Showing posts with label chapel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chapel. Show all posts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chow Time: Tio's Tacos

I used to laugh derisively at self-righteous celebrities who would tout themselves as "spiritual" rather than religious.  The subtext always read that, in their enlightened transcendence, we plebeians had been left behind in a fetid miasma of simple faith.  As I mature (at a pace slower than any approved by modern developmental guidelines), I find in myself the ability to experience the spiritual, outside the confines of religion.  In situations quite devoid of church-sanctioned sanctity, I feel a genuine sense of peace.  In places quite unexpected, I feel a connection to the Divine.  I mean, imagine having a spiritual experience at a taco shop!!!

"Bienvenidos A Su Casa."
Tio's Tacos #1 Mariscos y Centro de Frutas Naturales (est. 1990) - Riverside, CA

Like a modern master filled with the spirit of Grandma Prisbey, Sam Rodia, and Art "Der Tinkerpaw" Beal, Martin Sanchez began Tio's Tacos as an expression of his culture, his history, and his faith.  Proving that wacky tacky isn't relegated to history or high finance, Sanchez weathered an unsteady economy and the uncertainty of the food-service industry to build this mecca of wacky tacky, turning a sidewalk vendor's cart into a chockablock city block in less than twenty-five years.  Seemingly founded on the principles of family, food, and thrift, this Mexican-restaurant-cum-folk-art-installation transforms what most would describe as garbage (think tin cans, broken bicycles, car parts, empty bottles, used toys) into a fantasy land of mermaids, myth, and pop culture.  Here, enveloped by the embrace of highly-personal artistic expression, Mr. Tiny was feeling downright holy! 

The ever-evolving landscape of meandering gardens, oyster-shell footpaths, mosaics, and
statuary are highlighted by grand-scale figures - mermaids, acrobats, spacemen, and more.
We're guessing that Popeye's tin-can-lid bell-bottoms all came from canned spinach - recycling at its best! 

Many of the giant figures are cleverly built around the trunks of the property's many towering palm trees.

Lest you think that we are overstating the grandeur of Sanchez' work,
I've included Mary, who stands at six-feet tall, for scale.

The technique of binding castoffs with chicken wire
is as surprisingly-genius to me as it is to Betty Boop!

If there is one thing I appreciate far less than a spiritually-superior celebrity, it is a movie quoter.  Why did it take so long for Austin Powers' "Yeah, baby!!!" to go away?  Well, in a further admission of my own reluctant maturity, I have come to realize that this prejudice is an example of me disliking a quality in others that I exhibit all too often.  I frequently quote movies; it's just that the movies I tend to reference are generally greater than fifty years old (or at least movies set in a bygone era).  When walking the grounds of Tio's Tacos, only one thought came to mind, a quotation from A Christmas Story.  Like Mr. Parker faced with the major award of that infamous leg lamp, the only words I could utter when faced with the awe-inspiring wonder of this taqueria were, "It's, it's, it''s indescribably beautiful!"

But I guess my sense of spirituality wasn't too misplaced; Tio's sprawling grounds also include a chapel built of
bottles, mirrors, statuary, and assorted recycled material.  We were particularly fond of the picture mosaic dome.

Out of everything, my real obsessions were the bottle-glass walls that caught the light beautifully
both inside and out.  I really fell in love with these walls - call it a harlequin romance!!

Reminders of Sanchez' faith and his native state of Michoacan abounded.
I felt like heavenly signs were everywhere.

I guess it is at this point where I should say that there are also plenty of signs at Tio's Tacos of a far more secular nature - "Cuidado: Suelo Mojado," "Do not leave children unattended," "We will not be responsible for any damages or accidents that occur," "Photographs taken for commercial purposes are prohibited."  Just so readers and Tio's management are aware, as of publication of this post, wacky tacky and Mr. Tiny remain entirely unremunerated for any of our activities and adventures (although we wouldn't necessarily turn our noses up at an offer....).

We're just here for FUN!!!

And real fun can be found in some of Tio's more sophisticated offerings.

We spent so much time wheeling around the grounds on our pint-sized trikes that we almost - almost -  forgot to eat.  We made our way into the actual restaurant, past a three-dimensional, marine-life diorama and the jewel box of mouth-watering aguas frescas.

We left so little time to eat that we both ignored the house recommendations and just panic-ordered the taco salad at the counter.  We were given the obligatory chips and salsa, which incidentally is the best part of any Mexican restaurant meal, and were sent to get our aguas frecas.  I opted for guayaba (my favorite) and Mary spent an inordinate amount of time sampling juices and having a custom-blend concocted that included chia seeds (I warned her that the side effects of ingesting chia seeds include an unexpected green mohawk sprouting up at inopportune moments).

There are many dining areas from which to choose;
we chose to eat near the chapel.  A fiddle player
followed us to add a little musical accompaniment to
our lunch.  He and Mary make a handsome couple, no?

There is definitely nourishment for the body and soul at Tio's Tacos #1 Mariscos y Centro de Frutas Naturales.  It may seem a hackneyed phrase but one man's trash is certainly another man's, namely Martin Sanchez' treasure.  Tio's Tacos is his gift to the City of Riverside and to this wide world of wacky tacky lovers!

Tio's Tacos #1 Mariscos y Centro de Frutas Naturales
3948 Mission Ave
Riverside, CA


Mr. Tiny

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Little Church for Big Sinners!

Some of my very favorite wacky tacky entries are the drive-bys - the ones where a quick five minutes does the trick before you have to hit the trail again.  The truth is that roadside attractions are in necessity in breaking up the monotony of a lengthy road trip or even just a morning commute.  Sometimes, when you're on the road, you just need a small dose of wacky tacky to recharge your own wacky tacky battery; when that little bit of wacky tacky is teamed with a little bit of the spiritual, then all we can say is "Hallelujah!"

Like an celestial island in the middle of a bottomless sea of iniquity, stands The Little Tree Church in Tustin, CA.  Sitting serenely, if diminutively, in the parking lot of the Jamestown Village Shopping Center, The Little Tree Church has only been in existence since the 1960's, but its roots are planted far more deeply in the rich soil that is Orange County history (the full history of TLTC can be found here).  The tiny church was built as a tribute to the landowner's grandmother's childhood church and was originally built around an existing oak tree.  The tree has subsequently died and been removed, but fortunately, the church remains.

Having just been a guest at two very wonderful, yet extremely different, weddings, I must coin a new phrase, "To each his own."  I, however, having been blessed with an extraordinary imagination, can just imagine what a sweet and simple ceremony could be held within the walls of The Little Tree Church.  With a few friends who are presently engaged, we wanted to go inside and scout the location, but the door was locked.

"Sanctuary, sanctuary!!!"
  Seriously, the only time I have ever
been told that I look like someone famous is when a little
 kid told me that I looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

Side note: I picked this sweater up at some random men's
 fashion store at an outlet mall; I was on the fence about it, so
 I'll let you be the judge.  Does it give the impression of
(a) a vintage knit or (b) something Cliff Huxtable would
 wear on his day off?

From what we understand, The Little Tree Church has a maximum capacity of eight people - six congregants, preacher, and organist.  The inside of the chapel is available for viewing, but we arrived on a whim (after business hours) so we just had to envision the inside.  It's traditional New England styling led my thoughts directly to the chapel in Pollyanna.  IndeedHayley Mills is never far from my mind, but can't you just see self-righteous Aunt Polly telling Pollyanna not to stare at the orphans while Reverend Ford "sermonizes something fierce?" 

Reverend Ford's (Karl Malden) sermon from Pollyanna

If you're driving on the 5 freeway through Tustin and you need a wacky tacky fix, or just a moment of reflection, stop by and see The Little Tree Church.

The Little Tree Church
C St
Tustin, CA


Mr. Tiny