Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewelry. Show all posts

Friday, August 24, 2012

Birdbath in the Bedroom

I met these three sweeties at a "pre" garage sale... 

...and just had to take them home.

I mean, who could resist them?

They were hanging around a birdbath but I couldn't bear to leave them outside where they belonged!

So I put the whole thing in the corner of our master bedroom. Instead of filling it with water, I loaded it up with my jewels...

 ...and added a glass top...

...turning this birdbath into a corner table for my morning coffee.

If I only drank coffee!

Of course, when you're on top, you must have a tiara!

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Seed bead angel pin

This is a fun project with stunning results - if you have three hours of life you don't need anymore, because that's how long this little beauty takes me to make! Unreal, huh?

And it's impossible to photograph in focus. Trust me, I tried many times!

Here's the pattern. The trick is to keep the string from showing and to have the front look the same as the back. The pencil drawing below the pattern of the body is my attempt at showing you how it's threaded together.

Don't forget to make the top of her halo which isn't included in the pattern. The single "leg" is one piece of the dress.

Oh, and use a magnifying glass that fastens onto your table top. It will save your eyes from a lot of strain!

Glue a tie tac type pin on the angel's back and you're done...until your friends see it and want one too.

My cousin pinned the one I made her onto her hospital pillow so when she woke up from an operation, it was the first thing she saw.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Turquoise jewelry.
Ya gotta love it!

I absolutely adore this ring with its sky-blue turquoise and rich patina.

I bought it at Cowboy Andy and Cowgirl Susan's tent in the Bar W field at Warrenton this Spring show. Yes, it had a small problem but the price was small too.

I took my treasure home and pawed through my jewelry, looking for a necklace with beads that matched the color of the turquoise stones in the ring. Bless my Texas luck, I found one.

I stole one of the beads (restringing isn't that hard as long as you use new string), cut it in half, then reshaped it with a nail file to fit the dry socket.

Here's the ring and the shaped piece...

...and here the repaired ring. IT Guy glued it in with some of his remote control airplane makin' glue!

And here's my favorite ring on my favorite ring holder, just waitin' for the next time I get to wear it.

Thank you, Andy and Susan. And no, Andy, you can't buy my ring back for the same price I paid you for it!