
Showing posts with label knock off. Show all posts
Showing posts with label knock off. Show all posts

Monday, February 9, 2015

Pinterest #5

When I was a little girl every winter I'd spend one week of it sick in bed. Mumps, tonsillitis, stomach bug, colds, I was a ticking time bomb through out the winter months till something hit.
I should have known something was up the other day when I had the urge to watch " The Bugs Bunny Show". When I was sick being entertained by a rabbit who would occasionally dress as a woman was a treat. It happen to air while we were having supper so I could only ever catch a few toons here and there. When I was sick I got to watch the whole hour.
So last week when a nasty cold took hold sitting under a cozy blanket and watching Netfilx was about the only thing I wanted to do. That and play with yarn in an attempt to conquer knitting socks. I'd have to say I'm close, not perfect but close.

My Pinterest Challenge also took a back seat last week so this week I'll have two for you.

Today's is Homemade "Oreo" cookies.
As we know homemade is usual better but when it comes to knocking off a store bought brand can they compare?

Here is the original Pin

 and the site the recipe comes from.

I shall start with the taste test. Yes, comparably speaking they taste very close to the middle fiddling cookie but you know the homemade version is filled with things you can pronounce. So that's a plus all the way!

I had a little trouble with the recipe itself though. I found that the amount of flour used in the ingredients was not enough and I had to keep adding to the cookie dough because my first batch turned out like this.

She said the dough needed to be dry so I compared the dough to what my rolled sugar cookie would be like. Apparently mine wasn't dry enough but by the end and after adding a lot more flour I got a cookie that resembled the recipe.

I debated on just making crumbs from the not so nice ones but made them into cookies too.

So would I make these again? No. I don't buy Oreo's all that often to begin with and truthfully the amount of time it took to make these cookies I don't think I could be bothered. 
Fun to try but not a keeper in my books. :)

Monday, December 16, 2013

On a Roll

Its that time of year, where I once again take a Pottery Barn Kids creation and make one similar for me. Well really for the newest addition to the family, Jonah.

This was Leah's

And Penelope's

Annnd Jonah's

I think the train is super cute and pays homage to his Great-Great Grandpa who was a train engineer.

Here's the original

I thought maybe I'd have a break next year from making these... but nope. Come April we add another to our family!!!!

For the instructions on how to make these, refer to

Remember these are merely guidelines, let your imagination run wild and happy sewing! :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Tale of Willy Black

Willy Black was an immigrant to Canada, back in the late 1800's. He came with a dream of one day having his own little business. But first he had to make his way by keeping the books for a little store in a little prairie town. When he had enough saved, he hung out his sign.

Annnnd....... I just made all that up. What really happened was, I was watching Salvage Hunters and Drew had bypassed a sign, but I thought it was kind of a neat. I jotted down what it said and quick sketch of how the lettering looked.

In my version I made up the name Willy Black, and kept the lettering the same simple design, from the show.

First I stained the wood a dark colour, then used a crackle medium and painted it white. The trim was painted black, then green. The word "bookkeeping" is black, and is outlined in gold. I gave the whole thing a light sanding and sealed it with my homemade beeswax polish. Originally the sign was meant to go in my upstairs hallway but for some reason I was drawn to use green. Maybe its because waiting in the wings to be rewired and hung in my kitchen are these.

We found them on our anniversary trip back in September, and I can't wait to see them hung. But I guess right now I'm going to continue to gather things for the kitchen. So far I've been lucky enough to find some pretty cool things, which I can hardly wait to show you.:)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Knock Off

As most of you may know by now, I was featured on Knock Off Decor. If you didn't then by all means have a look.
This site is dedicated to the knock off's that we want but sometimes can't afford or we want to try and make our own version. It's a great place to see what others are doing and I like the fact that they've already tried it  and you can see that it does work.
A big thank you to the people at Knock Off for featuring my stocking. :)