Monday, February 12, 2024
Valentine Time: Pink With a Wink of Maroon
Monday, September 4, 2023
Summertime Blues if You so Choose; Otherwise, Onward to Autumn
Monday, June 5, 2023
Setting Sail on the S.S. Smiley: Happy Face Place
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Easter Dresses and Tresses: Not a Hare Out of Place
This title is a lie. There are many hares -- and hairs -- out of place in this post, starting with my messy mop peering through that tulip wreath. But then, imperfection counts as its own kind of theme. Speaking of which, you know how Minnie Pearl wore her hats with the tags on? Well, I kept the tags on, not my hats, but my bunnies. Because they're not my bunnies after all, but Easter gifts for my nieces.
So, it's not a shoot worthy of Vogue or Good Housekeeping. But that's okay, because, as you know, we're all a little mad here at The Tote Trove.
And I wouldn't hat have it any other way.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The Face That Launched a Thousand Quips
As you know, when I'm in between new outfit pics -- or just need a laugh -- I like to post old B roll. Today is one of those days. So enjoy this quintet of quirky facial expressions from falls and winters past. Because I may not be Helen of Troy -- but if I float one boat, then I've earned by Greek yogurt.
By which, of course, I mean ice cream.๐จ