Showing posts with label Diet Coke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet Coke. Show all posts

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Just for the Taste of It: Diet Broke

Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon; Charm: Carole, J. C. Penney's

Disney, Target

Charming Charlie

Happy birthday, America.  I know you've been sick for awhile.  May I suggest a nice, refreshing Coca-Cola?  It's sweet and fizzy and will put pep in your step.  Once upon a time it was made from cocaine.  Maybe there's still some in there. 

To celebrate your big day, I'm breaking my quarantine.  A little.  I'm considering it quarantine jailbreak lite, a diet jailbreak, if you will.  I've been in my house since March 16 and have left only three times, just to pick up orders.  But my parents, who have themselves ventured very few places, asked the husband and me to come over for a socially distanced, outdoor BBQ for the Fourth of July.  They specified that it would just be the four of us, and that I didn't have to come if I didn't want to.  The thought of busting out made me uneasy.  Not necessarily because I thought I would catch corona from my parents or give it to them (although I realized that both were a possibility), but because I had a weird sense of pride about my unbroken quarantine streak.  I had everything I needed in the self-contained bubble of my cozy Dutch colonial, with groceries, books, and various fripperies arriving on the regular.  So was a holiday, even one with my parents, who are caution itself and with whom I'm very close, really a good reason to break this seal? 

In the end, I decided it was.  My parents are my people, after all, and I miss them.  So, armed with my mask and antibacterial gel (now again available from Bath and Body Works!), I'm braving the wilds of the other end of Atlantic County for the USA's b-day. 

Wherever you are and whatever you do, I wish you a happy Fourth of July.  Have fun and be safe. 

In other words, don't do cocaine.