Showing posts with label Lily Bloom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lily Bloom. Show all posts

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Preppy, Punky Pop of Pow

Shoes: Katy Perry Collection

Bag: SHEIN; Bangles: B Fabulous: Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City; Sunglasses: Amazon; Necklace: The Tote Trove; Headband: INC, Macy's

Skirt: Trixxi, Kohl's

Top: Nine West, Zulily

Skirt: Almost Famous, Kohl's

Purple Potpourri Necklace

Bag: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Shoes: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Top: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Mint bracelet: H&M, Green bracelet: Parade of Shoes; Purple bracelet: Etsy; Other bracelets: So, Kohl's; Ring: Making Waves, Ocean City

Skirt: Bubblegum, Macy's

Blouse: Eyelash, Kohl's; Striped cami: So, Kohl's

Flower ring: Seahorse Designs, Etsy; Orange bangles: B Fabulous; Blue bangle: So, Kohl's; Sunglasses: Target; Heart ring: Claire's; Cake ring: Bead Passion, Etsy; Yellow bangle: Silver Linings, Ocean City; Colorful necklace: Francesca's; Yellow necklace: Sonoma, Kohl's; Bag: Lily Bloom, JCPenney

Cardigan: Merona, Target

Madden Girl shoes: Pink and yellow: Kohl's; Blue: Macy's

When I was in school, there were the preppy girls and the other girls.  And preppy always meant "dressed up."  It didn't matter if you were wearing a collegiate polo and khakis or a bright pink dress.  If you were pulled together in any way, then you were a preppie.  Just like Zack Morris.   

But that label never felt right to me.  Because in the ways that counted, I always felt like an "other."  Partly because preppy girls never talked to me (and yes, that's a reference to Weezer's "Beverly Hills," albeit in a platonic as opposed to romantic way).  Partly because, preferring to be alone, I never talked to them either.

Yet as I got older, it occurred to me that maybe I was a preppie, at least sometimes.  And that that was okay.  Because style is never just any one thing, but a whole bunch of wonderful everythings that in some way, shape, or form, say "I'm here."

And embracing that makes me feel like this:

So that's what today's outfits are all about.  Preppy blouses and skirts mixed with out-there accessories.  

Now, if only I could find a Zack Morris-style shirt.  One of his bright tees, of course, not a button-down. 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Stripe Hype: For Those Times When You Don't Want to Polka

Bag: Lily Bloom, JCPenney

Dress: Lula Roe

Bag: Sugar Thrillz, Dolls Kill

Skirt: Modcloth

Bag: Olivia Miller, Amazon

Shoes: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Dress: Rock & Republic, Kohl's

Polka dot, that is.  Because even wearing such a slaphappy print, let alone doing its namesake dance, demands a nimble spirit.  Not so with stripes.  They bring to mind, not rollicking reels, but maps crisscrossed with equators and prime meridians as indelibly as gym class Fs on a report card.  Because globes, round though they may be, don't deign to serve volleyballs or don sweat-stained uniforms.  No, they sit still in the study, and when you're with them, you must sit still too.  Call it revenge of the nerds.  And not the slick kind in Silicon Valley, but those who putter in academia or even just eat macadamia nuts while writing Wikipedia entries.   

I think we can all agree that none of this makes any sense.  Especially because my black Betsey wedges are, however subtly, polka dotted.  But posts don't always have to dot their i's or drink their t's.  

They just have to have a good time and a cold Coca Cola.

But more on that (maybe) next time.  

Monday, November 30, 2020

Scavenger Style: Maroon Raccoon

Shoes: Guess, DSW

Bag: Sleepyville Critters, Amazon

Dress: Kohl's

Belt: Marshalls

Jeans: City Streets, JCPenney

Bag: Lily Bloom, JCPenney

Sweater: Modcloth

Boots: Charles Albert, Alloy

Skirt: Tinseltown, Kohl's

Shoes: Betsey Johnson, DSW

Top: Xhilaration, Target

Skirt: Mudd, Kohl's

Bag: Nine West, Kohl's

Top: Who What Wear, Target

What a Sight Necklace

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Macy's

Headband: Express

Dress: LC Lauren Conrad, Kohl's

Marooned is a word that sounds like macaroon but that means anything but.  Macaroons whisper in pretty pastels; maroon blasts in like a foghorn, its hue matching the foghorn's rust.  Still, marooned takes on a certain kind of romance in the context of quarantine.  Like a velvet Victorian Christmas.  As in, I'm marooned in my house with an old-timey Santa.  Or, in my case, the husband and at least one raccoon.  Just kidding.  Or nearly.  

The raccoon, after all, made its exit.

Let me explain.

A few weeks ago, the husband went up into the attic to check on his pine cones, as you do (he's making a wreath), and discovered these dizzying footprints.  He never found the rodent-that-was-most-likely-a-raccoon, though, just the hole it slunk in through.  Apparently, the pine cones were not to its liking and it took off in search of something better. 

Speaking of the husband, when he saw the polka dot maroon babydoll dress of the last outfit hanging on the bedroom door, he said that it didn't look like something I'd wear.  I knew what he meant; it's kind of conservative.  But when it comes to clothes (and wildlife), I like the challenge of making them my own.  Also, I was drawn to this dress because it reminded me of the one I wore the Christmas I was nine, in the early '90s.  That one was roughly the same cut and color although more wine than russet, with a trio of chiffon roses instead of the tie at the neck.  So not quite as much like it after all, but enough to make me think of bubble pendants and the TGIF sitcom lineup.  It's true what they say about nostalgia from your formative years: even a little bit really sticks with you.  

I guess that's why I started making a '90s fashion Pinterest board.  I love collecting the mix of gritty (flannel, earth tones, dirty denim) and throwback '60s/'70s (daisies/sunflowers, neon, rainbow stripes) pieces, even if in real life the gritty always escapes me.  It's weird to think that I wasn't aware of any of it back when I wore it.  It was just, you know, the stuff that was in my closet.  But now it's a slice of history, both mine and everyone else's.   

Perhaps the raccoon and I aren't so different.  We're both scavengers, it of refuse and me of style.  Also, by the end of the day, when my eyeliner's melted, I rock a mean racoon eye.  Or, as my sister used to say, Gene Simmons face.

Which is fine, as long as that raccoon isn't rocking and rolling in my attic all night and partying in my pantry every day.

Monday, February 19, 2018

From Philly to Phoenix: Frank Ford Flies Again

Dress: Modcloth
Shoes: Zulily
Sun bag: Lily Bloom, JCPenney
Clutch: Xhilaration, Target
Flower clip: ULTA

 Candy Craze Combs

Sweatshirt: Lisa Frank for Macy's
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Worthington, JCPenney
Bag: B&B

Dream Gig Necklace

Dress: American Rag, Macy's
Shoes: Qupid, DSW
Bag: The Tote Trove
Barrettes: The Tote Trove

There's something peaceful and artsy about the desert.  Especially, at least in my imagination, Arizona.  Just ask the Eagles.  (The band, not the Superbowl champs.  Not that a city boys in the 
Southwest-themed story doesn't have it appeal.)  And it just so happens that the lyrics to "Take it Easy" are especially soothing:

"Well, I'm standing on a corner
in Winslow, Arizona
And such a fine sight to see
It's a girl, my Lord, in a flatbed
Ford slowin' down to take a look at me.

Take it easy, take it easy
don't let the sound of your own 
wheels make you crazy."

Does that not paint the picture of serenity?  The (implied) blue sky against the golden-red sand, the sound of the wind drowning out the (again, implied) sad song on the radio.  Sure, the bit about the cad of a cowboy picking up (or being picked up by) yet another woman is a little questionable, but I'm willing to look past that for the sake of the song and this post if you are.  That's not the important part, anyway.  This tune is timeless because it's about the magic of living in the moment, of tucking the uneasy parts of life away.

Arizona, by the way, is also where Lisa Frank lives.  Which explains why she has those cacti dancing around her namesake logo.  You heard it here first: Classic rock and tween pop art, perfect partners in rhyme.

So inspired (because, honestly, what '90s fangirl doesn't want to somehow emulate Lisa Frank?), I designed my own desert decor.  Fringe Bene-hit, Candy Craze, and Dream Gig tell their own style story -- namely, stand back from that scorpion and all manner of poisonous vermin that lurk in the desert.  

Because if that's not a message of peace and goodwill, then we all might as well sit on a cactus.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Melon Slice Vice: A Preoccupation With Produce

Tops: Decree, J. C. Penney's
Junk food bag: Modcloth
Sun bag: Lily Bloom, J. C. Penney's
Orange bag: Modcloth

And by produce I mean, of course, clothes.  These cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew hued cold shoulder blouses are as tempting as a fresh fruit platter at a lonely hearts mixer.  And at eight dollars a pop, just as healthy!  The barrettes, sorry but not sorry, not so much.  A sticky sweet and sugary treat, they top off the fruit with all the gall of a maraschino cherry.  Which means that maybe these shirts aren't fruit at all, but sherbet.  And that some of these lonely hearts will become perfect pears . . . and ditch the fruit for two scoops of fudge ripple.

Now, that's what I call romancing the cone.