I always suspected that I'd make a good hermit. And now I know I was right! This pic marks the first time I stepped outside my house in almost a month. Which is another way of saying that I'm in my element indoors -- and that pandemic time is painting time. I so enjoyed making this little landscape. And although it isn't the promised Tastykake Lake (art projects never turn out the way we think they will, do they?), I like -- no, love -- it anyway. Because it's colorful and shows that I'm young at heart. And that I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty.
Still, my best bud is fashion, and it wouldn't be a Trove post without a sartorial spotlight. I ordered this trio of candy-striped tops from J. C. Penney's last year and never ever wore them. A tragedy, I know, right up there with the tp shortage and climate change. But I've had the shoes much longer and wear them a lot, so I suppose there's hope for the tops. And also for the polar ice caps.
As for this Save Room for Shrooms Necklace, it couldn't be simpler - no charms, no tiers, no stones, no glue. And yet I think it's still a stunner. Must be the mushrooms!
Save Room for Shrooms Necklace
I guess the, ahem, morel of this story is that playing outside is overrated. And that even the most mundane of mushrooms are magical.
Good thing we can soak them in from our windows. Or better yet, while killing at Super Mario Brothers.
See you on the other side, Princess Toadstool.
See you on the other side, Princess Toadstool.