Great White Necklace
Tunic: Miken, Marshalls
Tee: So, Kohl's
Skirt: Olsenboye, JCPenney
Shoes: Betseyville, Macy's
Bag: Uniquely Different, Etsy
Belt: JCPenney
Scarf: Wet Seal
Sunglasses: JCPenney
Tunic: Miken, Marshalls
Bra top: Boscov's
Skirt: L'Amour by Nanette Lepore for JCPenney
Shoes: Worthington, JCPenney
Bag: Nordstrom
Belt: Wet Seal
Sunglasses: JCPenney
Fruits and Flowers Necklace
Tunic: Miken, Marshalls
Tee: So, Kohl's
Skirt (a dress!): Monteau, Marshalls
Shoes: Ami Clubwear
Bag: Nine West, Boscov's
Belt: Wet Seal
Sunglasses: Rampage, Boscov's
The first summery thing about this post is the two scenic pictures. They're both of the north end of Brigantine, and I took them during a recent bicycle ride with the husband. As you know, I normally refrain from outdoorsy activities. But I was glad that I came along this time, as I'd never been to this part of the island in the six plus years I've lived here. It's beautiful, kind of wild and hidden and marshy. I can see why people like it, despite it bearing the brunt of most hurricanes' wrath.
The second summery thing about this post is the hot pink lace cover-up. I know; I too was surprised to find that that's what it was when I found it at Marshalls some three years ago. Somehow, it seems too fancy to toss over a bikini. That's probably one of the reasons why I've never worn it. But I wanted to change that, or at least do the next best thing by having Tammy (the Torso, that is, for those of you scratching your heads) wear it. So I challenged myself to use it in three outfits. The middle one is my favorite, even if it does kind of scream fashion don't at the VMAs.
And now on to the good part, which is to say, the TV. I don't know about you, but once Labor Day hits, I'm as excited about fall premier week as a cat in a yarn store. There's nothing to beat fall's sneaky chill like the cozy glow that is the TV screen. I like to think of it as the modern-day fireplace. Or maybe I should say campfire, as that's the one with the stories. Anyway, there's a lot of programming to choose from, so I'll just give (admittedly specious) shout-outs to the lineups I follow. I'm something of a line-up lemming, tolerating shows that I'd otherwise skip simply because they're surrounded by some of my favorites. Still, at the end of the day (or should I say week?) I end up enjoying them all on some level, taking the same even-when-it's-bad-it's-good approach to sitcoms that people take to pizza. Hey, whether it's entertainment or eats, the more cheese the better.
That having been said, Fox came out of the gate running the second week in September with the ever edgy "New Girl" and "The Mindy Project." Family-friendly ABC reclaimed its Wednesday night reign, regaling us with old favorites like "The Middle" and "Modern Family," now bookending sophomore sitcom "The Goldbergs" and wrapping up with the brand-new "Blackish," all contriving to create a downy cushion for the last-act drama of "Nashville"(which is not a sitcom, but pretty soft as dramas go, making it a-okay in my [song] book.) Then the following Tuesday ABC introduced "Selfie" and "Manhattan Love Story," serving up stories for singles. In the CBS camp, "The Big Bang Theory" found its way once again back to Mondays, at least until late October when it joins two of Chuck Lorre's other offspring, "Two and a Half Men" and "Mom" ("Mike and Molly" will return mid-season). But it's NBC that remains the most barren, with the final season of "Parks and Recreation" yet to debut while newbies "Bad Judge" and "A to Z" play out as sweetly acerbic appetizers.
Whew, that was more than a mouthful. Which means that there's just enough room to cram in some eating (cheddar choked or whole grain healthy? I'll never tell) before tonight's two-hour sitcom block begins.