Showing posts with label Icee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Icee. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Filtered Pop and Photo Op: I Like Cold Beverages

Tee: Macy's

Sandals: Arizona Jeans, JCPenney

Skirt: Modcloth

Scrunchie: Macy's; Cream bangle: Mixit, JCPenney; Bag: Circus by Sam Edelman, Kohl's; Midnight Magic Necklace, Sunglasses: Betsey Johnson, Zulily; Love bangle: Boscov's

Skirt: Mossimo, Target

Flip flops: Sea Star, Brigantine

Bag: Circus by Sam Edelman: Kohl's

Tee: Kohl's

Jeans: City Streets, JCPenney

Tee: Kohl's; Sunglasses: Amazon; Shoes: Katy Perry Collection; May Berry Charm Necklace; Bag: Betsey Johnson, Modcloth 

When I was a kid, I thought that soft drinks got their name because the bubbles made them feel soft and airy as they made their way down your throat (so, the opposite of one of those half-chewed, pointy Doritos).  It was years before I realized that "soft" was a negative space term created to counter hard drinks like rum and tequila.  And that disappointed me, because it implied that soft didn't mean dreamy and delicious but weak, denoting the consolation prize for people who couldn't have or didn't want a "real" drink.  

So it's no wonder that I'd advertise my lifelong love of Coke products and Icees by parading these pop culture tees.  Not only are they cute and colorful, but they bring me back to the days when the most decadent drink I could down was one that was carbonated.  If this post had a theme song, then it'd be G. Love & Special Sauce's "Cold Beverages," that iconic '90s toe-tapper that pays equal tribute to martinis and root beer. 

I even wore my blink-and-you'll-miss-it Fanta tee to the beach -- and then ordered an orange Fanta!  


By the way, this was my first -- and so far only -- restaurant visit (albeit al fresco, not, ha ha, a Fresca) since before the pandemic.  Sometimes it's fun to leave my bubble.  Or to exchange one kind of bubble for another.  Or to bubble over with enthusiasm for, yes, bubbles.

Okay, I'll stop.

Suffice it to say that I look forward to my next outdoor soda.  As do the tropical creatures hanging out by my head.  

I wouldn't blame you one bit if you thought there was vodka in my cup after all. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Give 'em the Slip Skirt

From left to right: Vylette, Kohl's; Vylette, Kohl's; Candies, Kohl's

Remember the '90s, when slip skirts and dresses came into style, and people were worried about girls going out in public in their underwear?

Yeah, me neither.

Well, these not-so-slinky styles are back.  To, you know, not cause a stir.  Sometimes, seeing old stuff resurface makes me feel -- well, old.  Like, if I last wore something in high school, then how old does that make me now?!  I say this a lot -- but that's because I feel it a lot, especially as I edge toward forty.  Mind you, it's not that I feel decrepit.  It's just weird that I've been around this long.  That said, getting older isn't all bad, especially because it means getting to be part of history.  And when it comes to fashion, everything old becomes new again, proving that old things are not only still relevant, but sometimes better than new ones.  Kind of like when you find an old jelly bean stuck under your couch cushions and discover that not only has it not lost its flavor, but that time has made it tastier.  So, I snagged a few.  Slip skirts, not jelly beans.  (I don't know about you, but I have no desire to end this trend rebirth train with a trip to the gastroenterologist.)  The skirts that I scored are satin (okay, a satiny polyester), that fabric of fabrics for grunge era wannabe lingerie.  The dress has a sheen, too, although it's more matte.  It was fun shopping (online) for them, like I was in Wet Seal burning up my Fashion Bug paycheck, only not in Wet Seal and with more money to spend.   

Speaking of old vs. new, I had a rager of a time pairing my new old threads with the ones already in my closet.  So, what delightfully mad mix debuts in outfit number one?  Why, it's my new tie dye slip skirt with my beloved old Polaroid tee!  You may remember me wearing it here and here.  What can I say?  This tee was made for pictures.

 Striped bangle: Mixit, J. C. Penney's; Other bangles: B Fabulous; Bag: Sugar Thrillz, Dolls Kill

Outfit number two is all about this leopard slip dress.  The husband said I look like I'm (angrily) waiting for my prom date to get out of prison.  I disagree, though, because 1) this dress is nowhere near prom level formal and 2) this leopard is more Barbie than Bratz.  Still, it makes a statement.  And that statement is, "Don't mess with me, or I'll hit you will my "kiss my patch" purse."

Bag: Olivia Miller, J.C. Penney's; Sunglasses: Mudd, Kohl's; Maroon bangle: Iris Apfel for INC, Macy's; Pink bracelet: Amrita Singh, Zulily; Other bangles: B Fabulous

Belt: Belt is Cool, Amazon; Shoes: Chase & Chloe, Zulily 

Finally, outfit number three brings a cold front with an Icee tee.  It was a gift from the husband, and I've had it forever.  When I put it on, I was surprised by how long it was, then I remembered that that was the style circa 2010.  One hair tie later and it cropped up and got with the program, all the better to flatter the red slip skirt.  Rock on, Ronald McDonald color palette!

Bangle: Gifted; Black and white bracelet: Mixit, J. C. Penney's; Choker: Kohl's

And that about does it for this '90s throwback.  It's been real.  Thanks, slip skirts/dresses.  Also, Courtney Love and Cher (of Clueless, not Sonny and Cher) and every other '90s icon who wore you so well. 

Next up, crocheted beanies with matching hacky sacks.  Just kidding.  

Or am I?

Find me on the quad to find out.