Skirt: So, Kohl's; Shoes: Anne Michelle, JCPenney; Sunglasses: Amazon; Bag: Francesca's; Striped and orange bangles: Mixit, JCPenney; Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney; Beaded bracelets: So, Kohl's
Top: Crave Fame, Macy's
Top: Yellow top: Forever 21; Skirt: Mossimo, Target; Belt: Candie's, Kohl's; Sunglasses: Amazon; Shoes: Madden Girl, Kohl's; Bag: Betsey Johnson, Amazon; Striped bangles: B Fabulous; Yellow bangle: Silver Linings, Ocean City; Rose bracelet: Francesca's; Green bracelet: Parade of Shoes; purple bracelet: Etsy
Top: Lily Rose, Kohl's
Cardigan: So, Kohl's; Camisole: Mudd, Kohl's; Skirt: Arizona Jeans, JCPenney; Shoes: B.A.I.T., Zulily; Sunglasses: Amazon; Bag: Amazon; Lilac bangle: Don't Ask, Zulily; Mint bangle: Decree, JCPenney; Yellow bangles: B Fabulous
Yellow Candy Bow Necklace
Skirt: Indigo Rein, Macy's; Shoes: Jessica Simpson Collection, DSW; Sunglasses: Amazon; Bag: SHEIN; Beaded bracelets: So, Kohl's; Flower bracelet: Belk; Watch: Zulily
Top: Crave Fame, Macy's
As a kid, I loved to play dress up (I know, I know, big surprise). Few things made me happier than piling on the bangles, necklaces, and Lady Lovely Locks clips, even if just with a sweat suit, and I'd convince my sister and cousin to join in. It made me feel like I could be anyone -- but also, at the same time, myself.
These candy bow necklaces remind me of that. And also of carnival treats. They, and these outfits, are all about color and sugar, a real cotton candy aesthetic. I had a grand time making them and time traveling too.
Speaking of which, I still remember my first bag of cotton candy. I was five, and it was a delicate blue except for the places where my spit or sweat had touched it and turned it turquoise. I was entranced by this whimsical witchcraft, cramming fistfuls into my mouth as my family and I walked along the Ocean City boardwalk. When I'd spotted the blue bag dangling in the window of one of the snack shacks, I was more intrigued by its color than what it might taste like. So it was a bonus when I realized that it was delicious. It made those sticky fingers so worth it!
To this day, I still enjoy a cotton candy Rita's water ice or two every summer. Just as I enjoy wearing this (okay, a replica of this) cotton candy barrette I made many summers ago. Instead of a blue bag, I went for the retro stick style in not one but three colors. Like the spun sugar confection itself, it's an oldie but goodie that still makes me smile.
You hear that, summer? I miss you. Hurry up and get here already!