71 was the lucky number! 

Congratulations Elise McGaughey!! Stop Staring will be in touch with you right away to send you your dress!! 

Thank you once again and who knows...there may very well be another offer again one day! 

Xx Ally & Stop Staring 

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vintage Valley Giveaway...

In the spirit of Valentine's day yesterday and the new handmade hair bow range that is being launched next week in The Vintage Valley Shop we have a pretty swell giveaway for you all!

Simply leave a comment on this post telling us what occasion you would wear this adorable Mabel striped hair bow and you are in the running to win! for an extra entry simply tweet to us Im in the running to win Mabel.


All of the bows in the collection including the Mabel are handmade from vintage fabric while sipping iced tea on a warm summers day! So you know that means they are made with L..O..V..E!

The competition is only running until Monday the 20th so be sure to enter.

Imagine all the places you could wear this beauty reading books in a dusty library, having a picnic in Autumn or riding your bike through the city! We Heart Bows!!
