Showing posts with label Seven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seven. Show all posts

Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Fray: True Blue Monday

Once upon a time, denim was the fabric of the worker.  My spidey senses indicate that I've said this before, maybe even in a previous Labor Day post.  Yep, a trusty search just confirmed it: I covered working man's denim last year.  Still, it bears repeating (mostly because I've already committed to this bit and hooks aren't easy to come by.  Unless, of course, they call you Captain.  But more on that later.).  Tough and tear-resistant, jeans, or dungarees, as they were called back in the day, were the perfect pants to wear while harvesting corn or splitting railroad ties.  Ladies and gentlemen wouldn't be caught dead in them, and I suspect that they helped put the blue in blue collar.  So it's funny that these days you're going nowhere fast unless it's in True Religion or Seven.  Or, if you're of more modest means, such as yours truly, then in Arizona or Mudd or Mossimo.  No doubt about it, sweet, sun-washed cotton has evolved into the cloth of all the people.  Whether embellished, tie-dyed, printed, or ripped, there's something for stylistas and staid old Aunt Sally's alike (I'm looking at you, JCPenney mom jeans).  So, this Labor Day I'm celebrating denim's humble origins as well as just how far denim's come -- Tote Trove style with a trio of chokers.  'Cause there's nothing better than a pair of jeans.  That is, unless it's a jean necklace.

I got these three in plain Jane form at that modern-day general store, Target.  On clearance.  When I saw them, I couldn't help but think, who would want to wear such an unadorned adornment?  I mean, there was all that blank real estate all but screeching, drape me in diamonds!  Oh, ok.  Rhinestones.  But only in keeping with this blue grass roots theme.  So.  I bought them.  And got out my cabochons.  And glue.  And yes, rhinestones.  And metaphorically said, move over, Target, there's a new seraph in town.  (But not really.  Target, keep selling cheap goods so that I can appropriate them and then sell them myself.  Also, I think it's clear I'm no seraph.)  Because it's a new day and a new, ahem, order in this post 1980s accessories excess world.  Where excess, of course, has re-emerged, like everything else, to become reinvented.

On that note, here are some pics from my Labor Day in beautiful Ocean City.            

Wonderland Pier, O.C.'s premier place for rides.  If you look closely, you can see Humpty Dumpty. 

Second banana pier Castaway Cove -- as evidenced by this goofy pirate who is not Captain Hook.