Large Rainbow Bold Beauty Tote
The average woman eats between 4 and 9 pounds, or 481 to 1083 tubes of lipstick in her lifetime (according to a site I found via a Google search). I thought that was a compelling way to introduce my long-awaited (well, to me :) and finally-finished Large Rainbow Bold Beauty Tote. It turned out even better than I imagined. It's bold, its graphic, it's colorful and kitschy and glam. I love it! I'm going to take it out for its debut at my mom's women's club's charity purse auction next week. (Not that I'm auctioning it off! The prizes are of the designer variety, you know, Coach, Hobo, etc., so I don't think anyone would be interested. Besides, it's mine!)
Project-wise, it's back to my Christmas-themed tiny totes, which are mounting nicely on my living room floor. I'm going to market them as gift card holders. Good idea, right? My goal is to make and post as many as possible before Black Friday.
I also just sold three pieces of my funkiest jewelry, which makes me very happy. :) Another fun-filled package will soon be in the making!