This is my mom... channeling the spirit of Tammy Wynette |
My mom will hate me for saying any of this because I have brought this very scenario to her attention and she does not approve the theory; she doesn't think I'm ugly (the phrase "A face only a mother could love," comes to mind). Yet, the only reason I mention it is to wish my Mom and all of the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day!
Looking at these photos makes me truly sorry for all the terrible things I've put my mom through. It makes me realize that she was once inexperienced and idealistic and could never have imagined all the torment that five weird children and thirty eight years of marriage can bring. It makes me see her as a real human being who never considered the seemingly-insurmountable obstacles that would be placed before her, who never realized that in the face of these obstacles she could summon the strength to laugh through her tears and persevere. My mom had a life before I did.
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Would you be able to tell this face how hard life was going to be? |
Unfortunately, I broke the one slide projector that we had and I haven't the faintest idea how to scan these into the computer. In my desperation to share the slides, I was reduced to holding them over a lightbulb and snapping a photo. On the left you can see my mom's competitor and Betty White. The host, Allen Ludden, is in the center with my Mom on the far right. I'm still trying to figure out who her celebrity partner was during this round. *Update: My Mom informed me that her partner was Ross Martin from The Wild, Wild West. |
Wearing a pink dress of her own make and design, my Mom was a big winner, earning enough money for a trip to Europe. There are so many things that I wish after viewing these slides. I wish that I could see the show (I would love to see how she acted, how she spoke, and how she behaved on her TV debut). I wish that she had won enough money to set us all up for life (Haha!). More than anything, I wish that she had kept that dress!
"Spellbound" I wish I knew whose hand scrawled the message, "Real cute?" on the back of the slide mount...perhaps one of her five brothers? |
She reminds me so much of Hayley Mills in these photos. I really enjoy how all of the slides were placed into the card- board mounts upside down (and sometimes backwards). |
"Trinket" I said she won "big money," but I think she ended up with a total of about $2,000. I guess that's not too shabby for 1972. |
It is funny, people (particularly Mary, who regularly accuses us of "Like, being the same person" ) tell me how similar my Mom and I are - in personality, in temperament, in orneriness. For as alike as we might be, I am constantly learning something from her. I have discussed in some length my Dad and his particular brand of challenges, but the fact is that none of that would have been a story if not for my Mom. It is my firm belief that my Dad pulled through because she gave him something to live for. This is evidenced by anyone who stands in a crowded room and sees that, for my Dad, the room is completely empty except for my Mother. Every time she walks past his gaze, he sighs like a lovesick schoolboy; he brightens at her every movement. This is no accident. She has been a steadfast wife, a tireless worker, and the type of partner for which most people would kill.
From her I learned what it means to work. From her I learned the meaning of unconditional love. From her I learned how to tie my shoes, butter toast, sew on a button, crack an egg, and a million and one other things that I take for granted every day. From her I learned that life really isn't fair. From her I learned that even when life isn't treating you fairly, it is important to rely on faith, family, and one's own fortitude to carry on. It may seem corny but my favorite song about mothers comes from a cartoon; in a few simple phrases. "Your Mother and Mine" expresses all that "mother" means.
"Your Mother & Mine" - Walt Disney's Peter Pan
To all the moms out there, I hope your children are providing you at least one day that makes you glad that you didn't throw them in the river. To my own Mom, I love you. I am proud of you. I am in awe of your bravery. I respect your commitment and admire your consistency. I hope to find over my lifetime half of the determination and love that you exhibit daily.
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Mr. Tiny