Showing posts with label Shakespeare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shakespeare. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Game Show Inspo: What's in a Name?

They say that a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.  And maybe they're right.  But when it came to our baby girl, the name was very important.  Maybe that's why it took the husband and me so long to pick one.  Oh, we each had our favorites, lobbying hard for the admittedly sometimes ludicrous front runners.  But it wasn't until we were watching Wheel of Fortune (why, I don't know, except that it follows Jeopardy!) and heard a contestant introduced as Charlotte that we looked at each other and knew.  Feminine and timeless, Charlotte had just the right ring.  What's more, our girl would be in good pop culture company.  After all, there was Charlotte from Sex and the City, Charlotte's Web, Charlotte Brontë, and last but certainly not least, Good Charlotte.  As for Rose, it just seemed to flow.  Also, there are a lot of Roses in my family.  Not to mention The Golden Girls' Rose Nylund.

So, Charlotte Rose, if you someday find yourself singing along to "Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous," reading Jane Eyre, rescuing spiders, and/or debating whether to be on Team Mr. Big or Team Aiden, then Daddy and I will know that we've done our duty.

Just as if you unironically watch Wheel of Fortune, we'll wonder where we went wrong.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Book Review and a New Necklace Too: Celebrating Summer in Style

Top: Wild Fable, Target; Skirt: So, Kohl's

Shoes: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Bag: Gifted

Top and Skirt: Nine West, Kohl's

Shoes: ALDO, Macy's

Bag: Amazon

It's June 21, and you know what that means: tropical fits and summer reading lists.  And I don't mean Tolstoy, Shakespeare, and Hemingway (unless you're into depressing stuff by dead guys).  I mean light-hearted love stories by ladies like Elin Hilderbrand.  I marked the first unofficial day of summer with her Endless Summer, so it's only fitting to commemorate the first official day with her The Hotel Nantucket.  And it might just be her beachiest -- and most hopeful -- book yet.

Everyone at the newly remodeled, possibly haunted, and incredibly luxe Hotel Nantucket is looking for something, be it love, redemption, fame, or revenge.  Reading about it is half the fun.  The other half is Hilderbrand's lush writing, especially when it comes to her characters.  She tells the tale of a sweet but steely Minnesota transplant as convincingly as she voices a prep school prince, a glam grifter, and an eager-to-please ingenue as well as a colorful cast of others.  Disappearing into her stories is like, well, taking a vacation.  Minus the bill and the sunburn.

Of course, making jewelry is a little like taking a vacation too.  Which is how I ended up with this Parrot Paradise Necklace:

In addition to parrots, it's got flowers and even an anchor.  Also, it's big.  Really big.  Maybe a little too big.  That's why I decided not to list it.  Something tells me that I may be the only one to appreciate the way it takes up the entire front of a shirt, like a Hawaiian breastplate or an aggressively festive reverse dickey.  

It's just you and me against the world, Parrot Paradise Necklace -- offering up one awkward aloha at a time. 😏🌺

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Colorform Storm

Sweater: Candie's, Kohl's

Scrunchies: So, Kohl's; Lady Arya, Zulily

Sweater: Express; Necklace (no name): The Tote Trove

Bag: Wild Fable, Target

Sweater: IZ Buyer, Kohl's

Skirt: So, Kohl's

Hat: Wild Fable, Target

Sock: Zulily; Shoe: Chase & Chloe, Zulily

Top: L'Amour by Nanette Lepore for JCPenney

Headbands: INC, Macy's

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon

Sweatshirt: Arizona Jeans, JCPenney; Pink necklace: H&M; Other necklace: (no name) The Tote Trove

Slim green, slim orange, and chunky yellow bangles: B Fabulous; Chunky fuchsia and chunky orange bangles: Mixit, JCPenney; Mustard bracelet: Cloud Nine, Ocean City; Necklace (no name): The Tote Trove

Dress: Rewind, Kohl's

Tourist Trap Charm Necklace

Shoes: Guess, DSW

Remember Colorforms?  Maybe you, your kids, or your grandkids played with them as way back as the '50s when they first came out, or as recently as yesterday.  I came to know them in the '80s, when I had a Rainbow Brite set.  And then I became reacquainted with them when I bought a Hello Kitty set on my honeymoon.        

This week, this sweater made me think of them again.  The turquoise, magenta, and yellow remind me of their adorable little mascot:

How could he not be happy, drenched in such cheerful color?  I like to think I'm like him in that way, playing with clothes like they're crayons, getting a fresh sheet of paper each day. 

Shakespeare said that all the world is a stage, but maybe it's a coloring book.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Reformed Rocker Shocker: One for the Record Books

So, I just read Juliet, Naked.  I watched the movie first, back before I knew that it was a novel written by Nick Hornby, who also wrote High Fidelity, which was also a book unbeknownst to me.  But enough navel gazing; Juliet, Naked is a delight!  Funny, self-deprecating, and all of those other British things that make you want to wield a teacup.  Here's the skinny:  

Annie and Duncan live in Gooleness, a seaside town populated by geriatrics, and have been together for fifteen years.  Duncan is obsessed with a washed-up, allegedly reclusive American rocker named Tucker Crowe and runs a website dedicated to him.  Annie is sick of Duncan's Tucker obsession.  One day, Duncan receives a never-before-released raw cut of Tucker's most famous album, "Juliet," (hereafter referred to as "Juliet, Naked"), and Annie opens it first, listens to it, and hates it.  Duncan is indignant, all but calling Annie a philistine, and posts a cloying review.  Annie retaliates by writing and posting a scathing review of her own.  Then wonder of wonders, Tucker writes back, beginning the most bizarre love triangle since Little Shop of Horrors.

Before Annie and Tucker know it, they're in an email relationship.  Spilling their guts and having a trans-Atlantic emotional affair or whatever.  Annie is thirty-nine and suddenly depressed about being childless.  Tucker is a sad dad with five kids from four different mothers.  He lets his fans think he's morphed into an angry backwoodsman even though he looks like an accountant.  Tucker is also disgusted by the mythology surrounding his exodus from the music scene, and Annie, well, Annie's just lonely.  Meanwhile, Duncan (What kind of name is that anyway?  It makes me think of one-hit-wonder Duncan Sheik or that dude from Hamlet or, yes, even Duncan Hines) shacks up with a fellow professor, a red herring of a plot device stalling his inevitable shock upon finding out that his ex-ladylove and his hero -- no, make that man crush -- are now pen pals.  

But, as usual, I'm getting ahead of myself.  Let's pause to peruse some of my favorite parts, shall we?

Duncan on reading Annie's review:

"She was better than him in everything but judgment -- the only thing that mattered in the end, but still.  She wrote well, with fluency and humor, and she was persuasive, if you hadn't actually heard the music, and she was likeable.  He tended to be strident and bullying and smark-alecky, even he could see that.  This wasn't what she was supposed to be good at.  Where did that leave him?" (68)

Poor Duncan.  His woman has dared to defy him about his most favorite thing, wittily and winsomely, on the Internet for all to read.  And I love it.  These days, I can't help reading through a feminist lens.  Even though I wrote my college thesis on why Lady Audley was an opportunist as opposed to a victim and used to side with Ross when he said that he and Rachel were on a break.  I guess facing forty has dropped some hard truths on me.  

And now for Tucker's first impression of Gooleness, which amuses me for obvious reasons:

"If he translated some of the ethnic foods into Americans' favorites and swapped a few of the bookies for casinos, he'd be at one of the trashier resorts in New Jersey.  Every now and again, one of Jackson's school friends got dragged off to a seaside town like this, either because the kid's parents had misremembered a vacation from their youth, or because they had failed to spot the romanticism and poetic license in Bruce Springsteen's early albums." (324)

Ah, Jersey.  Always a punching bag.  Or, more to the point, a trash bag.  

Now back to our analysis.

Juliet, Naked isn't just about the -- in this case, incredibly ironic -- ebb and flow of romantic relationships.  It's about art and what it means once artists release it to the world.  For instance, it's hilarious, intrusive, and a little concerning that Duncan and his fellow Crowologists (yes, that's what they call themselves) go to such lengths to research (okay, stalk) Tucker and theorize what he's been up to.  They've put him on such a pedestal that he's no longer a person, and they're willing to worship his worst work.  That said, they're also passionate, and it's their passion that's kept Tucker and his music relevant.  So it's up to Annie to choose between the fanatic and the source of the fanaticism, or, rather, the satellite and the sun.  Duncan's a drip, no question.  But he's a drip who stands for something.  And artist or not, Tucker's got his problems, and not all of them are the sexy kind worthy of lighters.  Annie's ultimate decision says a lot about what she wants out of life and what she's willing to do to get it.

Sounds like girl power hour to me.  

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Tree Trim? No, Slim. Her Flaws are Her Ornaments.

It only comes but once a year, the snowball tree in bloom is here!  Every August, I eagerly wait for this tree to explode into a wealth of white flowers.  I have the perfect view of it from my kitchen window, so it makes for a nice distraction while I'm scraping chicken fat off of Pyrex.  I love how wayward and crazy it is, its blossoms sticking up from its crown like metal spokes on a broken umbrella.  A landscaper would probably say that I should prune it, but taming its tresses seems like a crime.  As does choosing between a simile and personification to describe it.  Who says that a tree can't be like a damaged rain deterrent and have unruly hair?

One thing that did need taming was this outfit.  I started out photographing it in the usual way, but the top wouldn't flush with the skirt, and the belts made it even wonkier.  So I mixed it up and mussed it up and ended up liking what I saw!  Sometimes taming the shrew means cooking a stew, a super juicy one that splashes the cabinets.       

Pastel Princess Necklace

Sugar Rush Gush Barrettes

Top: Wet Seal
Skirt: Amazon
Shoes: B.A.I.T., Zulily
Bag: Sugar Thrillz, Dolls Kill
Blue belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon
Bow belt: Candie's, Kohl's
Pink bangle: Don't Ask, Zulily
Purple bangle: Don't Ask, Zulily
Yellow bangle: Later Operator, Etsy
Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney
Lime bracelet: Cloud Nine
Sunglasses: Mudd, Kohl's

Still, the necklace and barrettes that I made to go with it are simple.  Kind of like the coarse, crusty bread that you'd serve with your beef bourguignon.  Sometimes such accessories -- and indeed, such breads -- are the anchor in a broth of chaos.   

See, somehow, it all circles back to the kitchen and its magic, mirror-like window.  

Because when you live in quarantine, glimpsing a blue sky makes it seem all the bluer.  

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Sun Ripe Stripes and Other Hype: Hey, How's it Hanging, New Earrings?

Red/white stripe tee: Hollister, Marshalls
Navy/yellow stripe tee: Merona, Target
Serape stripe cowl neck: Chaps, Kohl's

Flirty Fruit Earrings 

Fiona Fox Earrings

Ice Cream Dream Earrings 

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears . . . so that I may bedazzle them good and proper. (Because it doesn't get much more proper than Shakespeare, despite what you might've heard.)  That's right; I've made a fresh batch of bo danglers, one to represent each Tote Trove kitsch kingdom: Carnival Candy, Rustic Romance, and Twee Party.  Each pair is tiny but mighty -- meaning that it was a challenge for this bigger-is-better-and-gaudy-is-good proponent to keep them dainty.  But far be it from me to contribute to the over-stretched earlobe epidemic.  

Speaking of challenges, it took forever to steam the three striped tops in these pictures.  It was worth it, though, because they turned out nice and smooth instead of more wrinkled than when they started -- which is what usually happens when I'm wielding an iron.  This was especially exciting because -- bonus of bonuses -- it means that I get to wear them.  Tomorrow's supposed to be windy, so I'm looking at you, weird serape-inspired, wannabe-athletic cowl neck.  

There's something trendy yet timeless about a horizon of hip horizonals (also, about the group Vertical Horizon, but that's only because I've been listening to my Now That's What I Call 1990s Pop Alternative Edition CD).  To prove it, here's a list of (some of) the old-school fools who have rocked them:




Where's Waldo (one week later, I'm still searching for him)

The Cat in the Hat


The Hamburglar (not to be confused with the aforementioned jailbird)

Freddy Krueger (whom I despise but feel honor-bound to include because the husband swears that I sometimes wear his sweater)

Whether nautical or southwestern or a crazy mashup somewhere in between, stripes put the all-American (and all-Parisienne; see mime above) in jeans and jean skirts.  Neither of which are pictured here, but I can spend only so much time steaming.  And screaming.  

Which is my way of saying see you later.  

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Flip This House; Fling This Bling

Darla Doll Charm Necklace

Top: Worthington, JCPenney
Skirt (a dress!): Macy's
Shoes: Betseyville, Macy's
Bag: Marshalls
Sunglasses: Rampage, Boscov's
Belt: Marshalls

Top: Candie's, Kohl's
Skirt: Modcloth
Shoes: Chinese Laundry, DSW
Bag: Gifted
Belt: New York & Co.
Sunglasses: Rampage, Boscov's

Egg McBluffin Charm Necklace

Top: Macy's
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Betseyville, Macy's
Bag: Bisou Bisou, JCPenney
Belt: Kohl's
Sunglasses: So, Kohl's

Top: Rampage, Macy's
Skirt (a dress!): Macy's
Shoes: Charles Albert, Alloy
Bag: Nordstrom
Belt: Wet Seal
Sunglasses: Rampage, Boscov's

Top: Candie's, Kohl's
Skirt (another dress!): Modcloth
Shoes: a.n.a., JCPenney
Bag: Nahui Ollin
Belt: Marshalls

Shrug: The Limited, Marshalls
Tee: Marshalls
Dress: JCPenney
Shoes: Guess, DSW
Bag: Xhilaration, Target
Sunglasses: Relic, Kohl's
Belt: Cape Charles, VA shop

If you watch DIY or HGTV (or, you know, breathe), then you know that flipping houses is a thing.  People buy old homes for a song, fix them up, then resell them for a symphony.  Like any artsy-fartsy soul, I love the idea of making something old new again.  Or better yet, making something new even newer.  Which is why I bought these clearance necklaces from big box stores and embellished them to sell on Etsy.  The only difference is that my prices aren't nearly as inflated -- that, and a necklace goes wherever you do, whereas a house ventures only as far as the mailbox.  Of course, these days that's changing, what with Tiny House, Big Living and Tiny House Nation catering to wanderers who don't mind squatting on their parents' lawns.    

So, what's up with the second part of this post title?  I'm not sure.  "Fling this bling" doesn't sound like the real estate pun I'd intended (hey, punning ain't easy), but more like 1) a wealthy old dowager tossing off her pearls as she swings from a chandelier, or 2) an ill-fated tryst between a topaz and a diamond.  It's an old story.  Diamond's dad thinks that Topaz isn't good enough for Diamond, and Topaz's mom thinks that Diamond is too much of a princess for Topaz.  In a sort of reverse Romeo and Juliet move, the disapproving parents toss each other's offspring into the ocean, then run away to the Emerald City to head up a Munchkin outreach program.

Sigh.  Fine jewelry can be so dramatic.  That's why I stick with humble synthetics.