I have two posts with "orange you glad" in the title. Which, in my opinion, is two too many. Today I'm making up for it by subbing in tangerines. Plus a whole orchard -- or perhaps I should say body shop -- full of color in this Gear Cred charm bracelet and earrings.
Gear Cred Earrings
Granted, these charmers aren't the kind of thing that you'd normally see on a lady mechanic -- at least not while she's working. She wouldn't want to get them wrapped around the axle or lose them under the hood or whatever. But what she wears when hitting the town is fair game . . . not to mention her business.
Just like whom Charlize Theron as Charlotte Field dates is her business.
See what I did there?
I'd so wanted to see Long Shot in the theater. Theron as super serious Secretary of State and Seth Rogen as her goofy speech writer presented a premise ripe for ridiculousness and hilarious hijinks. But I guess most people didn't agree, because Long Shot was booted off the marquee within two weeks. No matter. It was just the thing to tune into On Demand for some late night crafting. Now, it wasn't as funny as I'd anticipated -- but it was more romantic than I'd hoped to expect. You see, Charlotte's always on team underdog, both when lobbying to save the environment and -- yes friends, this is where is gets sappy -- for the happiness of her heart. And Rogen's Fred, a neon windbreaker-wearing, freshly unemployed journalist who speaks before he thinks, is about as downtrodden as they come. Still, he has a superpower: getting Charlotte to reconnect with that idealistic sixteen-year-old he once knew. Which is no small task considering that she's a presidential hopeful whose every word and eye twitch are dissected.
Do these star-crossed lovers face challenges? For sure. Does Charlotte's right-hand woman hate Fred? Like Guy Fieri hates low cal dressing. Is it weird that Charlotte used to babysit Fred? As weird as Guy Fieri eating low cal dressing. (Fieri, by the way, makes a quasi-cameo as a dating don't.) Do Charlotte and Fred find a way around it all and steal each other's hearts as well as those of the American people?
I think you know the answer to that one.
That said, here's to strong women. The kind who fix cars and run countries and fight for love found in unlikely places.
And who buy orange juice instead of squeezing it.
Although for the record, if given the choice between rebuilding a carburetor, climbing Capitol Hill, or eking out some OJ, I'd reach for the juicer.